序号 | 作者中文名 | 题目 | 期刊名称 |
1 | 曹广忠 | Consumption Structure of Migrant Worker Families in China | CHINA & WORLD ECONOMY |
2 | 曹广忠 | How social structure changes in Chinese global cities: Synthesizing globalization, migration and institutional factors in Beijing | CITIES |
3 | 曾辉 | Spatial-temporal and multi-media variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a highly urbanized river from South China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
5 | 柴彦威 | Understanding job-housing relationship and commuting pattern in Chinese cities: Past, present and future | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT |
6 | 柴彦威 | Examining the impacts of ethnicity on space-time behavior: Evidence from the City of Xining, China | CITIES |
7 | 陈效逑 | Temporal coherence of phenological and climatic rhythmicity in Beijing | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY |
8 | 陈效逑 | Assessing plant senescence reflectance index-retrieved vegetation phenology and its spatiotemporal response to climate change in the Inner Mongolian Grassland | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY |
9 | 陈效逑 | Delayed response of spring phenology to global warming in subtropics and tropics | AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY |
10 | 陈彦光 | Multi-scaling allometric analysis for urban and regional development | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS |
11 | 陈彦光 | A Hierarchical Allometric Scaling Analysis of Chinese Cities: 1991-2014 | DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY |
12 | 陈彦光 | Understanding the fractal dimensions of urban forms through spatial entropy | ENTROPY |
13 | 陈彦光 | Spatial analysis of cities using Renyi entropy and fractal parameters | CHAOS, SOLITONS & FRACTALS |
14 | 程和发 | Retired Electric Vehicle (EV) Batteries: Integrated Waste Management and Research Needs | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
15 | 程和发 | Environmental and human health challenges of industrial livestock and poultry farming in China and their mitigation | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL |
16 | 程和发 | Comparison of soil heavy metal pollution caused by e-waste recycling activities and traditional industrial operations | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
17 | 程和发 | Public Health Risk of Arsenic Species in Chicken Tissues from Live Poultry Markets of Guangdong Province, China | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
18 | 程和发 | Displacement efficiency of alternative energy and trans-provincial imported electricity in China | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
19 | 程和发 | Recent Development in Sample Preparation and Analytical Techniques for Determination of Quinolone Residues in Food Products | CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY |
20 | 戴林琳 | How to improve rural tourism development in Chinese suburban villages? Empirical findings from a quantitative analysis of eight rural tourism destinations in Beijing | AREA |
21 | 戴林琳 | A Visualization Framework for Synthesizing Spatial Impacts from Multiple Site Factors | JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING |
22 | 戴林琳 | Qualitative Analysis of Residents` Perceptions of Tourism Impacts on Historic Districts: A Case Study of Nanluoguxiang in Beijing, China | JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING |
23 | 戴林琳 | Spatiotemporal Structure Features of Network Check-in Activities of Urban Residents and Their Impacting Factors: A Case Study in Six Urban Districts of Beijing | JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING |
24 | 戴林琳 | Assessing sustainable development of a historic district using an ecological footprint model: a case study of Nanluoguxiang in Beijing, China | AREA |
25 | 方精云 | Effects of nitrogen deposition on soil microbial communities in temperate and subtropical forests in China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
26 | 方精云 | Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matter in China`s forests | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
27 | 方精云 | Growth responses of trees and understory plants to nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical forest in China | BIOGEOSCIENCES |
28 | 方精云 | Plant Debris and Its Contribution to Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Successional Larix gmelinii Forests in Northeastern China | FORESTS |
29 | 方精云 | Shift in soil microbial communities with shrub encroachment in Inner Mongolia grasslands, China | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY |
30 | 方精云 | An assessment on the uncertainty of the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio as a threshold for nutrient limitation in plants | ANNALS OF BOTANY |
31 | 方精云 | An invariability-area relationship sheds new light on the spatial scaling of ecological stability | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
32 | 冯健 | A Hierarchical Allometric Scaling Analysis of Chinese Cities: 1991-2014 | DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY |
33 | 冯健 | Understanding the fractal dimensions of urban forms through spatial entropy | ENTROPY |
34 | 冯健 | Spatial analysis of cities using Renyi entropy and fractal parameters | CHAOS, SOLITONS & FRACTALS |
35 | 贺灿飞 | How do environmental regulations affect industrial dynamics? Evidence from China`s pollution-intensive industries | HABITAT INTERNATIONAL |
36 | 贺灿飞 | Do China`s economic development zones improve land use efficiency? The effects of selection, factor accumulation and agglomeration | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING |
37 | 贺灿飞 | How to jump further and catch up? Path-breaking in an uneven industry space | JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY |
38 | 贺灿飞 | Firm Dynamics, Institutional Context, And Regional Inequality Of Productivity In China | GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW |
39 | 贺灿飞 | Production space and regional industrial evolution in China | GEOJOURNAL |
40 | 贺灿飞 | What sustains larger firms? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing industries | ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE |
41 | 贺灿飞 | Does Creative Destruction Work for Chinese Regions? | GROWTH AND CHANGE |
42 | 贺灿飞 | Upgrading in China’s apparel industry: international trade, local clusters and institutional contexts | POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES |
43 | 贺灿飞 | How to jump further and catch up? Path-breaking in an uneven industry space | JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY |
44 | 贺灿飞 | New generation, new path: Industrial restructuring led by China’s “notorious” Fuerdai Generation | THE CHINA REVIEW |
45 | 贺金生 | Asymmetric winter warming advanced plant phenology to a greater extent than symmetric warming in an alpine meadow | FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY |
46 | 贺金生 | Warm- and cold-season grazing affect soil respiration differently in alpine grasslands | AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT |
47 | 贺金生 | On the controls of abundance for soil-dwelling organisms on the Tibetan Plateau | ECOSPHERE |
48 | 贺金生 | Climate warming reduces the temporal stability of plant community biomass production | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
49 | 贺金生 | Increasing temperature reduces the coupling between available nitrogen and phosphorus in soils of Chinese grasslands | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS |
50 | 贺金生 | Positive effects of tree species diversity on litterfall quantity and quality along a secondary successional chronosequence in a subtropical forest | JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY |
51 | 贺金生 | Soil respiration is driven by fine root biomass along a forest chronosequence in subtropical China | JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY |
52 | 贺金生 | Molecular mechanisms of water table lowering and nitrogen deposition in affecting greenhouse gas emissions from a Tibetan alpine wetland | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
53 | 胡建英 | Toxicity of triphenyltin on the development of retinal axons in zebrafish at low dose | AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY |
54 | 胡建英 | Mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate inhibits human extravillous trophoblast invasion via the PPAR gamma pathway | TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY |
55 | 胡建英 | Organophosphorus Flame Retardants in Pregnant Women and Their Transfer to Chorionic Villi | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
56 | 胡建英 | Exposure assessment of PCDD/Fs for the population living in the vicinity of municipal waste incinerator: Additional exposure via local vegetable consumption | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
57 | 胡建英 | Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma and Disruption of Progesterone Synthesis of 2-Ethylhexyl Diphenyl Phosphate in Human Placental Choriocarcinoma Cells: Comparison with Triphenyl Phosphate | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
58 | 胡建英 | Fluorene-9-bisphenol is anti-oestrogenic and may cause adverse pregnancy outcomes in mice | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
59 | 吉成均 | Anatomical responses of leaf and stem of Arabidopsis thaliana to nitrogen and phosphorus addition | JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH |
60 | 李双成 | Urban Metabolism of Three Cities in Jing-Jin-Ji Urban Agglomeration, China: Using the MuSIASEM Approach | SUSTAINABILITY |
61 | 李双成 | Spatiotemporal Decompositions of Summer Drought in China and Its Teleconnection with Global Sea Surface Temperatures during 1901-2012 | JOURNAL OF CLIMATE |
62 | 李双成 | The dynamic response of forest vegetation to hydrothermal conditions in the Funiu Mountains of western Henan Province | JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES |
63 | 李双成 | Evaluating regional water security through a freshwater ecosystem service flow model: A case study in Beijing-Tianjian-Hebei region, China | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
64 | 李喜青 | Estimating heroin abuse in major Chinese cities through wastewater-based epidemiology | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
65 | 李喜青 | A novel colorimetric biosensor based on non-aggregated Au@Ag core-shell nanoparticles for methamphetamine and cocaine detection | TALANTA |
66 | 李喜青 | Tracing methamphetamine and amphetamine sources in wastewater and receiving waters via concentration and enantiomeric profiling | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
67 | 李喜青 | Occurrence of diazepam and its metabolites in wastewater and surface waters in Beijing | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
68 | 李喜青 | Occurrence of new psychoactive substances in wastewater of major Chinese cities | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
69 | 李宜垠 | Post-fire dispersal characteristics of charcoal particles in the Daxing`an Mountains of north-east China and their implications for reconstructing past fire activities | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE |
70 | 李有利 | Paleomagnetic age of the Tangxian planation surface, northwestern Zhongtiao Shan of the Shanxi Graben System, North China | GEOMORPHOLOGY |
71 | 林坚 | Urban form breeds neighborhood vibrancy: A case study using a GPS-based activity survey in suburban Beijing | CITIES |
72 | 刘鸿雁 | More reliable pollen productivity estimates and relative source area of pollen in a forest-steppe ecotone with improved vegetation survey | HOLOCENE |
73 | 刘鸿雁 | Contrasting effects of winter and summer climate on alpine timberline evolution in monsoon-dominated East Asia | QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS |
74 | 刘鸿雁 | Long-term forest resilience to climate change indicated by mortality, regeneration, and growth in semiarid southern Siberia | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
75 | 刘鸿雁 | Tree-ring-based SPEI reconstruction in central Tianshan Mountains of China since AD 1820 and links to westerly circulation | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY |
76 | 刘鸿雁 | An Improved Estimation of Regional Fractional Woody/Herbaceous Cover Using Combined Satellite Data and High-Quality Training Samples | REMOTE SENSING |
77 | 刘鸿雁 | Enhanced sprout-regeneration offsets warming-induced forest mortality through shortening the generation time in semiarid birch forest | FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT |
78 | 刘鸿雁 | The critical role of local refugia in postglacial colonization of Chinese pine: Joint inferences from DNA analyses, pollen records, and species distribution modeling | |
79 | 刘鸿雁 | The accumulation of phytolith-occluded carbon in soils of different grasslands | JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS |
80 | 刘峻峰 | Effects of canyon geometry on the distribution of traffic-related air pollution in a large urban area: Implications of a multi-canyon air pollution dispersion model | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT |
81 | 刘峻峰 | Potential impacts of urban land expansion on Asian airborne pollutant outflows | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES |
82 | 刘峻峰 | Response of the global surface ozone distribution to Northern Hemisphere sea surface temperature changes: implications for long-range transport | ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS |
83 | 刘峻峰 | Long-Lived Species Enhance Summertime Attribution of North American Ozone to Upwind Sources | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
84 | 刘峻峰 | A potential large and persistent black carbon forcing over Northern Pacific inferred from satellite observations | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS |
85 | 刘涛 | Increasing the Use of Urban Greenways in Developing Countries: A Case Study on Wutong Greenway in Shenzhen, China | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH |
86 | 刘文新 | Uptake of PAHs by cabbage root and leaf in vegetable plots near a large coking manufacturer and associations with PAHs in cabbage core | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
87 | 刘文新 | Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air, surface soil and wheat grain near a large steel-smelting manufacturer in northern China | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES |
88 | 刘文新 | Spatial distribution, emission source and health risk of parent PAHs and derivatives in surface soils from the Yangtze River Delta, eastern China | CHEMOSPHERE |
89 | 陆雅海 | Biogeochemistry of methanogenesis with a specific emphasis on the mineral-facilitating effects | ACTA GEOCHIMICA |
90 | 马建民 | Forecasting PM2.5 induced male lung cancer morbidity in China using satellite retrieved PM2.5 and spatial analysis | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
91 | 马建民 | New Discoveries to Old Problems: A Virtual Issue on Air Pollution in Rapidly Industrializing Countries | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
92 | 蒙吉军 | Predicting the shifts in spring onset and false springs in China during the 21st century | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY |
93 | 莫多闻 | Holocene environmental changes around Xiaohe Cemetery and its effects on human occupation, Xinjiang, China | JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES |
94 | 彭建 | Ecosystem services response to urbanization in metropolitan areas: Thresholds identification | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
95 | 彭建 | Mapping spatial non-stationarity of human-natural factors associated with agricultural landscape multifunctionality in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China | AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT |
96 | 彭建 | Mapping Development Pattern in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data | REMOTE SENSING |
97 | 彭建 | Coupling ecosystem services supply and human ecological demand to identify landscape ecological security pattern: A case study in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China | URBAN ECOSYSTEMS |
98 | 彭建 | Identification of Non-Economic Influencing Factors Affecting Farmer`s Participation in the Paddy Land-to-Dry Land Program in Chicheng County, China | SUSTAINABILITY |
99 | 彭建 | Spatial-temporal dynamics and associated driving forces of urban ecological land: A case study in Shenzhen City, China | HABITAT INTERNATIONAL |
100 | 彭建 | Regional ecosystem health response to rural land use change: A case study in Lijiang City, China | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
101 | 彭建 | Significant trade-off for the impact of Grain-for-Green Programme on ecosystem services in North-western Yunnan, China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
102 | 彭建 | Urbanization impact on landscape patterns in Beijing City, China: A spatial heterogeneity perspective | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
103 | 彭书时 | Diagnosing phosphorus limitations in natural terrestrial ecosystems in carbon cycle models | EARTHS FUTURE |
104 | 彭书时 | Sensitivity of land use change emission estimates to historical land use and land cover mapping | GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES |
105 | 朴世龙 | Attribution of seasonal leaf area index trends in the northern latitudes with "optimally" integrated ecosystem models | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
106 | 朴世龙 | Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
107 | 朴世龙 | Reducing the uncertainty of parameters controlling seasonal carbon and water fluxes in Chinese forests and its implication for simulated climate sensitivities | GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES |
108 | 朴世龙 | Seasonal Responses of Terrestrial Carbon Cycle to Climate Variations in CMIP5 Models: Evaluation and Projection | JOURNAL OF CLIMATE |
109 | 朴世龙 | Regional patterns of future runoff changes from Earth system models constrained by observation | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS |
110 | 朴世龙 | Climate mitigation from vegetation biophysical feedbacks during the past three decades | NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE |
111 | 朴世龙 | Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands | NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE |
112 | 朴世龙 | The effects of teleconnections on carbon fluxes of global terrestrial ecosystems | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS |
113 | 朴世龙 | Mapping spatial distribution of forest age in China | EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE |
114 | 朴世龙 | Spatiotemporal variations in the difference between satellite-observed daily maximum land surface temperature and station-based daily maximum near-surface air temperature | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES |
115 | 朴世龙 | Management outweighs climate change on affecting length of rice growing period for early rice and single rice in China during 1991-2012 | AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY |
116 | 朴世龙 | Plausible rice yield losses under future climate warming | NATURE PLANTS |
117 | 朴世龙 | Detection and attribution of nitrogen runoff trend in China`s croplands | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
118 | 沈泽昊 | Hotspot analyses indicate significant conservation gaps for evergreen broadleaved woody plants in China | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS |
119 | 宋峰 | Reflections on the gap between academic research in urban morphology and heritage conservation | URBAN MORPHOLOGY |
120 | 唐艳鸿 | Environmental controls on soil respiration in alpine meadow along a large altitudinal gradient on the central Tibetan Plateau | CATENA |
121 | 唐志尧 | Legume Shrubs Are More Nitrogen-Homeostatic than Non-legume Shrubs | FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE |
122 | 唐志尧 | Threatened medicinal plants in China: Distributions and conservation priorities | BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION |
123 | 唐志尧 | Range shifts in response to climate, change of Ophiocordyceps sinensis, a fungus endemic to the Tibetan Plateau | BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION |
124 | 唐志尧 | Seasonal characteristics and determinants of tree growth in a Chinese subtropical forest | JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY |
125 | 唐志尧 | Asymmetric competition for light varies across functional groups | JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY |
126 | 陶澍 | Wintertime pollution level, size distribution and personal daily exposure to particulate matters in the northern and southern rural Chinese homes and variation in different household fuels | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
127 | 陶澍 | Household air pollution and personal inhalation exposure to particles (TSP/PM2.5/PM1.0/PM0.25) in rural Shanxi, North China | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
128 | 陶澍 | Occurrence of nitro- and oxy-PAHs in agricultural soils in eastern China and excess lifetime cancer risks from human exposure through soil ingestion | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL |
129 | 陶澍 | A Genetic Susceptibility Study of Lung Cancer Risk Potentially Associated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Inhalation Exposure | BIOMEDICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES |
130 | 陶澍 | Comparison of air pollutant emissions and household air quality in rural homes using improved wood and coal stoves | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT |
131 | 陶澍 | Urban air pollution and health risks of parent and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two megacities, southwest China | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT |
132 | 陶澍 | Accumulative effects of indoor air pollution exposure on leukocyte telomere length among non-smokers | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
133 | 陶澍 | Spatial and Temporal Trends in Global Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from 1960 to 2014 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
134 | 陶澍 | Urbanization-induced population migration has reduced ambient PM2.5 concentrations in China | SCIENCE ADVANCES |
135 | 陶澍 | Mutagenicity of particle emissions from solid fuel cookstoves: A literature review and research perspective | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH |
136 | 陶澍 | Estimating relative contributions of primary and secondary sources of ambient nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT |
137 | 陶澍 | Collecting Particulate Matter and Particle-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using a Cylindrical Thermal Precipitator | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING |
138 | 陶澍 | Occurrence and geographic distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agricultural soils in eastern China | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
139 | 陶澍 | Stack and fugitive emissions of major air pollutants from typical brick kilns in China | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
140 | 陶澍 | Source-oriented risk assessment of inhalation exposure to ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and contributions of non-priority isomers in urban Nanjing, a megacity located in Yangtze River Delta, China | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
141 | 陶澍 | Improvement of a Global High-Resolution Ammonia Emission Inventory for Combustion and Industrial Sources with New Data from the Residential and Transportation Sectors | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
142 | 陶澍 | Global estimates of carbon monoxide emissions from 1960 to 2013 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
143 | 陶澍 | Household air pollution and personal exposure to nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatics (PAHs) in rural households: Influence of household cooking energies | INDOOR AIR |
144 | 陶澍 | Exposure and health impact evaluation based on simultaneous measurement of indoor and ambient PM2.5 in Haidian, Beijing | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
145 | 万祎 | Relative importance of different exposure routes of heavy metals for humans living near a municipal solid waste incinerator | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
146 | 万祎 | Discovery of a widespread metabolic pathway within and among phenolic xenobiotics | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
147 | 万祎 | High-Throughput Determination and Characterization of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Human Blood | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
148 | 王红亚 | Contrasting effects of winter and summer climate on alpine timberline evolution in monsoon-dominated East Asia | QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS |
149 | 王娓 | Soil microbial attributes along a chronosequence of scots pine ( pinus sylvestris var. mongolica ) plantations in northern china | PEDOSPHERE. |
151 | 王喜龙 | Association of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with humic acid and humin fractions in a peat soil and implications for their long-term retention | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
152 | 王喜龙 | Contamination characteristics and source apportionment of methylated PAHs in agricultural soils from Yangtze River Delta, China | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
153 | 王喜龙 | Influence of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and fullerenes on the bioaccumulation and elimination kinetics of phenanthrene in geophagous earthworms (Metaphire guillelmi) | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO |
154 | 王喜龙 | Sorption mechanisms of sulfamethazine to soil humin and its subfractions after sequential treatments | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
155 | 王喜龙 | Impact of TiO2 nanoparticles on lead uptake and bioaccumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) | NANOIMPACT |
156 | 王喜龙 | Influence of multiwalled carbon nanotubes and sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate on bioaccumulation and translocation of pyrene and 1-methylpyrene in maize (Zea mays) seedlings | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
157 | 王学军 | Mercury concentrations in China`s coastal waters and implications for fish consumption by vulnerable populations | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
158 | 王学军 | Economic evaluation of health benefits of mercury emission controls for China and the neighboring countries in East Asia | ENERGY POLICY |
159 | 王学军 | Evaluation of passive sampling of gaseous mercury using different sorbing materials | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
160 | 王仰麟 | Diversification of Land Surface Temperature Change under Urban Landscape Renewal: A Case Study in the Main City of Shenzhen, China | REMOTE SENSING |
161 | 王志恒 | Response of spatial vegetation distribution in China to climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) | PLOS ONE |
162 | 王志恒 | Determinants of richness patterns differ between rare and common species: implications for Gesneriaceae conservation in China | DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS |
163 | 王志恒 | Historical factors shaped species diversity and composition of Salix in eastern Asia | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS |
164 | 吴必虎 | Revitalizing traditional villages through rural tourism: A case study of Yuanjia Village, Shaanxi Province, China | TOURISM MANAGEMENT |
165 | 吴必虎 | Assessing sustainable development of a historic district using an ecological footprint model: a case study of Nanluoguxiang in Beijing, China | AREA |
166 | 徐福留 | Integrated ecological and chemical food web accumulation modeling explains PAH temporal trends during regime shifts in a shallow lake | WATER RESEARCH |
167 | 徐福留 | Effects of phosphorus stress on the photosynthetic and physiological characteristics of Chlorella vulgaris based on chlorophyll fluorescence and flow cytometric analysis | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
168 | 徐福留 | Bias and association of sediment organic matter source apportionment indicators: A case study in a eutrophic Lake Chaohu, China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
169 | 徐福留 | Hydrological regulation drives regime shifts: evidence from paleolimnology and ecosystem modeling of a large shallow Chinese lake | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
170 | 徐福留 | Optimized Multiresidue Analysis of Organic Contaminants of Priority Concern in a Daily Consumed Fish (Grass Carp) | JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL METHODS IN CHEMISTRY |
171 | 许学工 | Assessment ecological risk of heavy metal caused by high-intensity land reclamation in Bohai Bay, China | PLOS ONE |
172 | 许学工 | The ecological cost of land reclamation and its enlightenment to coast sustainable development in the northwestern Bohai Bay, China | ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA |
173 | 杨小柳 | A land-indicator-based optimization model with trading mechanism in wetland ecosystem under uncertainty | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
174 | 赵鹏军 | Exploring car ownership and car use in neighborhoods near metro stations in Beijing: Does the neighborhood built environment matter? | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT |
175 | 赵鹏军 | Emerging polycentric megacity in China: An examination of employment subcenters and their influence on population distribution in Beijing | CITIES |
176 | 赵鹏军 | The influence of urban structure on individual transport energy consumption in China`s growing cities | HABITAT INTERNATIONAL |
177 | 赵鹏军 | Bicycle-metro integration in a growing city: The determinants of cycling as a transfer mode in metro station areas in Beijing | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE |
178 | 赵鹏军 | Rethinking the relationship between urban development, local health and global sustainability | CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY |
179 | 赵鹏军 | An `unceasing war` on land development on the urban fringe of Beijing: A case study of gated informal housing communities | CITIES |
180 | 赵鹏军 | Reprint of "An `unceasing war` on land development on the urban fringe of Beijing: A case study of gated informal housing communities" | CITIES |
181 | 赵鹏军 | The impact of land-use mix on residents` travel energy consumption: New evidence from Beijing |
182 | 赵淑清 | Organic carbon storage change in China’s urban landfills from 1978–2014 | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS |
183 | 周丰 | Evidence for the Importance of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Eutrophic Lake Dianchi, China | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
184 | 周丰 | Regional patterns of future runoff changes from Earth system models constrained by observation | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS |
185 | 周丰 | Detection and attribution of nitrogen runoff trend in China`s croplands | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
186 | 朱彪 | Nitrogen deposition has minor effect on soil extracellular enzyme activities in six Chinese forests | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
187 | 朱彪 | Physico-chemical protection, rather than biochemical composition, governs the responses of soil organic carbon decomposition to nitrogen addition in a temperate agroecosystem | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
188 | 朱东强 | Extracellular Saccharide-Mediated Reduction of Au3+ to Gold Nanoparticles: New Insights for Heavy Metals Biomineralization on Microbial Surfaces | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
189 | 朱东强 | Micropore clogging by leachable pyrogenic organic carbon: A new perspective on sorption irreversibility and kinetics of hydrophobic organic contaminants to black carbon | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
190 | 朱晟君 | Upgrading in China’s apparel industry: international trade, local clusters and institutional contexts | POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES |
191 | 朱晟君 | How to jump further and catch up? Path-breaking in an uneven industry space | JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY |
192 | 朱晟君 | New generation, new path: Industrial restructuring led by China’s “notorious” Fuerdai Generation | THE CHINA REVIEW |