杨卉,2013年本科毕业于南开大学数学科学蜜桃直播 ,2018年博士毕业于蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播app ,2018-2023年在法国气候与环境科学研究所和德国马克斯普朗克生物地球化学研究所从事博士后研究。研究兴趣为陆地植被变化的碳水耦合特征及生态水文响应机制,主要基于多源地球观测大数据,通过统计分析、机器学习等方法挖掘数据特征,结合传统过程模型、深度学习与物理过程融合的混合模型开展研究。
2009.9 – 2013.7 南开大学,数学科学蜜桃直播 ,统计学,学士
2013.9 – 2018.7 北京大学,蜜桃直播 ,自然地理,博士
2018.12 – 2020.12 法国气候与环境变化实验室(LSCE),博士后
2020.12 – 2023.12 德国马克斯-普朗克生物地球化学研究所(MPI-BGC),博士后
2024.3 – 蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播app ,预聘制助理教授、研究员
Full publication list:
1. Yang H*, Siyuan Wang, Rackhun Son, Hoontaek Lee, Vitus Benson, Weijie Zhang, Yahai Zhang, Yuzhen Zhang, Jens Kattge, Gerhard Boenisch, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Zbigniew Karaszewski, Krzysztof Sterenczak, Álvaro Moreno-Martínez, Cristina Nabais, Philippe Birnbaum, Ghislain Vieilledent, Ulrich Weber, and Nuno Carvalhais*. Global pattern of tree wood density. Global Change Biol., 30(3), e17224, 2024.
2. Yang H*, Ciais P, Frappart F, Li X, Brandt M, Fensholt R, Lei F, Saatchi S, Besnard S, Deng Z, Bowring S, and Wigneron, JP. Global increase in biomass carbon stock dominated by growth of northern young forests over past decade. Nat. Geosci., 16, 886-892, 2023.
3. Yang H*, Munson SM, Huntingford C, Carvalhais N, Knapp AK, Li X, Peñuelas J, Zscheischler J, and Chen A*. The detection and attribution of extreme reductions in vegetation growth across the global land surface. Global Change Biol., 29, 2351-2362, 2023.
4. Yang H*, Ciais P, Wigneron JP, Chave J, Cartus O, Chen X, Fan L, Green JK, Huang Y, Joetzjer E, Kay H, Markowski D, Maignan F, Santoro M, Tao S, Liu L, and Yao Y. Climatic and biotic factors influencing regional declines and recovery of tropical forest biomass from the 2015/16 El Niño. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 119(26), e2101388119, 2022.
5. Yang H*, Ciais P, Chave J, Huang Y, Ballantyne AP, Yu K, Berzaghi F, and Wigneron JP. Coarse woody debris are buffering mortality induced carbon losses to the atmosphere in tropical forests. Environ. Res. Lett., 16, 011006, 2021.
6. Yang H*, Ciais P, Wang Y, Huang Y, Wigneron JP, Bastos A, Chave J, Chang J, Doughty CE, Fan L, Goll D, Joetzjer E, Li W, Lucas R, Quegan S, Le Toan T, and Yu K. Variations of carbon allocation and turnover time across tropical forests. Global Ecol. Biogeogr. 30(6), 1271-1285, 2021.
7. Yang H, Xu H, Huntingford C, Ciais P, and Piao S*. Direct and indirect influences of climate change on water yield within the Budyko framework. Geogr. Sustain., 2(4), 281-287, 2021.
8. Cui J, Yang H*, Huntingford C, Kooperman GJ, Lian X, He M, and Piao S*. Vegetation response to rising CO2 amplifies contrasts in water resources between global wet and dry land areas. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48(14), e2021GL094293, 2021.
9. Yang H*, Ciais P, Santoro M, Huang Y, Li W, Wang Y, Bastos A, Goll D, Arneth A, Anthoni P, Arora VK, Friedlingstein P, Harverd V, Joetzjer E, Kautz M, Lienert S, Nabel EJ, O’Sullivan M, Sitch S, Vuichard N, Wiltshire A, and Zhu D. Comparison of forest above-ground biomass from dynamic global vegetation models with spatially explicit remotely sensed observation-based estimates. Global Change Biol., 26(7), 3997-4012, 2020.
10. Yang H*, Huntingford C, Wiltshire A, Sitch S, Mercado L. Compensatory climate effects link trends in global runoff to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. Environ. Res. Lett., 14(12), 124075, 2019.
11. Yang H, Piao S*, Huntingford C, Peng S, Ciais P, Chen A, Zhou G, Wang X, Gao M, and Zscheischler J. Strong but intermittent spatial covariations in tropical land temperature. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(1), 356-364, 2019.
12. Yang H, Piao S*, Huntingford C, Ciais P, Li Y, Wang T, Peng S, Yang Y, Yang D, and Chang J. Changing the retention properties of catchments and their influence on runoff under climate change. Environ. Res. Lett., 13(9), 094019, 2018.
13. Yang H*, and Huntingford C. Brief Communication: Drought Likelihood for East Africa. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18(2), 491-297, 2018.
14. Yang H, Zhou F, Piao S*, Huang M, Chen A, Ciais P, Li Y, Lian X, Peng S, and Zeng Z. Regional patterns of future runoff changes from Earth system models constrained by observation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 44(11), 5540-5549, 2017.
15. Yang H, Piao S*, Zeng Z, Ciais P, Yin Y, Friedlingstein P, Sitch S, Ahlström A, Guimberteau M, Huntingford C, Levis S, Levy PE, Huang M, Li Y, Li X, Lomas MR, Peylin P, Poulter B, Viovy N, Zaehle S, Zeng N, Zhao F, Wang L. Multicriteria evaluation of discharge simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. J. Geophys. Res.: Atmos., 120(15), 7488-7505, 2015.