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教师 题目 期刊
1 Larjavaara Payments for adding ecosystem carbon are mostly beneficial to biodiversity ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2 曹广忠 Urban spillover or rural industrialisation: Which drives the growth of Beijing Metropolitan Area CITIES
3 曾辉 Contrasting effects of N addition on the N and P status of understory vegetation in plantations of sapling and mature Larix principis-rupprechtii JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
4 曾辉 Ectomycorrhizal fungi respiration quantification and drivers in three differently-aged larch plantations AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
5 柴彦威 Reside nearby, behave apart? Activity-space-based segregation among residents of various types of housing in Beijing, China CITIES
6 陈效逑 A new process-based model for predicting autumn phenology: How is leaf senescence controlled by photoperiod and temperature coupling? AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
7 陈效逑 Geographic and Climatic Attributions of Autumn Land Surface Phenology Spatial Patterns in the Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest of China REMOTE SENSING
8 陈效逑 Modelling leaf coloration dates over temperate China by considering effects of leafy season climate ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
9 陈彦光 Fractal dimensions derived from spatial allometric scaling of urban form CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS
10 陈彦光 Modeling growth curve of fractal dimension of urban form of Beijing PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS
11 陈彦光 Spatial Measures of Urban Systems: from Entropy to Fractal Dimension ENTROPY
12 陈彦光 The Solutions to the Uncertainty Problem of Urban Fractal Dimension Calculation ENTROPY
13 程和发 A method for rapid determination of arsenic species in vegetables using microwave-assisted extraction followed by detection with HPLC hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE
14 程和发 A simple treatment method for phenylarsenic compounds: Oxidation by ferrate (VI) and simultaneous removal of the arsenate released with in situ formed Fe(III) oxide-hydroxide ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
15 程和发 Abiotic processes controlling the fate of phenylarsenic compounds in soil and aquatic environment ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
16 程和发 Determination of methylmercury in rice using microwave-assisted extraction coupled with thermal decomposition amalgamation atomic absorption spectrometry (MAE-TDA-AAS) ANALYTICAL METHODS
17 程和发 Kinetics, mechanisms, and pathways of oxidative degradation of phenylarsonic compounds by birnessite (delta-MnO2) ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
18 程和发 Municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration fly ash as an important source of heavy metal pollution in China ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
19 程和发 Rapid kinetics and modeling of two-stage Fenton and solar-Fenton process ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
20 程和发 Releases of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) from microplastics in aqueous medium: Kinetics and molecular-size dependence of diffusion WATER RESEARCH
21 程和发 Permanganate Oxidation and Ferric Ion Precipitation (KMnO4-Fe(III)) Process for Treating Phenylarsenic Compounds CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
22 程和发 Influence of Chemical Speciation on Photochemical Transformation of Three Fluoroquinolones (FQs) in Water: Kinetics, Mechanism, and Toxicity of Photolysis Products WATER RESEARCH
23 程和发 Leaching of Heavy Metals from Abandoned Mine Tailings Brought by Precipitation and the Associated Environmental Impact. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
24 程和发 China’s Ban on Phenylarsonic Feed Additives, A Major Step towards Reducing the Human and Ecosystem Health Risk from Arsenic. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
25 方精云 Biomass Allocation in Response to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability: Insight From Experimental Manipulations of Arabidopsis thaliana FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
26 方精云 Ecological consequences of shrub encroachment in the grasslands of northern China LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY
27 方精云 Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on stoichiometry of six elements in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana ANNALS OF BOTANY
28 方精云 Family-level leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of global terrestrial plants SCIENCE CHINA-LIFE SCIENCES
29 方精云 Global soil-climate-biome diagram: linking surface soil properties to climate and biota BIOGEOSCIENCES
30 方精云 Morphological traits of submerged macrophytes reveal specific positive feedbacks to water clarity in freshwater ecosystems SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
31 方精云 Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China's terrestrial ecosystems PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
32 方精云 Soil organic carbon components in inner Mongolian shrub-encroached grasslands PLANT AND SOIL
33 冯长春 The impacts of economic restructuring and technology upgrade on air quality and human health in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in China FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING
34 付洪鹏 The social structure and physical form of the state-owned farm in North-East China 24TH ISUF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: CITY AND TERRITORY IN THE GLOBALIZATION AGE
35 高建国 Stem and leaf traits as co-determinants of canopy water flux PLANT DIVERSITY
36 葛世栋 Effects of tetracycline on growth, oxidative stress response, and metabolite pattern of ryegrass JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
38 贺灿飞 Change your identity and fit in: an empirical examination of ownership structure change, firm performance and local knowledge spillovers in China SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS
39 贺灿飞 Entrepreneurship in China SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS
40 贺灿飞 Geography of productivity: evidence from China's manufacturing industries ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE
41 贺灿飞 Good neighbors, bad neighbors: local knowledge spillovers, regional institutions and firm performance in China SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS
42 贺灿飞 High-speed Rail Network and Changing Industrial Dynamics in Chinese Regions INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW
43 贺灿飞 Local government intervention, firm-government connection, and industrial land expansion in China JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS
44 贺灿飞 Moving beyond Anglo-American economic geography: the significance of non-Anglo-American model INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN SCIENCES
45 贺灿飞 On evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
46 贺灿飞 Rejoinder to Professor Ho's team on the article entitled 'On evolutionary economic geography: a literature review using bibliometric analysis' EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
47 贺灿飞 Spatial and Sectoral Patterns of Firm Entry in China PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER
48 贺灿飞 Who leads regional industrial dynamics? "New industry creators" in Chinese regions GROWTH AND CHANGE
49 贺金生 Combining land preparation and vegetation restoration for optimal soil eco-hydrological services in the Loess Plateau, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
50 贺金生 Plant phenological sensitivity to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau and relative to other areas of the world ECOSPHERE
51 洪松柏 Environmental controls on soil pH in planted forest and its response to nitrogen deposition ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
52 胡建英 Age-dependent human elimination half-lives of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls derived from biomonitoring data in the general population CHEMOSPHERE
53 胡建英 Association of Aryl Organophosphate Flame Retardants Triphenyl Phosphate and 2-Ethylhexyl Diphenyl Phosphate with Human Blood Triglyceride and Total Cholesterol Levels ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
54 胡建英 Contribution of phthalates and phthalate monoesters from drinking water to daily intakes for the general population CHEMOSPHERE
55 胡建英 Determination of 3-Hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene Glucuronide/Sulfate Conjugates in Human Urine and Their Association with 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY
56 胡建英 Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Trophic Transfer of Oligomeric Organophosphorus Flame Retardants in an Aquatic Environment ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
57 胡建英 Relationship between perfluorooctanoate and perfluorooctane sulfonate blood concentrations in the general population and routine drinking water exposure ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
58 胡建英 Urinary biomarkers for assessment of human exposure to monomeric aryl phosphate flame retardants ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
61 黄甸 Characteristics and Trends of Ambient Ozone and Nitrogen Oxides at Urban, Suburban, and Rural Sites from 2011 to 2017 in Shenzhen, China SUSTAINABILITY
62 李双成 Broad Consistency Between Satellite and Vegetation Model Estimates of Net Primary Productivity Across Global and Regional Scales JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES
63 李双成 Changes in aridity and its driving factors in China during 1961-2016 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
64 李双成 Ecosystem service relationships: Formation and recommended approaches from a systematic review ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
65 李双成 Elevation-dependent decline in vegetation greening rate driven by increasing dryness based on three satellite NDVI datasets on the Tibetan Plateau ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
66 李双成 Examining component-based city health by implementing a fuzzy evaluation approach ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
67 李双成 Grain Self-Sufficiency Capacity in China's Metropolitan Areas under Rapid Urbanization: Trends and Regional Differences from 1990 to 2015 SUSTAINABILITY
68 李双成 Relationships between urban development level and urban vegetation states: A global perspective URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING
69 李双成 Trade-off analyses of multiple mountain ecosystem services along elevation, vegetation cover and precipitation gradients: A case study in the Taihang Mountains ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
70 李天骄 Familization of rural-urban migration in China: evidence from the 2011 and 2015 national floating population surveys AREA DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY
71 李喜青 Rapid duplexed detection of illicit drugs in wastewater using gold nanoparticle conjugated aptamer sensors SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
72 李喜青 Impacts of methamphetamine and ketamine on C.elegans’s physiological functions at environmentally relevant concentrations and eco-risk assessment in surface waters JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
73 刘耕年 Late Quaternary glaciations in the Cogarbu valley, Bhutanese Himalaya JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE
74 刘鸿雁 Analysis of Regional Differences and Influencing Factors on China's Carbon Emission Efficiency in 2005-2015 ENERGIES
75 刘鸿雁 China's road towards sustainable development: Geography bridges science and solution PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
76 刘鸿雁 Differentiated responses of nonstructural carbohydrate allocation to climatic dryness and drought events in the Inner Asian arid timberline AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
77 刘鸿雁 Differentiated roles of mean climate and climate stability on post-glacial birch distributions in northern China HOLOCENE
78 刘鸿雁 Ecological indicators of near-surface permafrost habitat at the southern margin of the boreal forest in China ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
79 刘鸿雁 Enhanced growth after extreme wetness compensates for post-drought carbon loss in dry forests NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
80 刘鸿雁 It is difficult for China's greening through large-scale afforestation to cross the Hu Line SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
81 刘鸿雁 Rock crevices determine woody and herbaceous plant cover in the karst critical zone SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
82 刘嘉颖 Dietary Exposure of Chinese Adults to Perfluoroalkyl Acids via Animal-Origin Foods: Chinese Total Diet Study (2005-2007 and 2011-2013) JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY
83 刘嘉颖 Comparison of Bisphenol A and Bisphenol S Percutaneous Absorption and Biotransformation ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES
84 刘峻峰 A combined Arctic-tropical climate pattern controlling the inter annual climate variability of wintertime PM2.5 over the North China Plain ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
85 刘峻峰 Improving the Imbalanced Global Supply Chain of Phosphorus Fertilizers EARTHS FUTURE
86 刘峻峰 Influence of cloud microphysical processes on black carbon wet removal, global distributions, and radiative forcing ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
87 刘峻峰 The cascade of global trade to large climate forcing over the Tibetan Plateau glaciers NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
88 刘峻峰 The contribution of the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region's iron and steel industry to local air pollution in winter ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
89 刘峻峰 The impact of environmental protection tax on sectoral and spatial distribution of air pollution emissions in China ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS
90 刘峻峰 The Slowdown in Global Air-Pollutant Emission Growth and Driving Factors ONE EARTH
91 刘涛 Delimiting urban growth boundaries using the CLUE-S model with village administrative boundaries LAND USE POLICY
92 刘涛 Glimpsing China's future urbanization from the geography of a floating population ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A-ECONOMY AND SPACE
93 刘涛 The River Chief System and River Pollution Control in China: A Case Study of Foshan WATER
94 刘涛 Bringing city size in understanding the permanent settlement intention of rural–urban migrants in China POPULATION, SPACE AND PLACE
95 刘文新 Characteristics and human inhalation exposure of ionic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in PM10 of cities around the Bohai Sea: Diurnal variation and effects of heating activity SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
96 刘文新 Distribution characteristics of and personal exposure with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and particulate matter in indoor and outdoor air of rural households in Northern China ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
97 刘文新 Effects of temperature on the emission of particulate matter, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers from the thermal treatment of printed wiring boards JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
98 刘文新 Emission behaviors of nitro- and oxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during pyrolytic disposal of electronic wastes CHEMOSPHERE
99 刘文新 Emission factors of particulate matter, CO and CO2 in the pyrolytic processing of typical electronic wastes JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA
100 刘文新 Occurrence, source, and risk assessment of atmospheric parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the coastal cities of the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
101 刘文新 Organochlorine pesticides in ambient air from the littoral cities of northern China: Spatial distribution, seasonal variation, source apportionment and cancer risk assessment SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
102 刘文新 Characteristics and oxidative potential of atmospheric PM2.5 in Beijing: Source apportionment and seasonal variation SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
103 陆雅海 Core Microbiota in Agricultural Soils and Their Potential Associations with Nutrient Cycling MSYSTEMS
104 陆雅海 Environmental filtering drives distinct continental atlases of soil archaea between dryland and wetland agricultural ecosystems MICROBIOME
105 陆雅海 Soil pH and temperature regulate assembly processes of abundant and rare bacterial communities in agricultural ecosystems ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
106 吕斌 Value capture in industrial land renewal under the public leasehold system: A policy comparison in China LAND USE POLICY
107 马建民 Chemical composition and source apportionment of PM1 and PM2.5 in a national coal chemical industrial base of the Golden Energy Triangle, Northwest China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
108 马建民 Efficient removal of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions by polydopamine functionalized NH2-MIL-53(Al) DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT
109 马建民 Sulfur dioxide pollution and energy justice in Northwestern China embodied in West-East Energy Transmission of China APPLIED ENERGY
110 马建民 Tagged sources of short-chain chlorinated paraffins in China's marine environment and fish CHEMOSPHERE
111 马建民 Deep Learning Prediction of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the High Arctic. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
112 蒙吉军 Predicting the patterns of change in spring onset and false springs in China during the twenty-first century INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY
113 莫多闻 Ecology and hydrology of early rice farming: geoarchaeological and palaeo-ecological evidence from the Late Holocene paddy field site at Maoshan, the Lower Yangtze ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
114 莫多闻 Holocene geomorphic evolution and settlement distribution patterns in the mid-lower Fen River basins, China QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL
115 莫多闻 Landforms influence the development of ancient agriculture in the Songshan area, central China QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL
116 彭建 Applying ant colony algorithm to identify ecological security patterns in megacities ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE
117 彭建 How does urbanization influence PM2.5 concentrations? Perspective of spillover effect of multi-dimensional urbanization impact JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
118 彭建 Integrating Spatial Continuous Wavelet Transform and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index to Map the Agro-Pastoral Transitional Zone in Northern China REMOTE SENSING
119 彭建 Linking GRNN and neighborhood selection algorithm to assess land suitability in low-slope hilly areas ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
120 彭建 Linking spatial differentiation with sustainability management: Academic contributions and research directions of physical geography in China PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT
121 彭建 Multifunctional landscapes identification and associated development zoning in mountainous area SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
122 彭建 Simulating the impact of Grain-for-Green Programme on ecosystem services trade-offs in Northwestern Yunnan, China ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
123 彭建 Spatial identification of conservation priority areas for urban ecological land: An approach based on water ecosystem services LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT
124 彭建 Using the modified i-Tree Eco model to quantify air pollution removal by urban vegetation SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
125 彭建 Delineating urban hinterland boundaries in the Peal River Delta: An approach integrating toponym co-occurrence with field strength model. CITIES
126 彭建 Impacts of AOD correction and spatial scale on the correlation between high-resolution AOD from Gaofen-1 satellite and in situ PM2.5 measurements in Shenzhen City, China. REMOTE SENSING
127 彭书时 Changes in productivity and carbon storage of grasslands in China under future global warming scenarios of 1.5 degrees C and 2 degrees C JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
128 彭书时 Global vegetation biomass production efficiency constrained by models and observations GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
129 彭书时 Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration across multiple time scales in a temperate plantation forest SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
130 彭书时 Attribution of Lake Warming in Four Shallow Lakes in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Basin ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
131 彭书时 Greenhouse Gas Concentration and Volcanic Eruptions Controlled the Variability of Terrestrial Carbon Uptake Over the Last Millennium JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS
132 朴世龙 Climatic Warming Increases Spatial Synchrony in Spring Vegetation Phenology Across the Northern Hemisphere GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
133 朴世龙 Divergent changes in the elevational gradient of vegetation activities over the last 30 years NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
134 朴世龙 Effects of wildfire on soil respiration and its heterotrophic and autotrophic components in a montane coniferous forest JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
135 朴世龙 Field-experiment constraints on the enhancement of the terrestrial carbon sink by CO(2 )fertilization NATURE GEOSCIENCE
136 朴世龙 Plant phenology and global climate change: Current progresses and challenges GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
137 朴世龙 Strong but Intermittent Spatial Covariations in Tropical Land Temperature GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
138 朴世龙 The impact of the 2009/2010 drought on vegetation growth and terrestrial carbon balance in Southwest China AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
139 朴世龙 The impacts of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: A review SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES
140 朴世龙 Air temperature optima of vegetation productivity across global biomes. NATURE ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
141 邱璎之 Exploring the Linkage between the Neighborhood Environment and Mental Health in Guangzhou, China INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
142 申子靖 An Analysis of the Applicability of Conzenian School in China: Exemplified by Shangqiu 24TH ISUF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: CITY AND TERRITORY IN THE GLOBALIZATION AGE
143 沈国锋 Stacked Use and Transition Trends of Rural Household Energy in Mainland China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
144 沈国锋 Fluctuation in time-resolved PM2.5 from rural households with solid fuel-associated internal emission sources ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
145 沈泽昊 Effects of current climate, paleo-climate, and habitat heterogeneity in determining biogeographical patterns of evergreen broad-leaved woody plants in China JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES
146 沈泽昊 Moisture content variations in soil and plant of post-fire regenerating forests in central Yunnan Plateau, Southwest China JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES
147 沈泽昊 The emerging cross-disciplinary studies of landscape ecology and biodiversity in China JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES
148 宋峰 Extending the concept of the morphological frame: A case study of Tangshan old military airport 24TH ISUF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: CITY AND TERRITORY IN THE GLOBALIZATION AGE
149 宋峰 The shaping process of urban form under a socialist system: Townscape diversity and its formation in Sanlitun, Beijing 24TH ISUF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: CITY AND TERRITORY IN THE GLOBALIZATION AGE
151 唐艳鸿 Contrasting altitudinal patterns of leaf UV reflectance and absorbance in four herbaceous species on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
152 唐志尧 C:N:P stoichiometry of Ericaceae species in shrubland biomes across Southern China: influences of climate, soil and species identity JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
153 唐志尧 Increasing water availability and facilitation weaken biodiversity-biomass relationships in shrublands ECOLOGY
154 唐志尧 Protecting endemic seed plants on the Tibetan Plateau under future climate change: migration matters JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
155 唐志尧 Predictions and driving factors of production-based CO2 emissions in Beijing, China SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY
156 陶澍 Energy and air pollution benefits of household fuel policies in northern China PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
157 陶澍 Global Fire Forecasts Using Both Large-Scale Climate Indices and Local Meteorological Parameters GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES
158 陶澍 Impacts of air pollutants from rural Chinese households under the rapid residential energy transition NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
159 陶澍 Improving regulations on residential emissions and non-criteria hazardous contaminants-Insights from a field campaign on ambient PM and PAHs in North China Plain ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY
160 陶澍 Indoor PM2.5 Profiling with a Novel Side-Scatter Indoor Lidar ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS
161 陶澍 PM2.5-Associated Health Impacts of Beehive Coke Oven Ban in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
162 陶卓琳 Modelling the spatial accessibility of the elderly to healthcare services in Beijing, China ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE
163 万祎 Derivatization for Nontargeted Screening of Acids in Oilfield Refinery Wastewater: Identification and Behaviors of Recalcitrant Chlorinated Naphthenic Acids ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
164 万祎 Visualized Networking of Co-Regulated Lipids in Human Blood Based on High-Throughput Screening Data: Implications for Exposure Assessment ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
165 万祎 Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling for Chlorinated Paraffins in Rat and Human: Importance of Biliary Excretion ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
166 王红亚 Modeling the impacts of agricultural management strategies on crop yields and sediment yields using APEX in Guizhou Plateau, southwest China AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT
167 王红亚 Recent soil erosion in the Hongfeng catchment on the Guizhou Plateau, SW China revealed by analysis of reservoir sediments and soil loss modeling JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY
168 王红亚 Variations in erosion intensity and soil maturity as revealed by mineral magnetism of sediments from an alpine lake in monsoon-dominated central east China and their implications for environmental changes over the past 5500 years HOLOCENE
169 王少鹏 Intraguild predation enhances biodiversity and functioning in complex food webs ECOLOGY
170 王少鹏 Metapopulations revisited: the area-dependence of dispersal matters ECOLOGY
171 王少鹏 Stability and synchrony across ecological hierarchies in heterogeneous metacommunities: linking theory to data ECOGRAPHY
172 王少鹏 Partitioning ecological stability across hierarchical levels in heterogeneous landscapes. ECOGRAPHY
173 王娓 Effects of nitrogen addition on plant biomass and tissue elemental content in different degradation stages of temperate steppe in northern China JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
174 王娓 Temperate grassland shifted from nitrogen to phosphorus limitation induced by degradation and nitrogen deposition: Evidence from soil extracellular enzyme stoichiometry ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
175 王娓 Two contrasting seasonal patterns in microbial nitrogen immobilization from temperate ecosystems ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
176 王喜龙 Effects of Various Carbon Nanotubes on Soil Bacterial Community Composition and Structure ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
177 王喜龙 Plasma assisted-synthesis of magnetic TiO2/SiO2/Fe3O4-polyacrylic acid microsphere and its application for lead removal from water SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
178 王喜龙 Humic acid can enhance the mineralization of phenanthrene sorbed on biochars. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
179 王喜龙 Applications of carbon quantum dots to alleviate Cd2+ phytotoxicity in Citrus maxima seedlings. CHEMOSPHERE.
180 王学军 A life-cycle assessment of battery electric and internal combustion engine vehicles: A case in Hebei Province, China JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
181 王学军 An experimental study of the impacts of solar radiation and temperature on mercury emission from different natural soils across China ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT
182 王学军 Characteristics of Speciated Mercury Emissions from Coal Combustion in Air and Oxygen-Enriched Environment BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY
183 王学军 Evolution of the life cycle primary PM2.5 emissions in globalized production systems ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL
184 王学军 First measurement of atmospheric mercury species in Qomolangma Natural Nature Preserve, Tibetan Plateau, and evidence of transboundary pollutant invasion ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS
185 王学军 Impact of particle chemical composition and water content on the photolytic reduction of particle-bound mercury ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT
186 王学军 Rapid Increase in the Lateral Transport of Trace Elements Induced by Soil Erosion in Major Karst Regions in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
187 王学军 Sources and transport of methylmercury in the Yangtze River and the impact of the Three Gorges Dam WATER RESEARCH
188 王学军 Rice life cycle-based global mercury biotransport and human methylmercury exposure NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
189 王昭琪 Estimating of terrestrial carbon storage and its internal carbon exchange under equilibrium state ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
190 王志恒 A consistent species richness-climate relationship for oaks across the Northern Hemisphere GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY
191 王志恒 Altitudinal biodiversity patterns of seed plants along Gongga Mountain in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
192 王志恒 Effects of contemporary environment and Quaternary climate change on drylands plant diversity differ between growth forms ECOGRAPHY
193 王志恒 Patterns and ecological determinants of woody plant height in eastern Eurasia and its relation to primary productivity JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY
194 王志恒 Responses of four dominant dryland plant species to climate change in the Junggar Basin, northwest China ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
195 吴健生 A spatially structured adaptive two-stage model for retrieving ground-level PM2.5 concentrations from VIIRS AOD in China ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING
196 吴健生 Assessing relationships of ecosystem services on multi-scale: A case study of soil erosion control and water yield in the Pearl River Delta ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
197 吴健生 Estimating Daily PM2.5 Concentrations in Beijing Using 750-M VIIRS IP AOD Retrievals and a Nested Spatiotemporal Statistical Model REMOTE SENSING
198 武旭同 Pathways from payments for ecosystem services program to socioeconomic outcomes ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
199 武旭同 Socio-ecological changes on the Loess Plateau of China after Grain to Green Program SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
200 徐福留 A general-applicable model for estimating the binding coefficient of organic pollutants with dissolved organic matter SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
201 徐福留 Comparisons of tissue distributions and health risks of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in two fish species with different trophic levels from Lake Chaohu, China ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY
202 徐福留 Effects of fluorescent dissolved organic matters (FDOMs) on perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in lake and river water SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
203 徐福留 Impact of organic matter and meteorological factors on the long-term trend, seasonality, and gas/particle partitioning behavior of atmospheric PBDEs SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
204 徐福留 Phthalate esters (PAEs) in atmospheric particles around a large shallow natural lake (Lake Chaohu, China) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
205 徐福留 Spatiotemporal variations of aquatic ecosystem health status in Tolo Harbor, Hong Kong from 1986 to 2014 ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
206 徐福留 Subcellular distribution of cadmium in a novel potential aquatic hyperaccumulator - Microsorum pteropus ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
207 徐福留 The occurrence, composition and partitioning of phthalate esters (PAEs) in the water-suspended particulate matter (SPM) system of Lake Chaohu, China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
208 徐福留 A review on perfluoroalkyl acids studies: Environmental behaviors, toxic effects, and ecological and health risks ECOSYSTEM HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY
209 徐福留 Cadmium accumulation capacity and resistance strategies of a cadmium-hypertolerant fern — Microsorum fortunei SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
210 徐福留 Phthalate esters (PAEs) in atmospheric particles around a large shallow natural lake (Lake Chaohu, China) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
211 许学工 From natural driving to artificial intervention: Changes of the Yellow River estuary and delta development OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT
212 杨凯 Ultrasound-assisted adsorption of Congo red from aqueous solution using Mg-Al-CO3 layered double hydroxide APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE
213 杨玮林 Evaluating the impact of karst rocky desertification on regional climate in Southwest China with WRF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
214 杨小柳 Effects of the South-North Water Diversion Project on the Water Dispatching Pattern and Ecological Environment in the Water Receiving Area: A Case Study of the Fuyang River Basin in Handan, China WATER
215 叶子君 Review of the Basic Theory and Evaluation Methods of Sustainable Urban Renewal 2019 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY ENGINEERING (IC3E 2019)
216 袁玉莹 Cultural evolution and spatial-temporal distribution of archaeological sites from 9.5-2.3 ka BP in the Yan-Liao region, China JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES
217 张家富 Luminescence dating of weathered sediments from the Paleolithic site of Fengshuzui in northern Hunan province, China QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY
218 赵景学 Altitudinal pattern of grazing exclusion effects on vegetation characteristics and soil properties in alpine grasslands on the central Tibetan Plateau JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
219 赵景学 Negative responses of ecosystem autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration to experimental warming in a Tibetan semi-arid alpine steppe CATENA
220 赵鹏军 Geographical patterns of traffic congestion in growing megacities: Big data analytics from Beijing CITIES
221 赵鹏军 The effects of metro fare increase on transport equity: New evidence from Beijing TRANSPORT POLICY
222 赵鹏军 The gap between and determinants of growth in car ownership in urban and rural areas of China: A longitudinal data case study JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY
223 赵鹏军 The impact of metro services on housing prices: a case study from Beijing TRANSPORTATION
224 赵鹏军 Travel satisfaction inequality and the role of the urban metro system TRANSPORT POLICY
225 赵鹏军 Walking behavior in the old downtown Beijing: The impact of perceptions and attitudes and social variations TRANSPORT POLICY
226 赵鹏军 Analysis of Urban Drivable and Walkable Street Networks of the ASEAN Smart Cities Network INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION
227 赵淑清 A comparative study of spatiotemporal patterns of urban expansion in six major cities of the Yangtze River Delta from 1980 to 2015 ECOSYSTEM HEALTH AND SUSTAINABILITY
228 赵淑清 Drivers of urban expansion over the past three decades: a comparative study of Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT
229 赵淑清 Urban land expansion in China's six megacities from 1978 to 2015 SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
230 赵淑清 Valuing urban green spaces in mitigating climate change: A city-wide estimate of aboveground carbon stored in urban green spaces of China's Capital GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
231 赵淑清 Warming affects foliar fungal diseases more than precipitation in a Tibetan alpine meadow NEW PHYTOLOGIST
232 周丰 Importance of subsurface fluxes of water, nitrogen and phosphorus from rice paddy fields relative to surface runoff AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT
233 周丰 Improved Jayaweera-Mikkelsen model to quantify ammonia volatilization from rice paddy fields in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
234 周丰 Weakened growth of cropland-N2O emissions in China associated with nationwide policy interventions GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
235 周丰 Data-driven estimates of global nitrous oxide emissions from croplands NATIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW
237 朱彪 A global meta-analysis of soil respiration and its components in response to phosphorus addition SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
238 朱彪 Changes in soil organic matter stability with depth in two alpine ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau GEODERMA
239 朱彪 Light intensity controls rhizosphere respiration rate and rhizosphere priming effect of soybean and sunflower RHIZOSPHERE
240 朱彪 Linking rhizosphere respiration rate of three grassland species with root nitrogen concentration GEODERMA
241 朱彪 Microbial-accessibility-dependent electron shuttling of in situ solid-phase organic matter in soils GEODERMA
242 朱彪 Measuring rhizosphere effects of two tree species in a temperate forest: A comprehensive method comparison RHIZOSPHERE
243 朱东强 Comparing electron donating/accepting capacities (EDC/EAC) between crop residue-derived dissolved black carbon and standard humic substances SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
244 朱东强 Enhanced Phototransformation of Tetracycline at Smectite Clay Surfaces under Simulated Sunlight via a Lewis-Base Catalyzed Alkalization Mechanism ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
245 朱晟君 High-Resolution Vegetation Mapping Using eXtreme Gradient Boosting Based on Extensive Features REMOTE SENSING
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247 朱晟君 Proximity Matters: Inter-Regional Knowledge Spillovers and Regional Industrial Diversification in China TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ECONOMISCHE EN SOCIALE GEOGRAFIE
248 朱晟君 Sectoral and spatial patterns of Chinese cities' export structures POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES
249 朱晟君 The upgrading framework in the apparel industry literature: insights from apparel firms in Ningbo, China GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES B-HUMAN GEOGRAPHY
250 朱晟君 Inter-city housing purchase: a case of China’s Yangtze River Delta region CITIES