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序号 教师姓名 文章题目 文献来源
1 曹广忠 The Heterogeneous Effects of Multilevel Location on Farmland Abandonment: A Village-Level Case Study in Tai'an City, China LAND
2 曹广忠 Does local planning of fast-growing medium-sized towns lead to higher urban intensity or to sprawl? Cases from Zhejiang Province CITIES
3 曹广忠 Stay or leave: How migrants respond to dispersal policies in Beijing POPULATION SPACE AND PLACE
4 曹广忠 Urban functional transformation in (de)industrializing China: The heterogeneous roles of state and market GROWTH AND CHANGE
5 陈效逑 Effects of temperature and precipitation on litterfall phenology in four evergreen broad-leaved forests of southern China BIOTROPICA
6 陈彦光 Normalizing and classifying shape indexes of cities by ideas from fractals CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS
7 陈彦光 Defining urban boundaries by characteristic scales COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS
8 程和发 Synergy of nitrogen vacancies and intercalation of carbon species for enhancing sunlight photocatalytic hydrogen production of carbon nitride APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL
9 程和发 Enhanced immobilization of cadmium and lead adsorbed on crop straw biochars by simulated aging processes ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
10 程和发 Autocatalytic effect of in situ formed (hydro)quinone intermediates in Fenton and photo-Fenton degradation of non-phenolic aromatic pollutants and chemical kinetic modeling CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
11 程和发 Microplastic pollution in Bangladesh: Research and management needs ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
12 程和发 Determining the appropriate level of farmyard manure biochar application in saline soils for three selected farm tree species PLOS ONE
13 程和发 Opportunity and Challenges in Large-scale Geothermal Energy Exploitation in China. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
14 程和发 Facet-Dependent Photocatalytic H2O2 Production of Single Phase Ag3PO4 and Z-scheme Ag/ZnFe2O4-Ag-Ag3PO4 Composites Chemical Engineering Journal
15 程和发 Effects of Environmental Factors on the Distribution of Microbial Communities across Soils and Lake Sediments in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve of Tibetan Plateau Science of the Total Environment
16 程和发 Evaluation of Heavy Metals Phytoremediation Potential of Six Tree Species of Faisalabad City of Pakistan during Summer and Winter Season Journal of Environmental Management
17 程和发 State-of-the-art OMICS Strategies Against Toxic Effects of Heavy Metals in Plants: A Review Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
18 程和发 A Review of the Influence of Nanoparticles on the Physiological and Biochemical Attributes of Plants with a Focus on the Absorption and Translocation of Toxic Trace Elements Environmental Pollution
19 程和发 Transformation of Chlorobenzenes to Chlorophenols by Mn(III) Generated in Permanganate/bisulfite Process via an Electrophilic Substitution Mechanism Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
20 程和发 Development and Validation of a Solid Phase Extraction-UPLC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of Fifty-nine Antimicrobials in Commercial Organic Fertilizers and Amended Soils Microchemical Journal
21 程和发 Efficient Degradation of Carbendazim by Ferrate(VI) Oxidation under Near-Neutral Conditions Sustainability
22 戴林琳 Users' views on cultural ecosystem services of urban parks: An importance-performance analysis of a case in Beijing, China ANTHROPOCENE
23 戴林琳 Land Use Change in the Cross-Boundary Regions of a Metropolitan Area: A Case Study of Tongzhou-Wuqing-Langfang LAND
24 戴林琳 Importance–performance analysis and improvement of an urban park’s cultural ecosystem services based on users’ perspectives JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING
25 方精云 Yield and quality properties of silage maize and their influencing factors in China SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES
26 方精云 Terrestrial carbon sinks in China and around the world and their contribution to carbon neutrality SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES
27 方精云 The structural characteristics and climatic and human impacts of deciduous oak forests in China JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
28 方精云 Updated estimation of forest biomass carbon pools in China, 1977-2018 BIOGEOSCIENCES
29 方精云 Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) invasion increases forest soil pH in subtropical China CATENA
30 方精云 Long-term phosphorus addition inhibits phosphorus transformations involved in soil arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and acid phosphatase in two tropical rainforests GEODERMA
31 方精云 Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions SCIENCE
32 方精云 Yield and quality properties of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and their influencing factors in China European Journal of Agronomy
33 方精云 Decadal Lake Volume Changes (2003-2020) and Driving Forces at a Global Scale Remote Sensing
34 方精云 Effects of afforestation on soil microbial diversity and enzyme activity: A meta-analysis. Geoderma
35 方精云 Above- and belowground net-primary productivity: A field-based global database of grasslands Ecology
36 方精云 High-level nitrogen additions accelerate soil respiration reduction over time in a boreal forest Ecology Letters
37 方精云 Shifts in understory plant composition induced by nitrogen addition predict soil fungal beta diversity in a boreal forest. Biology and Fertility of Soils
38 方精云 Increased precipitation attenuates shrub encroachment by facilitating herbaceous growth in a Mongolian grassland Functional Ecology
39 冯长春 Peer Effects in Housing Size in Rural China LAND
40 冯长春 Research on the Measurement Method of Benchmark Price of Rental Housing LAND
41 冯长春 Land Use Change and Its Driving Factors in the Rural-Urban Fringe of Beijing: A Production-Living-Ecological Perspective LAND
42 贺灿飞 Environmental economic geography: Recent advances and innovative development GEOGRAPHY AND SUSTAINABILITY
43 贺灿飞 What can evolutionary economic geography learn from global value chain and global production network research on developing and emerging economies? AREA DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY
44 贺灿飞 Evolution of regional export growth in China Professional Geographer
45 贺金生 Leaf N:P stoichiometry overrides the effect of individual nutrient content on insect herbivore population dynamics in a Tibetan alpine grassland AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT
46 胡建英 Nine alkyl organophosphate triesters newly identified in house dust ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
47 胡建英 Behaviors and trophodynamics of o,p '-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o,p '-DDT) in the aquatic food web: Comparison with p,p '-DDT SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
48 胡建英 Discovery of contaminants with antagonistic activity against retinoic acid receptor in house dust JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
49 胡建英 Tricresyl phosphate inhibits fertilization in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes): Emphasizing metabolic toxicity ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
50 胡建英 Endocrine disrupting toxicity of aryl organophosphate esters and mode of action CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
51 胡建英 Screening of Organophosphate Flame Retardants with Placentation-Disrupting Effects in Human Trophoblast Organoid Model and Characterization of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in Mice ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES
52 胡建英 Exposure assessment of aryl-organophosphate esters based on specific urinary biomarkers and their associations with reproductive hormone homeostasis disruption in women of childbearing age ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
53 胡燮 Machine-Learning Estimation of Snow Depth in 2021 Texas Statewide Winter Storm Using SAR Imagery GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
54 华方圆 The biodiversity and ecosystem service contributions and trade-offs of forest restoration approaches SCIENCE
55 吉成均 Variation and determinants of leaf anatomical traits from boreal to tropical forests in eastern China ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
56 吉成均 Foliar phosphorus allocation and photosynthesis reveal plants' adaptative strategies to phosphorus limitation in tropical forests at different successional stages Science of the Total Environment
57 李本纲 Impact of the initial hydrophilic ratio on black carbon aerosols in the Arctic SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
58 李本纲 Enhanced Fe-bound phosphate availability by the combined use of Mg-modified biochar and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
59 李本纲 Climate Warming Mitigation from Nationally Determined Contributions ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
60 李双成 Reconstructing deforestation patterns in China from 2000 to 2019 ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
61 李双成 Prediction of Urban Thermal Environment Based on Multi-Dimensional Nature and Urban Form Factors ATMOSPHERE
62 李双成 Dominant Factors in the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Precipitation Change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration REMOTE SENSING
63 李双成 Exploring complex water stress-gross primary production relationships: Impact of climatic drivers, main effects, and interactive effects GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
64 李双成 Potential contributions of wind and solar power to China's carbon neutrality RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING
65 李双成 A Method of Evaluating Safe Operating Space: Focus on Geographic Regions, Income Levels and Developing Pathway ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
66 李双成 Non-linear effects of natural and anthropogenic drivers on ecosystem services: Integrating thresholds into conservation planning JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
67 李喜青 Occurrence and Transformation of Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine and Methcathinone in Wastewater in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
68 李喜青 Estimating antibiotics use in major cities in China through wastewater-based epidemiology SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
69 李喜青 Analysis of synthetic cannabinoids in wastewater of major cities in China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
70 李宜垠 Influence of environmental factors on spatial and temporal variability of allergenic Artemisia pollen in Beijing, China AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
71 林坚 Response of Land Use and Net Primary Productivity to Coal Mining: A Case Study of Huainan City and Its Mining Areas LAND
72 林坚 Walking Environment and Obesity: A Gender-Specific Association Study in Shanghai INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
73 林坚 Is the green inequality overestimated? Quality reevaluation of green space accessibility CITIES
74 刘耕年 Timing and climatic-driven mechanisms of glacier advances in Bhutanese Himalaya during the Little Ice Age CRYOSPHERE
75 刘耕年 Importance of the seasonal temperature and precipitation variation on glacial evolutions during the LGM at monsoonal Himalaya based on Cogarbu valley PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY
76 刘鸿雁 Deep learning projects future warming-induced vegetation growth changes under SSP scenarios ADVANCES IN CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCH
77 刘鸿雁 Climate and soil change nutrient element allocation of Siberian larch in the Mongolian semiarid forest AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
78 刘鸿雁 Climate sustained the evolution of a stable postglacial woody cover over the Tibetan Plateau GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE
79 刘鸿雁 Contributions of climate, vegetation and soil to the alpine sediment carbon accumulation rate in central China since the Middle Holocene BOREAS
80 刘鸿雁 Decoupled Asian monsoon intensity and precipitation during glacial-interglacial transitions on the Chinese Loess Plateau NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
81 刘鸿雁 Tree-to-Shrub Shift Benefits the Survival of Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. at the Xeric Timberline FORESTS
82 刘鸿雁 Mixed forest suffered less drought stress than pure forest in southern Siberia AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
83 刘鸿雁 The 1820s Marks a Shift to Hotter-Drier Summers in Western Europe Since 1360 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
84 刘鸿雁 Nature-based framework for sustainable afforestation in global drylands under changing climate GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
85 刘鸿雁 Tree growth is connected with distribution and warming-induced degradation of permafrost in southern Siberia GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
86 刘鸿雁 Increased drought frequency causes the extra-compensation of climate wetness on tree growth to fade across inner Asia AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
87 刘鸿雁 Soil coarsening alleviates precipitation constraint on vegetation growth in global drylands ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
88 刘鸿雁 Relative tree cover does not indicate a lagged Holocene forest response to monsoon rainfall NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
89 刘鸿雁 Ontogenetic trait variability and nitrogen stoichiometric homeostasis explained high stability of Artemisia frigida-dominated grassland Ecological Indicators
90 刘鸿雁 Carbon Allocation of Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. Across Different Life Stages Differed by Tree and Shrub Growth Forms at the Driest Site of Its Distribution forests
91 刘鸿雁 Coarsened soil reduces drought resistance of fibrous-rooted species on degraded steppe Ecological Indicators
92 刘鸿雁 The LGM refugia of deciduous oak and distribution development since the LGM in China SCIENCE CHINA-Earth Sciences
93 刘峻峰 Evaluation of the Street Canyon Level Air Pollution Distribution Pattern in a Typical City Block in Baoding, China INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
94 刘峻峰 The impact of China's high-speed rail investment on regional economy and air pollution emissions Journal of Environmental Sciences
95 刘峻峰 The volume of trade-induced cross-border freight transportation has doubled and led to 1.14 gigatons CO2 emissions in 2015 One Earth
96 刘峻峰 Improvement and Uncertainties of Global Simulation of Sulfate Concentration and Radiative Forcing in CESM2 Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres
97 刘涛 Stability and change in China's geography of intercity migration: A network analysis POPULATION SPACE AND PLACE
98 刘涛 Unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health: Role of the neighborhood environment SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
99 刘涛 Population Dynamics in China's Urbanizing Megaregion: A Township-Level Analysis of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region LAND
100 刘涛 Rural Industrial Geography in Urbanizing China: A Multiscalar Analysis of a Case Study in Xintai, Northern China LAND
101 刘涛 Neighboring Effects on Ecological Functions: A New Approach and Application in Urbanizing China LAND
102 刘涛 Home-made blues: Residential crowding and mental health in Beijing, China URBAN STUDIES
103 刘涛 Urban functional transformation in (de)industrializing China: The heterogeneous roles of state and market GROWTH AND CHANGE
104 刘涛 The 'intention to stay' of the floating migrant population: A spatiotemporal meta-analysis in Chinese cities POPULATION SPACE AND PLACE
105 刘涛 The roads one must walk down: Commute and depression for Beijing?s residents TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT
106 刘涛 City size and employment dynamics in China: Evidence from recruitment website data Journal of Geographical Sciences
107 刘涛 Urban sprawl and fiscal stress: Evidence from urbanizing China Cities
108 刘涛 Stay or leave: How migrants respond to dispersal policies in Beijing POPULATION SPACE AND PLACE
109 刘涛 Assessing the carbon reduction potential of municipal solid waste management transition: Effects of incineration, technology and sorting in Chinese cities Resources Conservation and Recycling
110 刘涛 People and Places in the 2020 Census: New Geographies of Population Growth in China? Professional Geographer
111 刘文新 Assessing spatiotemporal sources of biogenic and anthropogenic sedimentary organic matter from the mainstream Haihe River, China: Using n-alkanes as indicators SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
112 刘文新 Spatial distribution and risk assessment of 11 organophosphate flame retardants in soils from different regions of agricultural farmlands in mainland China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
113 刘文新 Modeling multimedia fate and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the coastal regions of the Bohai and Yellow Seas SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
114 刘文新 Quantified Effects of Multiple Parameters on Inputs and Potential Sources of Microplastics from a Typical River Flowing into the Sea ACS ES&T WATER
115 陆雅海 Coupling methanogenesis with iron reduction by acetotrophic Methanosarcina mazei zm-15 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS
116 马建民 Assessing Safety of Market-Sold Fresh Fish: Tracking Fish Origins and Toxic Chemical Origins ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
117 马建民 Drivers of Global Methane Emissions Embodied in International Beef Trade ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
118 马建民 Tropospheric Ozone Perturbations Induced by Urban Land Expansion in China from 1980 to 2017 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
119 马建民 Mesoscale cycling of organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs) in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea biotic and abiotic environment: A WRF-CMAQ modeling ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
120 马建民 The Response of Radiative Forcing to High Spatiotemporally Resolved Land-Use Change and Transition From 1982 to 2010 in China GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
121 马建民 Effects of African BaP emission from wildfire biomass burning on regional and global environment and human health ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
122 马亮 The impact of perceived racism on walking behavior during the COVID-19 lockdown TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT
123 马亮 Unequal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health: Role of the neighborhood environment SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
124 马亮 Utilitarian Bicycling and Mental Wellbeing: Role of the Built Environment Journal of the American Planning Association
125 马亮 New insights in travel satisfaction research TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT
126 蒙吉军 Spatial-temporal trade-offs of land multi-functionality and function zoning at finer township scale in the middle reaches of the Heihe River LAND USE POLICY
127 蒙吉军 Quantifying trade-offs of land multifunctionality evaluated by set pair analysis in ecologically vulnerable areas of northwestern China LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
128 彭建 Environmental economic geography: Recent advances and innovative development GEOGRAPHY AND SUSTAINABILITY
129 彭建 Non-linear effects of meteorological variables on cooling efficiency of African urban trees ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
130 彭建 A wavelet coherence approach to detecting ecosystem services trade-off response to land use change JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
131 彭建 Zoning for ecosystem restoration based on ecological network in mountainous region ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
132 彭建 Distinguishing ecological outcomes of pathways in the Grain for Green Program in the subtropical areas of China ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
133 彭建 Elevation dependency of ecosystem services supply efficiency in great lake watershed JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
134 彭建 Distinguishing the impacts of land use change in intensity and type on ecosystem services trade-offs JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
135 彭建 A landscape connectivity approach to mitigating the urban heat island effect LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
136 彭建 Farm households? willingness to participate in China?s Grain-for-Green Program under different compensation scenarios ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
137 彭建 How far are we from possible ideal virtual water transfer? Evidence from assessing vulnerability of global virtual water trade SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
138 彭建 Urban green space and cooling services: Opposing changes of integrated accessibility and social equity along with urbanization SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
139 彭建 Spatial correlation between the changes of ecosystem service supply and demand: An ecological zoning approach LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING
140 彭建 Ecosystem services-based decision-making: A bridge from science to practice ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY
141 彭建 Responses of spatial relationships between ecosystem services and the Sustainable Development Goals to urbanization Science of the Total Environment
142 彭建 Divergent dynamics between grassland greenness and gross primary productivity across China Ecological Indicators
143 彭建 Exploring social-ecological impacts on trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services Ecological Economics
144 彭建 Sustainable landscape pattern: A landscape approach to serving spatial planning. Landscape Ecology
145 彭建 Changing coordination between urban area with high temperature and multiple landscapes in Wuhan City Sustainable Cities and Society
146 彭建 How can massive ecological restoration programs interplay with social-ecological systems? A review of research in the South China karst region Science of the Total Environment
147 彭书时 Wetland emission and atmospheric sink changes explain methane growth in 2020 NATURE
148 彭书时 Retention of deposited ammonium and nitrate and its impact on the global forest carbon sink NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
149 彭书时 Biological Nitrogen Fixation and Nitrogen Accumulation in Peatlands FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
150 彭书时 Trade-off between tree planting and wetland conservation in China NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
151 彭书时 Earlier ice loss accelerates lake warming in the Northern Hemisphere NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
152 彭书时 Gridded maps of wetlands dynamics over mid-low latitudes for 1980-2020 based on TOPMODEL SCIENTIFIC DATA
153 朴世龙 Global Spectrum of Vegetation Light-Use Efficiency GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
154 朴世龙 Data-driven quantification of nitrogen enrichment impact on Northern Hemisphere plant biomass ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
155 朴世龙 Estimation of China's terrestrial ecosystem carbon sink: Methods, progress and prospects SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
156 朴世龙 Perspectives on the role of terrestrial ecosystems in the 'carbon neutrality' strategy SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
157 朴世龙 Rising ecosystem water demand exacerbates the lengthening of tropical dry seasons NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
158 朴世龙 Biophysical impacts of northern vegetation changes on seasonal warming patterns NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
159 朴世龙 Vegetation Physiological Response to Increasing Atmospheric CO2 Slows the Decreases in the Seasonal Amplitude of Temperature GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
160 朴世龙 Future reversal of warming-enhanced vegetation productivity in the Northern Hemisphere NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE
161 朴世龙 Amplified warming from physiological responses to carbon dioxide reduces the potential of vegetation for climate change mitigation COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT
162 朴世龙 Spatio-temporal changes in the speed of canopy development and senescence in temperate China GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
163 朴世龙 Regional and seasonal partitioning of water and temperature controls on global land carbon uptake variability NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
164 朴世龙 Global water availability boosted by vegetation-driven changes in atmospheric moisture transport Nature Geoscience
165 沈国锋 Real-World Emission Characteristics of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals in PM2.5 from Residential Solid Fuel Combustion ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
166 沈国锋 Attributed radiative forcing of air pollutants from biomass and fossil burning emissions ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
167 沈国锋 Impacts of Household Coal Combustion on Indoor Ultrafine Particles-A Preliminary Case Study and Implication on Exposure Reduction INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
168 沈国锋 Global brown carbon emissions from combustion sources ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ECOTECHNOLOGY
169 沈国锋 Variabilities in Primary N-Containing Aromatic Compound Emissions from Residential Solid Fuel Combustion and Implications for Source Tracers ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
170 沈国锋 Linking the Fasting Blood Glucose Level to Short-Term-Exposed Particulate Constituents and Pollution Sources: Results from a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
171 沈国锋 Substantial transition to clean household energy mix in rural China NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW
172 沈国锋 Reduced inequality in ambient and household PM2.5 exposure in China Environment International
173 沈泽昊 Modifying regeneration strategies classification to enhance the understanding of dominant species growth in fire-prone forest in Southwest China FOREST ECOSYSTEMS
174 沈泽昊 Applying a Portable Backpack Lidar to Measure and Locate Trees in a Nature Forest Plot: Accuracy and Error Analyses REMOTE SENSING
175 沈泽昊 Impacts of the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean Warm Pools on Wildfires in Yunnan, Southwest China: Spatial Patterns With Interannual and Intraannual Variations GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
176 沈泽昊 Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of soil erosion in Yunnan, Southwest China: RULSE assessments for recent 30 years and future predictions based on CMIP6 Catena
177 沈泽昊 Comparing elevational patterns of taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity of woody plants reveal the asymmetry of community assembly mechanisms on a mountain in the Hengduan Mountains region. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
178 唐艳鸿 Contributions of species shade tolerance and individual light environment to photosynthetic induction in tropical tree seedlings TREE PHYSIOLOGY
179 唐艳鸿 Reduction in leaf size at higher altitudes across 39 broad-leaved herbaceous species on the Northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Journal of Plant Ecology
180 唐志尧 Spatial-temporal dependence of the neighborhood interaction in regulating tree growth in a tropical rainforest FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT
181 唐志尧 Evolutionary history and climate conditions constrain the flower colours of woody plants in China JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
182 唐志尧 Environment shapes tree community traits in China's forests JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE
183 唐志尧 A Planted Forest Mapping Method Based on Long-Term Change Trend Features Derived from Dense Landsat Time Series in an Ecological Restoration Region REMOTE SENSING
184 唐志尧 Estimating Community-Level Plant Functional Traits in a Species-Rich Alpine Meadow Using UAV Image Spectroscopy REMOTE SENSING
185 唐志尧 Depth-Dependent Controls Over Soil Organic Carbon Stock across Chinese Shrublands ECOSYSTEMS
186 陶胜利 Decadal Lake Volume Changes (2003-2020) and Driving Forces at a Global Scale REMOTE SENSING
187 陶澍 Socioeconomic and Demographic Associations with Wintertime Air Pollution Exposures at Household, Community, and District Scales in Rural Beijing, China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
188 陶澍 Field measurements of indoor and community air quality in rural Beijing before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown INDOOR AIR
189 陶澍 Characterization of the vertical variation in indoor PM2.5 in an urban apartment in China ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
190 陶澍 High PM(2.5 )Emission from Typical Old, Small Fishing Vessels in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
191 陶澍 Vertically-resolved indoor measurements of air pollution during Chinese cooking ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ECOTECHNOLOGY
192 陶澍 Substantial transition to clean household energy mix in rural China NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW
193 陶澍 Three-Dimensional Dynamic Monitoring of Indoor PM2.5 with 3D I-Lidar ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
194 陶澍 Source contributions and drivers of physiological and psychophysical cobenefits from major air pollution control actions in North China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
195 陶澍 On-site measured emission factors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for different types of marine vessels ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
196 陶澍 Mitigation of air pollutant impacts on rice yields in China by sector ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
197 童昕 Saving global platinum demand while achieving carbon neutrality in the passenger transport sector: linking material flow analysis with integrated assessment model RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING
198 万祎 Enzyme-Mediated Reactions of Phenolic Pollutants and Endogenous Metabolites as an Overlooked Metabolic Disruption Pathway ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
199 万祎 Tetraphenylphosphonium Chloride-Enhanced Ionization Coupled to Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for Sensitive and Non-targeted Screening of Polyhalogenated Alkyl Compounds from Limited Serum ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
200 王红亚 Discrimination of soil magnetism enhanced by land use and its implications for inferring alternations in sediment sources and soil erosion in a homogeneous watershed: An example from the Guizhou Plateau, SW China CATENA
201 王少鹏 Nutrients and herbivores impact grassland stability across spatial scales through different pathways GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
202 王少鹏 Dispersal Increases Spatial Synchrony of Populations but Has Weak Effects on Population Variability: A Meta-analysis AMERICAN NATURALIST
203 王少鹏 High dimensionality of stoichiometric niches in soil fauna ECOLOGY
204 王少鹏 Consistent stabilizing effects of plant diversity across spatial scales and climatic gradients NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION
205 王少鹏 Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions SCIENCE
206 王少鹏 Composition of 'fast-slow' traits drives avian community stability over North America Functional Ecology
207 王少鹏 Biodiversity promotes ecosystem functioning across taxonomic groups in a changing world Ecology Letters
208 王少鹏 Multispecies coexistence in fragmented landscapes PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
209 王娓 Enhanced suppression of saprotrophs by ectomycorrhizal fungi under high level of nitrogen fertilization FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
210 王娓 No thermal adaptation in soil extracellular enzymes across a temperate grassland region SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
211 王娓 Nitrogen deficiency in soil mediates multifunctionality responses to global climatic drivers Science of The Total Environment
212 王娓 Critical transition of multifunctional stability induced by nitrogen enrichment in grasslands differing in degradation severity Science of The Total Environment
213 王娓 Soil bacterial community mediates temporal stability of plant community productivity in degraded grasslands Applied Soil Ecology
214 王喜龙 Carbon dots can strongly promote photosynthesis in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO
215 王喜龙 Carbon dots improve the nutritional quality of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) by promoting photosynthesis and nutrient uptake ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO
216 王旭辉 The size of the land carbon sink in China NATURE
217 王学军 Transport of mercury in a regulated high-sediment river and its input to marginal seas WATER RESEARCH
218 王学军 Rapid Increase in China's Industrial Ammonia Emissions: Evidence from Unit-Based Mapping ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
219 王学军 First observation of mercury species on an important water vapor channel in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
220 王学军 Substantial accumulation of mercury in the deepest parts of the ocean and implications for the environmental mercury cycle Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
221 王学军 Do electricity flows hamper regional economic-environmental equity? APPLIED ENERGY
222 王愔 Transgenerational effects of elevated CO2 on rice photosynthesis and grain yield PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
223 王愔 Sulfur Compounds in Regulation of Stomatal Movement FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
224 王愔 Promotion and Upregulation of a Plasma Membrane Proton-ATPase Strategy: Principles and Applications Frontiers in Plant Science
225 王长松 Exploring the cultural heritage space adaptability of the Beijing–Hangzhou Grand Canal based on point of interest data Landscape Research
226 王志恒 Relationships Between Soil Microbial Diversities Across an Aridity Gradient in Temperate Grasslands Soil Microbial Diversity Relationships MICROBIAL ECOLOGY
227 王志恒
Science of The Total Environment
228 王志恒
Journal of Plant Ecology
229 吴必虎 In what context do scholars differentiate recreation and tourism in park studies? JOURNAL OF OUTDOOR RECREATION AND TOURISM-RESEARCH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
230 吴建生 Modelling regional ecological security pattern and restoration priorities after long-term intensive open-pit coal mining SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
231 吴健生 Association of population migration with air quality: Role of city attributes in China during COVID-19 pandemic (2019-2021) ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH
232 吴健生 Heterogeneous Urban Thermal Contribution of Functional Construction Land Zones: A Case Study in Shenzhen, China REMOTE SENSING
233 吴健生 Decoupling Relationship between Urbanization and Carbon Sequestration in the Pearl River Delta from 2000 to 2020 REMOTE SENSING
234 吴健生 Spatial Heterogeneity and Attribution Analysis of Urban Thermal Comfort in China from 2000 to 2020 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
235 吴健生 Study on Air Quality and Its Annual Fluctuation in China Based on Cluster Analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
236 吴林蔚 Reduction of microbial diversity in grassland soil is driven by long-term climate warming NATURE MICROBIOLOGY
237 吴龙峰 Green space progress or paradox: identifying green space associated gentrification in Beijing LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING
238 吴龙峰 Socioeconomic groups and their green spaces availability in urban areas of China: A distributional justice perspective ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY
239 吴龙峰 Predicting the effect of street environment on residents' mood states in large urban areas using machine learning and street view images SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
240 徐福留 How reliable is chlorophyll-a as algae proxy in lake environments? New insights from the perspective of n-alkanes SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
241 徐福留 Can biogenic n-heptadecane be utilized to represent algae cell density dynamics in water environment? Evidences from field investigation and laboratory validation. WATER RESEARCH
242 徐福留 Toxicity of perfluooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS) to Scenedesmus obliquus: Photosynthetic characteristics, oxidative damage and transcriptome analysis. Environmental Pollution
243 徐福留 Distribution and Relationships of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils and Plants near Major Lakes in Eastern China Toxics
244 姚蒙 Fishing for fish environmental DNA: Ecological applications, methodological considerations, surveying designs, and ways forward MOLECULAR ECOLOGY
245 张家富 Radiocarbon and luminescence dating of the Wulanmulun site in Ordos, and its implication for the chronology of Paleolithic sites in China QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY
246 张家富 Optical Dating of Quartz Grains From the Minjiang Fluvial Terraces in the Sonpan Area on the Eastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE
247 张家富 Chronology of the Paleolithic site of Xibaimaying in the Nihewan Basin, North China, inferred from optical dating of fine-grained quartz QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY
248 张尧 Increasing sensitivity of dryland vegetation greenness to precipitation due to rising atmospheric CO2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
249 张尧 Contrasting temperature effects on the velocity of early- versus late-stage vegetation green-up in the Northern Hemisphere GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
250 张照斌 Antiestrogenic property of 9,9-bis[4-(2-hydroxyethoxy)phenyl]fluorene (BPEF) and its effects on female development in CD-1 mice. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY
251 张照斌 4,4′-(9-Fluorenylidene)dianiline (BAFL) is antiestrogenic and has adverse effects on female development in CD-1 mice ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY
252 赵鹏军 Public transit travel choice in the post COVID-19 pandemic era: An application of the extended Theory of Planned behavior TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY
253 赵鹏军 The impact of new metro on travel behavior: Panel analysis using mobile phone data TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE
254 赵鹏军 Examining commuting disparities across different types of new towns and different income groups: Evidence from Beijing, China HABITAT INTERNATIONAL
255 赵鹏军 The Public Bicycle as a Feeder Mode for Metro Commuters in the Megacity Beijing: Travel Behavior, Route Environment, and Socioeconomic Factors JOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT
256 赵鹏军 Perceived accessibility and mental health consequences of COVID-19 containment policies JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT & HEALTH
257 赵淑清 The imprint of urbanization on PM2.5 concentrations in China: The urban-rural gradient study SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
258 赵淑清 Discover the desirable landscape structure for mitigating urban heat: The urban-rural gradient approach for an ancient Chinese city CITIES
259 赵淑清 A global analysis of urbanization effects on amphibian richness: Patterns and drivers GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS
260 赵淑清 A building height dataset across China in 2017 estimated by the spatially-informed approach SCIENTIFIC DATA
261 赵淑清 Urban vertical profiles of three most urbanized Chinese cities and the spatial coupling with horizontal urban expansion LAND USE POLICY
262 赵昕奕 Changes of precipitation pattern in China: 1961-2010 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
263 周丰 Local and non-local drivers of consumption-based water use in China during 2007-2015: Perspective of metacoupling JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
264 周丰 Global benefits of non-continuous flooding to reduce greenhouse gases and irrigation water use without rice yield penalty GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
265 周丰 Deceleration of Cropland-N2O Emissions in China and Future Mitigation Potentials ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
266 朱彪 Responses of soil microbial carbon use efficiency to warming: Review and prospects SOIL ECOLOGY LETTERS
267 朱彪 The rhizosphere effect on soil gross nitrogen mineralization: A meta-analysis SOIL ECOLOGY LETTERS
268 朱彪 Influencing factors and partitioning methods of carbonate contribution to CO2 emissions from calcareous soils SOIL ECOLOGY LETTERS
269 朱彪 Seasonal changes in soil properties, microbial biomass and enzyme activities across the soil profile in two Tibetan alpine ecosystems Soil Ecology Letters
270 朱彪 Resistant soil organic carbon is more vulnerable to priming by root exudate fractions than relatively active soil organic carbon PLANT AND SOIL
271 朱彪 Resistant soil carbon is more vulnerable to priming effect than active soil carbon SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
272 朱彪 Drying-rewetting rather than sieving stimulates soil respiration PEDOSPHERE
273 朱彪 Long-term bare fallow soil reveals the temperature sensitivity of priming effect of the relatively stabilized soil organic matter PLANT AND SOIL
274 朱彪 Changes in plant inputs alter soil carbon and microbial communities in forest ecosystems GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
275 朱彪 Changes in soil total, microbial and enzymatic C-N-P contents and stoichiometry with depth and latitude in forest ecosystems SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
276 朱彪 A distinct sensitivity to the priming effect between labile and stable soil organic carbon NEW PHYTOLOGIST
277 朱彪 Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment on soil N2O emission from natural ecosystems: A global meta-analysis ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
278 朱彪 Trade-offs among fine-root phosphorus-acquisition strategies of 15 tropical woody species FOREST ECOSYSTEMS
279 朱彪 Climate warming in an alpine meadow: differential responses of soil faunal vs. microbial effects on litter decomposition BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS
280 朱彪 Loss of soil microbial residue carbon by converting a tropical forest to tea plantation SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
281 朱彪 Rethinking discrepancies between difference and (15) N methods for estimating fertilizer nitrogen recovery BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS
282 朱彪 Responses of root and soil phosphatase activities to nutrient additions differ between primary and secondary tropical montane forests Rhizosphere
283 朱彪 Warming has a minor effect on surface soil organic carbon in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Global Change Biology
284 朱彪 Root phosphatase activity aligns with the collaboration gradient of the root economics space New Phytologist
285 朱彪 Differential responses of soil faunal vs. microbial decomposition of plant litter to warming Biology and Fertility of Soils
286 朱彪 Exclusion of plant input affects the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition. Ecological Indicators Ecological Indicators
287 朱彪 Plant and microbial regulations of soil carbon dynamics under warming in two alpine swamp meadow ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau Science of the Total Environment
288 朱彪 Plant inputs mediate the linkage between soil carbon and net nitrogen mineralization. Science of the Total Environment
289 朱彪 Whole-soil warming shifts species composition without affecting diversity, biomass and productivity of the plant community in an alpine meadow. Fundamental Research
290 朱彪 Changes in microbial biomass, community composition and diversity, and functioning with soil depth in two alpine ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Plant and Soil
291 朱晟君 What can evolutionary economic geography learn from global value chain and global production network research on developing and emerging economies? AREA DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY
292 朱丹 Regressions underestimate the direct effect of soil moisture on land carbon sink variability GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
293 朱丹 The size of the land carbon sink in China NATURE
294 朱东强 Mechanism for selective binding of aromatic compounds on oxygen-rich graphene nanosheets based on molecule size/polarity matching SCIENCE ADVANCES
295 朱东强 Comparing photoactivities of dissolved organic matter released from rice straw-pyrolized biochar and composted rice straw ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
296 朱江玲 Environmental heterogeneity regulates species-area relationships through the spatial distribution of species FOREST ECOSYSTEMS
297 朱江玲 Aboveground biomass and its biotic and abiotic modulators of a main food bamboo of the giant panda in a subalpine spruce-fir forest in southwestern China JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY