序号 |
教师 | 题目 | 期刊 |
1 | Marrkku | Impact of rising temperatures on the biomass of humid old-growth forests of the world | CARBON BALANCE AND MANAGEMENT |
2 | Marrkku | Carbon Sequestration Potential of Agroforestry Systems in Degraded Landscapes in West Java, Indonesia | FORESTS |
3 | Marrkku | What would a tree say about its size? | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
4 | Marrkku | Wind and gravity shape Picea trunks. | TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION |
5 | 柴彦威 | Delineation of an Urban Community Life Circle Based on a Machine-Learning Estimation of Spatiotemporal Behavioral Demand | CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE |
6 | 柴彦威 | The diffusion and development of time-geography in East Asia: The academic life paths of two key scholars | MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS |
7 | 柴彦威 | Associations of co-exposures to air pollution and noise with psychological stress in space and time: A case study in Beijing, China | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH |
8 | 柴彦威 | Do spatial factors outweigh institutional factors? Changes in influencing factors of home-work separation from 2007 to 2017 in Beijing | JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY |
9 | 柴彦威 | Understanding noise exposure, noise annoyance, and psychological stress: Incorporating individual mobility and the temporality of the exposure-effect relationship | APPLIED GEOGRAPHY |
10 | 柴彦威 | Mobility-based environmental justice: Understanding housing disparity in real-time exposure to air pollution and momentary psychological stress in Beijing, China | SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE |
11 | 陈彦光 | An analytical process of spatial autocorrelation functions based on Moran's index | PLOS ONE |
12 | 陈彦光 | Multifractal scaling analyses of urban street network structure: The cases of twelve megacities in China | PLOS ONE |
13 | 陈彦光 | Characteristic Scales, Scaling, and Geospatial Analysis | CARTOGRAPHICA |
14 | 陈彦光 | Spatial Signal Analysis Based on Wave-Spectral Fractal Scaling: A Case of Urban Street Networks | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL |
15 | 陈彦光 | Exploring the level of urbanization based on Zipf s scaling exponent | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS |
16 | 陈彦光 | Modeling Urban Growth and Socio-Spatial Dynamics of Hangzhou, China: 1964–2010 | Sustainability |
17 | 程和发 | Chemical kinetic modeling of organic pollutant degradation in Fenton and solar photo-Fenton processes | JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS |
18 | 程和发 | Effect of aging on stabilization of Cd and Ni by biochars and enzyme activities in a historically contaminated alkaline agricultural soil simulated with wet-dry and freeze-thaw cycling | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
19 | 程和发 | Adsorption and desorption of phenylarsonic acid compounds on metal oxide and hydroxide, and clay minerals | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
20 | 程和发 | Oxidation of Roxarsone Coupled with Sorptive Removal of the Inorganic Arsenic Released by Iron-Carbon (Fe-C) Microelectrolysis | ACS ES&T ENGINEERING |
21 | 程和发 | Biochars and Engineered Biochars for Water and Soil Remediation: A Review | SUSTAINABILITY |
22 | 程和发 | Opportunity and challenges in large-scale geothermal energy exploitation in China | CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY |
23 | 程和发 | Bioaccessibility and public health risk of heavy Metal(loid)s in the airborne particulate matter of four cities in northern China | CHEMOSPHERE |
24 | 程和发 | A high-efficiency mediator-free Z-scheme Bi2MoO6/AgI heterojunction with enhanced photocatalytic performance | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
25 | 程和发 | Z-scheme g-C3N4-AQ-MoO3 photocatalyst with unique electron transfer channel and large reduction area for enhanced sunlight photocatalytic hydrogen production | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL |
26 | 程和发 | Atmospheric mercury pollution caused by fluorescent lamp manufacturing and the associated human health risk in a large industrial and commercial city | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
27 | 程和发 | Efficient Decomposition of Formaldehyde on Ni-Al Hydrotalcite/AlOOH Nanocomposites Decorated with Pt Nanoparticles at Ambient Temperature | ChemNanoMat |
28 | 程和发 | Sorption of Four s-Triazine Herbicides on Natural Zeolite and Clay Mineral Materials with Microporosity | Fundamental Research |
29 | 方精云 | Alien woody plant invasions in natural forests across China | JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY |
30 | 方精云 | Reduced resilience of terrestrial ecosystems locally is not reflected on a global scale | COMMUNICATIONS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT |
31 | 方精云 | Effects of nitrogen addition on microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon in China's forests from tropical to boreal zone | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
32 | 方精云 | Aboveground biomass and its biotic and abiotic modulators of a main food bamboo of the giant panda in a subalpine spruce-fir forest in southwestern China | Journal of Plant Ecology |
33 | 方精云 | The relationship between niche breadth and range size of beech (Fagus) species worldwide | JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY |
34 | 方精云 | Inconsistent responses of soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two tropical forests | Plant and Soil |
35 | 方精云 | Field‐based Estimation of Net Primary Productivity and Its Above‐ and Belowground Partitioning in Global Grasslands | Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences |
36 | 方精云 | Above- and belowground biomass allocation and its regulation by plant density in six common grassland species in China | Journal of Plant Research |
37 | 冯健 | Clustering in declining industries? The economic-social isolation and instability of migrant workers in Beijing | HABITAT INTERNATIONAL |
38 | 冯健 | Modeling Urban Growth and Socio-Spatial Dynamics of Hangzhou, China: 1964–2010 | Sustainability |
39 | 冯长春 | Out-migration, rural livelihood and housing in Southwest China | GEOGRAFISK TIDSSKRIFT-DANISH JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY |
40 | 郭庆华 | Lidar Boosts 3D Ecological Observations and Modelings: A Review and Perspective | IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE |
41 | 郭庆华 | Development and Performance Evaluation of a Very Low-Cost UAV-Lidar System for Forestry Applications | REMOTE SENSING |
42 | 郭庆华 | UAV-lidar aids automatic intelligent powerline inspection | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS |
43 | 贺灿飞 | Path transplantation: How to use the power of irrigation - a case study of the photovoltaic industry in China | GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL |
44 | 贺灿飞 | Do not put eggs in one basket: related variety and export resilience in the post-crisis era | Industrial and Corporate Change |
45 | 贺灿飞 | Change your identity and fit in: an empirical examination of ownership structure change, firm performance, and local knowledge spillovers in China | Spatial Economic Analysis |
46 | 贺灿飞 | Sectoral and spatial patterns of Chinese cities’ export structures | Post-Communist Economies |
47 | 贺金生 | Dew formation reduction in global warming experiments and the potential consequences | JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY |
48 | 贺金生 | Close-to-nature restoration of degraded alpine grasslands: Theoretical basis and technical approach | CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN-CHINESE |
49 | 胡建英 | Comment on Suspect and Nontarget Screening of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Wastewater from a Fluorochemical Manufacturing Park | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
50 | 胡建英 | High inter-species differences of 12378-polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin between humans and mice | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
51 | 胡建英 | Triphenyl phosphate delayed pubertal timing and induced decline of ovarian reserve in mice as an estrogen receptor antagonist | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
52 | 胡建英 | Maternal Transfer of 2-Ethylhexyl Diphenyl Phosphate Leads to Developmental Toxicity Possibly by Blocking the Retinoic Acid Receptor and Retinoic X Receptor in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
53 | 胡建英 | Tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl)phosphate Induces Mass Mortality of Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) Embryos in Taihu Lake | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
54 | 胡建英 | Discovery of contaminants with antagonistic activity against retinoic acid receptor in house dust |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
55 | 胡燮 | Machine-Learning Characterization of Tectonic, Hydrological and Anthropogenic Sources of Active Ground Deformation in California | Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth |
56 | 胡燮 | Stress perturbations from hydrological and industrial loads and seismicity in the Salt Lake City region | Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth |
57 | 胡燮 | Remote Sensing Characterization of Mountain Excavation and City Construction in Loess Plateau | Geophysical Research Letters |
58 | 胡夑 | Hydrological control shift from river level to rainfall in the reactivated Guobu slope besides the Laxiwa hydropower station in China | REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT |
59 | 李本纲 | Source identification of particulate phosphorus in the atmosphere in Beijing | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
60 | 李本纲 | The contributions of individual countries and regions to the global radiative forcing | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
61 | 李双成 | Analysis of Spatial Heterogeneity and the Scale of the Impact of Changes in PM2.5 Concentrations in Major Chinese Cities between 2005 and 2015 | ENERGIES |
62 | 李双成 | Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Surface Urban Heat Island and Its Driving Factors Based on Local Climate Zones and Population in Beijing, China | ATMOSPHERE |
63 | 李双成 | Spatial Heterogeneity and Complexity of the Impact of Extreme Climate on Vegetation in China | SUSTAINABILITY |
64 | 李双成 | Changing Effect of Urban Form on the Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of Surface Urban Heat Island Intensities (SUHIIs) in More Than 3000 Cities in China | SUSTAINABILITY |
65 | 李双成 | The mediating effect of air pollution in the impacts of urban form on nighttime urban heat island intensity | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY |
66 | 李双成 | Uncovering the relationships between ecosystem services and social- ecological drivers at different spatial scales in the Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei region | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION |
67 | 李双成 | Exploring the complex relationships and drivers of ecosystem services across different geomorphological types in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China (2000-2018) | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
68 | 李双成 | Classifying ecosystem disservices and valuating their effects-a case study of Beijing, China | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
69 | 李双成 | Strength of association between vegetation greenness and its drivers across China between 1982 and 2015: Regional differences and temporal variations | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
70 | 李双成 | Urbanization, ambient air pollution, and prevalence of chronic kidney disease: A nationwide cross-sectional study | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL |
71 | 李喜青 | Occurrence of areca alkaloids in wastewater of major Chinese cities | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
72 | 李喜青 | Simultaneous Determination of Seven Antibiotics and Five of Their Metabolites in Municipal Wastewater and Evaluation of Their Stability under Laboratory Conditions | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH |
73 | 李喜青 | Analysing wastewater to estimate fentanyl and tramadol use in major Chinese cities | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
74 | 李宜垠 | Influence of environmental factors on spatial and temporal variability of allergenic Artemisia pollen in Beijing, China | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
75 | 李有利 | Climatically- and tectonically-controlled development of the late quaternary alluvial fan in the north piedmont of Zhongtiao Shan (ZTS), north China | Quaternary International |
76 | 李有利 | Late Quaternary steady deformation of the Minle Fault in the north Qilian Shan, NE Tibet | TECTONOPHYSICS |
77 | 刘耕年 | Paleoglacial and paleoclimate reconstructions during the global Last Glacial Maximum in the Longriba area, eastern Tibetan Plateau | JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE |
78 | 刘鸿雁 | How permafrost degradation threatens boreal forest growth on its southern margin? | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
79 | 刘鸿雁 | Hydraulic adaptability promotes tree life spans under climate dryness | GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY |
80 | 刘鸿雁 | Remotely sensed birch forest resilience against climate change in the northern China forest-steppe ecotone | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
81 | 刘鸿雁 | Carbon-Water Relationships of the Forest Ecosystem under a Changing Climate | FORESTS |
82 | 刘鸿雁 | Root system plays an important role in responses of plant to drought in the steppe of China | LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT |
83 | 刘鸿雁 | Patterns and determinants of woody encroachment in the eastern Eurasian steppe | LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT |
84 | 刘鸿雁 | Determinants of ecosystem processes and services in the karst critical zone in south-west China | PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT |
85 | 刘鸿雁 | Old-growth forests show low canopy resilience to droughts at the southern edge of the taiga | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
86 | 刘鸿雁 | How Can We Realize Sustainable Development Goals in Rocky Desertified Regions by Enhancing Crop Yield with Reduction of Environmental Risks? | REMOTE SENSING |
87 | 刘鸿雁 | Tree-ring delta O-18 identifies similarity in timing but differences in depth of soil water uptake by trees in mesic and arid climates | AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY |
88 | 刘鸿雁 | Quantifying the role of soil in local precipitation redistribution to vegetation growth | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS |
89 | 刘鸿雁 | Effect paths of environmental factors and community attributes on aboveground net primary productivity of a temperate grassland | LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT |
90 | 刘鸿雁 | Modeling vegetation greenness and its climate sensitivity with deep-learning technology | ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION |
91 | 刘鸿雁 | Decoupled heatwave-tree growth in large forest patches of Larix sibirica in northern Mongolian Plateau | AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY |
92 | 刘鸿雁 | Effects of manipulated precipitation on aboveground net primary productivity of grassland fields: Controlled rainfall experiments in Inner Mongolia, China | LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT |
93 | 刘鸿雁 | Indication of paleoecological evidence on the evolution of alpine vegetation productivity and soil erosion in central China since the mid-Holocene | SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES |
94 | 刘鸿雁 | High forest stand density exacerbates growth decline of conifers driven by warming but not broad-leaved trees in temperate mixed forest in northeast Asia | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
95 | 刘鸿雁 | A process-based model reveals the restoration gap of degraded grasslands in Inner Mongolian steppe |
96 | 刘峻峰 | Non-intrusive reduced order model of urban airflow with dynamic boundary conditions | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT |
97 | 刘峻峰 | Spatiotemporal variability and driving factors of ground-level summertime ozone pollution over eastern China | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT |
98 | 刘峻峰 | Fast simulation of high resolution urban wind fields at city scale | URBAN CLIMATE |
99 | 刘峻峰 | Comparison of the impact of China's railway investment and road investment on the economy and air pollution emissions | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION |
100 | 刘峻峰 | Influence of atmospheric in-cloud aqueous-phase chemistry on the global simulation of SO2 in CESM2 | ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS |
101 | 刘峻峰 | Impacts of chlorine emissions on secondary pollutants in China | ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT |
102 | 刘涛 | Do land ownership types matter in manufacturing firms' location choice? Using Beijing as a case study | GROWTH AND CHANGE |
103 | 刘涛 | The Evolving Structure of Rural Construction Land in Urbanizing China: Case Study of Tai'an Prefecture | LAND |
104 | 刘涛 | Spatial Determinants of Land Conversion for Various Urban Use: A Case Study of Beijing | ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION |
105 | 刘涛 | Employment centers change faster than expected: An integrated identification method and application to Beijing | CITIES |
106 | 刘涛 | Examining social vulnerability to flood of affordable housing communities in Nanjing, China: Building long-term disaster resilience of low-income communities | SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY |
107 | 刘涛 | Are there differences in the forces driving the conversion of different non-urban lands into urban use? A case study of Beijing | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
108 | 刘涛 | The Spatial Distribution and Influencing Factors of Employment Multipliers in China's Expanding Cities | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL |
109 | 刘涛 | A Geographically Weighted Regression Model for Health Improvement: Insights from the Extension of Life Expectancy in China | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL |
110 | 刘文新 | Distribution characteristics of microplastics in agricultural soils from the largest vegetable production base in China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
111 | 刘文新 | Spatiotemporal variations and source identification of atmospheric nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the coastal cities of the Bohai and Yellow Seas in northern China | CHEMOSPHERE |
112 | 刘文新 | Insights into the horizontal and vertical profiles of microplastics in a river emptying into the sea affected by intensive anthropogenic activities in Northern China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
113 | 刘文新 | Effects of anthropogenic discharge and hydraulic deposition on the distribution and accumulation of microplastics in surface sediments of a typical seagoing river: The Haihe River | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
114 | 刘文新 | Evaluation of PAHs in edible parts of vegetables and their human health risks in Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province, China: A multimedia modeling approach | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
115 | 卢晓霞 | Comparison of neonicotinoid residues in soils of different land use types | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
116 | 陆雅海 | Growth Coordination Between Butyrate-Oxidizing Syntrophs and Hydrogenotrophic Methanogens | FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY |
117 | 陆雅海 | Putative Extracellular Electron Transfer in Methanogenic Archaea | FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY |
118 | 陆雅海 | Response of Methanogen Communities to the Elevation of Cathode Potentials in Bioelectrochemical Reactors Amended with Magnetite | APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY |
119 | 陆雅海 | Thermodynamics shapes the biogeography of propionate-oxidizing syntrophs in paddy field soils | ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS |
120 | 陆雅海 | Soil multitrophic network complexity enhances the link between biodiversity and multifunctionality in agricultural systems | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
121 | 马建民 | Trade-driven black carbon climate forcing and environmental equality under China's west-east energy transmission | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION |
122 | 马建民 | Unsupervised PM2.5 anomalies in China induced by the COVID-19 epidemic | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
123 | 马建民 | The Direct Radiative Forcing Impact of Agriculture-Emitted Black Carbon Associated With India's Green Revolution | EARTHS FUTURE |
124 | 马建民 | The atmospheric travel distance of persistent organic pollutants-revisit and application in climate change impact on long-rang transport potential | ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH |
125 | 马建民 | Interprovincial trade driven relocation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lung cancer risk in China | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION |
126 | 马建民 | The footprint of dioxins in globally traded pork meat | iScience |
127 | 马建民 | Reinforcement of Secondary Circulation by Aerosol Feedback and PM2.5 Vertical Exchange in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer | Geophysical Research Letters |
128 | 马亮 | Exploring the causal effects of bicycling for transportation on mental health | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT |
129 | 马亮 | Determinants of bicycling for transportation in disadvantaged neighbourhoods: Evidence from Xi'an, China | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE |
130 | 蒙吉军 | Spatial-temporal characteristics of land use spatial conflict in China and the multilevel effect of its driving factors | Science of The Total Environment |
131 | 蒙吉军 | Fuzzy evaluation of the ecological security of land resources in mainland China based on the Pressure-State-Response framework | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
132 | 莫多闻 | Shifting Patterns of House Structures during the Neolithic-Bronze Age in the Yellow River Basin: An Environmental Perspective | LAND |
133 | 彭建 | How can massive ecological restoration programs interplay with social-ecological systems? A review of research in the South China karst region | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
134 | 彭建 | Scale consistency for investigating urbanization level, vegetation coverage, and their correlation | URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING |
135 | 彭建 | Linking ecological background and demand to identify ecological security patterns across the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in China | LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY |
136 | 彭建 | Ecosystem services supply and demand response to urbanization: A case study of the Pearl River Delta, China | ECOSYSTEM SERVICES |
137 | 彭建 | Integrating regional and interregional approaches to identify ecological security patterns | LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY |
138 | 彭建 | Promoting sustainable landscape pattern for landscape sustainability | LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY |
139 | 彭建 | Spatial assessment of flow and benefit of tropical cyclone hazard mitigation service | PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT |
140 | 彭建 | Human activity vs. climate change: Distinguishing dominant drivers on LAI dynamics in karst region of southwest China | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
141 | 彭建 | Spatial correlation between the changes of ecosystem service supply and demand: An ecological zoning approach | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING |
142 | 彭书时 | Recent Slowdown of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in China Driven by Stabilized Coal Production | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS |
143 | 彭书时 | Soil moisture seasonality alters vegetation response to drought in the Mongolian Plateau | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS |
144 | 彭书时 | A Warm Summer is Unlikely to Stop Transmission of COVID-19 Naturally | GEOHEALTH |
145 | 彭书时 | Wetlands Cool Land Surface Temperature in Tropical Regions but Warm in Boreal Regions | Remote Sensing |
146 | 朴世龙 | Reply to: Disentangling biology from mathematical necessity in twentieth-century gymnosperm resilience trends | NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION |
147 | 朴世龙 | Vegetation Response to Rising CO2 Amplifies Contrasts in Water Resources Between Global Wet and Dry Land Areas | GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS |
148 | 朴世龙 | Seasonal biological carryover dominates northern vegetation growth | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
149 | 朴世龙 | Multifaceted characteristics of dryland aridity changes in a warming world | NATURE REVIEWS EARTH & ENVIRONMENT |
150 | 沈国锋 | Contributions of internal emissions to peaks and incremental indoor PM(2.5 )in rural coal use households | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
151 | 沈国锋 | Environmental Inequality Deepened During the COVID-19 in the Developing World | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
152 | 沈国锋 | Rural residential energy carrier structure and primary PM2.5 emissions from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau | CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN-CHINESE |
153 | 沈国锋 | Field-based evidence of changes in household PM2.5 and exposure during the 2020 national quarantine in China | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS |
154 | 沈国锋 | Indoor Coal Combustion for Heating Exacerbates CO2 Exposure Approaching Harmful Levels | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS |
155 | 沈国锋 | Contributions of biomass burning to global and regional SO2 emissions | ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH |
156 | 沈国锋 | Light absorption properties and absorption emission factors for indoor biomass burning | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
157 | 沈国锋 | Mass Absorption Efficiency of Black Carbon from Residential Solid Fuel Combustion and Its Association with Carbonaceous Fractions | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
158 | 沈国锋 | Optically Measured Black and Particulate Brown Carbon Emission Factors from Real-World Residential Combustion Predominantly Affected by Fuel Differences | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
159 | 沈国锋 | A critical review of pollutant emission factors from fuel combustion in home stoves | ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL |
160 | 沈国锋 | Emissions of particulate PAHs from solid fuel combustion in indoor cookstoves | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
161 | 沈国锋 | Spatially Resolved Emission Factors to Reduce Uncertainties in Air Pollutant Emission Estimates from the Residential Sector | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
162 | 沈国锋 | Substantial leakage into indoor air from on-site solid fuel combustion in chimney stoves | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
163 | 沈国锋 | Evaluating co-emissions into indoor and outdoor air of EC, OC, and BC from in-home biomass burning | ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH |
164 | 沈国锋 | Increased air pollution exposure among the Chinese population during the national quarantine in 2020 | NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR |
165 | 沈泽昊 | Comparing Luojia 1-01 and VIIRS Nighttime Light Data in Detecting Urban Spatial Structure Using a Threshold-Based Kernel Density Estimation | REMOTE SENSING |
166 | 沈泽昊 | A shrubby resprouting pine with serotinous cones endemic to southwest China | ECOLOGY |
167 | 沈泽昊 | Identifying conservation priority areas for gymnosperm species under climate change in China | Biological Conservation |
168 | 沈泽昊 | The effects of multi-scale climate variability on biodiversity patterns of Chinese evergreen broad-leaved woody plants: growth form matters | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
169 | 沈泽昊 | Temporal Patterns and Mechanisms of Biodiversity Across Scales in East Asia | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
170 | 沈泽昊 | Relative humidity and agricultural activities dominate wildfire ignitions in Yunnan, Southwest China: Patterns, thresholds, and implications | AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY |
171 | 唐艳鸿 | Beyond the Mean: Long-Term Variabilities in Precipitation and Temperature on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau | JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY |
172 | 唐艳鸿 | Elevated CO2 Enhances Dynamic Photosynthesis in Rice and Wheat | FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE |
173 | 唐志尧 | Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus pools in terrestrial ecosystems in China | EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA |
174 | 唐志尧 | Radial growth response of trees to seasonal soil humidity in a subtropical forest | BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY |
175 | 唐志尧 | Environmental constraints on the inter-genus variation in the scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations | JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY |
176 | 唐志尧 | Assessing the effectiveness of global protected areas based on the difference in differences model. | Ecological Indicators |
177 | 唐志尧 | Conserving the Chinese caterpillar fungus under climate change. | Biodiversity and Conservation |
178 | 唐志尧 | Responses of litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics to nitrogen addition to temperate shrublands of North China. | Frontiers in Plant Science |
179 | 陶澍 | Differentiated-Rate Clean Heating Strategy with Superior Environmental and Health Benefits in Northern China | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
180 | 陶澍 | Direct and Inverse Reduced-Form Models for Reciprocal Calculation of BC Emissions and Atmospheric Concentrations | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
181 | 陶澍 | Coal Is Dirty, but Where It Is Burned Especially Matters | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
182 | 陶澍 | Toward Clean Residential Energy: Challenges and Priorities in Research | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
183 | 陶澍 | Temporal and spatial variation of PM2.5 in indoor air monitored by low-cost sensors | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
184 | 陶澍 | Quantifying source contributions for indoor CO2 and gas pollutants based on the highly resolved sensor data | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
185 | 陶澍 | Synergistic Health Benefits of Household Stove Upgrading and Energy Switching in Rural China | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
186 | 陶澍 | PM2.5 reductions in Chinese cities from 2013 to 2019 remain significant despite the inflating effects of meteorological conditions | ONE EARTH |
187 | 陶澍 | Future research needs for environmental science in China | Geography & Sustainability |
188 | 童昕 | Using weighted entropy to measure the recyclability of municipal solid waste in China: Exploring the geographical disparity for circular economy | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION |
189 | 童昕 | Producer vs. local government: The locational strategy for end-of-life photovoltaic modules recycling in Zhejiang province | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING |
190 | 万祎 | Xenobiotics Targeting Cardiolipin Metabolism to Promote Thrombosis in Zebrafish | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
191 | 万祎 | Determination and occurrence of sulfonamide transformation products in surface waters | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
192 | 王红亚 | Mineral magnetism variables as potential indicators of permafrost aggradation and degradation at the southern edge of the permafrost zone | Boreas |
193 | 王红亚 | Mineral magnetism potentially indicating degrees of soil gleization and their implications for tracing sediment sources: Inferences for a small catchment on Guizhou Plateau, SW China | Catena |
194 | 王红亚 | Indication of paleoecological evidence on the evolution of alpine vegetation productivity and soil erosion in central China since the mid-Holocene | SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES |
195 | 王少鹏 | Asymmetric foraging lowers the trophic level and omnivory in natural food webs | JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY |
196 | 王少鹏 | Mechanistic links between biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning and stability in a multi-site grassland experiment | JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY |
197 | 王少鹏 | Metapopulation capacity determines food chain length in fragmented landscapes | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA |
198 | 王少鹏 | Grazing-induced biodiversity loss impairs grassland ecosystem stability at multiple scales | ECOLOGY LETTERS |
199 | 王少鹏 | The effects of dispersal on spatial synchrony in metapopulations differ by timescale | OIKOS |
200 | 王少鹏 | Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony | ECOLOGY |
201 | 王少鹏 | How complementarity and selection affect the relationship between ecosystem functioning and stability | Ecology |
202 | 王娓 | The effect of soil depth on temperature sensitivity of extracellular enzyme activity decreased with elevation: Evidence from mountain grassland belts | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
203 | 王娓 | Latitudinal and depth patterns of soil microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in grasslands of an agro-pastoral ecotone | LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT |
204 | 王娓 | Comparison of soil microbial responses to nitrogen addition between ex-arable grassland and natural grassland | JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS |
205 | 王娓 | Divergent responses of the soil bacteria community to multi-level nitrogen enrichment in temperate grasslands under different degrees of degradation | LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT |
206 | 王娓 | Water-induced release of recalcitrant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soil organic matter during microwave-assisted solvent extraction* | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
207 | 王喜龙 | Introduction of N-containing moieties by ammonia plasma technique can substantially improve ciprofloxacin removal by biochar and the associated mechanisms: Spectroscopic and site energy distribution analysis | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
208 | 王喜龙 | Removal of PAHs at high concentrations in a soil washing solution containing TX-100 via simultaneous sorption and biodegradation processes by immobilized degrading bacteria in PVA-SA hydrogel beads | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
209 | 王喜龙 | A mechanistic study on removal efficiency of four antibiotics by animal and plant origin precursors-derived biochars | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
210 | 王喜龙 | Application of TiO2 nanoparticles to reduce bioaccumulation of arsenic in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.): A mechanistic study | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
211 | 王喜龙 | Stronger impacts of long-term relative to short-term exposure to carbon nanomaterials on soil bacterial communities | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
212 | 王喜龙 | Antimony removal by a magnetic TiO2/SiO2/Fe3O4 nanosphere and influence of model dissolved organic matter | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL |
213 | 王喜龙 | Differences in kinetic metabolomics in Eisenia fetida under single and dual exposure of imidacloprid and dinotefuran at environmentally relevant concentrations | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
214 | 王旭辉 | Comment on Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis COMMENT | SCIENCE |
215 | 王旭辉 | Optimizing Lake Surface Water Temperature Simulations Over Large Lakes in China With FLake Model | EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE |
216 | 王旭辉 | Global Patterns and Climate Controls of Terrestrial Ecosystem Light Use Efficiency | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES |
217 | 王旭辉 | Diverging models introduce large uncertainty in future climate warming impact on spring phenology of temperate deciduous trees | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
218 | 王旭辉 | Responses of vegetation greenness and carbon cycle to extreme droughts in China | AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY |
219 | 王旭辉 | Data-driven estimates of global litter production imply slower vegetation carbon turnover | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
220 | 王旭辉 | Global irrigation contribution to wheat and maize yield |
221 | 王旭辉 | Divergent responses of phenology and growth to summer and autumnal warming | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
222 | 王学军 | Characteristics of CO2 and atmospheric pollutant emissions from China's cement industry: A life-cycle perspective | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION |
223 | 王学军 | Biotransport of mercury and human methylmercury exposure through crabs in China-A life cycle-based analysis | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS |
224 | 王学军 | Rivers as the largest source of mercury to coastal oceans worldwide | NATURE GEOSCIENCE |
225 | 王学军 | Mercury and methylmercury in China's lake sediments and first estimation of mercury burial fluxes | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
226 | 王学军 | Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Deepest Ocean Fauna: Implications for Ocean Mercury Biotransport through Food Webs | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LETTERS |
227 | 王学军 | Human Methylmercury Exposure and Potential Impacts in Central Tibet: Food and Traditional Tibetan Medicine | BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY |
228 | 王学军 | Spatial-temporal characteristics of mercury and methylmercury in marine sediment under the combined influences of river input and coastal currents | CHEMOSPHERE |
229 | 王学军 | Establishment of High-Resolution Atmospheric Mercury Emission Inventories for Chinese Cement Plants Based on the Mass Balance Method | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
230 | 王学军 | Observation-Based Mercury Export from Rivers to Coastal Oceans in East Asia | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
231 | 王仰麟 | Resolution Enhancement of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature: Current Status and Perspectives | REMOTE SENSING |
232 | 王仰麟 | Impacts of climate change on wind erosion in Southern Africa between 1991 and 2015 | LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT |
233 | 王愔 | Plasma membrane H+-ATPase overexpression increases rice yield via simultaneous enhancement of nutrient uptake and photosynthesis | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
234 | 王长松 | A 2000-year spatiotemporal pattern and relationship between cities and floods in the Yangtze River Basin, China | RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS |
235 | 王志恒 | Conservation of woody species in China under future climate and land-cover changes | JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY |
236 | 王志恒 | Variance in tree growth rates provides a key link for completing the theory of forest size structure formation | JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY |
237 | 王志恒 | Vulnerabilities of protected lands in the face of climate and human footprint changes | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
238 | 王志恒 | Upward shift and elevational range contractions of subtropical mountain plants in response to climate change | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
239 | 王志恒 | Phylogenetic niche conservatism and variations in species diversity-climate relationships | ECOGRAPHY |
240 | 王志恒 | Towards an understanding of the latitudinal patterns in thermal tolerance and vulnerability of woody plants under climate warming | ECOGRAPHY |
241 | 王志恒 | Relative Importance of Deterministic and Stochastic Processes on Soil Microbial Community Assembly in Temperate Grasslands | MICROORGANISMS |
242 | 王志恒 | Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems | ECOLOGY LETTERS |
243 | 王志恒 | Effects of climate, plant height and evolutionary age on geographical patterns of fruit type | Frontiers in Plant Science |
244 | 王志恒 | Geographical patterns in phylogenetic diversity of Chinese woody plants and its application for conservation planning | Diversity and Distributions |
245 | 吴健生 | Linking the minimum spanning tree and edge betweenness to understand arterial corridors in an ecological network | LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY |
246 | 武旭同 | Multilevel analysis of factors affecting participants' land reconversion willingness after the Grain for Green Program | AMBIO |
247 | 武旭同 | Spatial variation and influencing factors of the effectiveness of afforestation in China's Loess Plateau | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
248 | 徐福留 | Variations of root-associated bacterial cooccurrence relationships in paddy soils under chlorantraniliprole (CAP) stress | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
249 | 徐福留 | Dustfall-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over the fifth largest Chinese lake: residual levels, source apportionment, and correlations with suspended particulate matter (SPM)-bound PAHs in water | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH |
250 | 徐福留 | Multi-Media Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Lake Chaohu, the Fifth Largest Fresh Water Lake in China: Residual Levels, Sources and Carcinogenic Risk | ATMOSPHERE |
251 | 徐福留 | Suspended particulate matter(SPM)-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in lakes and reservoirs across a large geographical scale | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
252 | 徐福留 | Geographical location and water depth are important driving factors for the differences of suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) in lake environment across nationwide scale: Evidences from n-alkane fingerprints | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
253 | 徐福留 | The impacts of algae biological pump effect on the occurrence, source apportionment and toxicity of SPM-bound PAHs in lake environment. | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
254 | 姚蒙 | Generalist carnivores can be effective biodiversity samplers of terrestrial vertebrates | FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT |
255 | 姚蒙 | Snow Leopard Dietary Preferences and Livestock Predation Revealed by Fecal DNA Metabarcoding: No Evidence for Apparent Competition Between Wild and Domestic Prey | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
256 | 姚蒙 | Prey partitioning and livestock consumption in the world’s richest large carnivore assemblage | Current Biology |
257 | 张家富 | Origin and provenance of Red Clay in north Hunan Province, China: Inferred from grain-size analysis and end-member modelling | AEOLIAN RESEARCH |
258 | 张照斌 | Hepatic toxicity of fluorene-9-bisphenol (BHPF) on CD-1 mice | ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY |
259 | 赵鹏军 | Land use and travel burden of residents in urban fringe and rural areas: An evaluation of urban-rural integration initiatives in Beijing | LAND USE POLICY |
260 | 赵鹏军 | The factors in residents' mobility in rural towns of China: Car ownership, road infrastructure and public transport services | JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY |
261 | 赵鹏军 | Rural poverty and mobility in China: A national-level survey | JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY |
262 | 赵鹏军 | Exploring shopping travel behavior of millennials in Beijing: Impacts of built environment, life stages, and subjective preferences | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE |
263 | 赵鹏军 | Smartphone-based services, perceived accessibility, and transport inequity during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-lagged panel study | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT |
264 | 赵鹏军 | Elderly mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative exploration in Kunming, China | JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY |
265 | 赵鹏军 | The morphology and circuity of walkable, bikeable, and drivable street networks in Phnom Penh, Cambodia | ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B-URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE |
266 | 赵鹏军 | China's transportation sector carbon dioxide emissions efficiency and its influencing factors based on the EBM DEA model with undesirable outputs and spatial Durbin model | ENERGY |
267 | 赵鹏军 | Literature review on urban transport equity in transitional China: From empirical studies to universal knowledge | Journal of Transport Geography |
268 | 赵鹏军 | Rethinking the determinants of vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT) in an auto-dependent city: transport policies, socioeconomic factors and the built environment | Transportation Planning and Technology |
269 | 赵淑清 | Contemporary Urban Expansion in the First Fastest Growing Metropolitan Region of China: A Multicity Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration from 1980 to 2015 | URBAN SCIENCE |
270 | 赵淑清 | Urbanization effects on Chinese mammal and amphibian richness: a multi-scale study using the urban-rural gradient approach | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS |
271 | 赵淑清 | 1/4 to 1/3 of observed warming trends in China from 1980 to 2015 are attributed to land use changes | CLIMATIC CHANGE |
272 | 赵淑清 | Perturbation of Urbanization to Earth's Surface Energy Balance | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES |
273 | 赵淑清 | Urbanization imprint on land surface phenology: The urban-rural gradient analysis for Chinese cities | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
274 | 赵淑清 | The Cooling Effect of Urban Green Spaces in Metacities: A Case Study of Beijing, China’s Capital | remote sensing |
275 | 周丰 | Decline in nitrogen concentrations of eutrophic Lake Dianchi associated with policy interventions during 2002-2018* | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
276 | 周丰 | Decoupling between ammonia emission and crop production in China due to policy interventions | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
277 | 周丰 | Is rice field a nitrogen source or sink for the environment? | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION |
278 | 周丰 | Improved Estimates of Ammonia Emissions from Global Croplands | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY |
279 | 周丰 | Nationwide estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus losses via runoff from rice paddies using data-constrained model simulations | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION |
280 | 周丰 | Global mapping of crop-specific emission factors highlights hotspots of nitrous oxide mitigation | NATURE FOOD |
281 | 周丰 | Additional surface-water deficit to meet global universal water accessibility by 2030 | Journal of Cleaner Production |
282 | 周力平 | Tracing Water Masses and Assessing Boundary Scavenging Intensity With Beryllium Isotopes in the Northern South China Sea | JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS |
283 | 周力平 | Dissolved and Particulate Beryllium Isotopes in the Pearl River Estuary: Their Geochemical Behavior in Estuarine Water and Potential Contributions From Anthropogenic Sources | Frontiers in Marine Science |
284 | 周力平 | Decadal changes of seawater radiocarbon in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and their oceanographic implications | Journal of Marine Systems |
285 | 朱彪 | Global patterns and associated drivers of priming effect in response to nutrient addition | SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY |
286 | 朱彪 | Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi reduce soil nitrous oxide emission | GEODERMA |
287 | 朱彪 | Does calculation method affect the nutrient-addition effect on priming? | GEODERMA |
288 | 朱彪 | Mycorrhizal mycelial respiration: A substantial component of soil respired CO2 | SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY |
289 | 朱彪 | Plateau pika offsets the positive effects of warming on soil organic carbon in an alpine swamp meadow on the Tibetan Plateau | CATENA |
290 | 朱彪 | Rhizosphere effects of woody plants on soil biogeochemical processes: A meta-analysis | SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY |
291 | 朱彪 | Soil N2O emissions are more sensitive to phosphorus addition and plant presence than to nitrogen addition and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation | RHIZOSPHERE |
292 | 朱彪 | Nitrogen addition stimulates priming effect in a subtropical forest soil | SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY |
293 | 朱彪 | Warming has a minor effect on surface soil organic carbon in alpine meadow ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
294 | 朱彪 | Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees cause a higher carbon to nitrogen ratio of soil organic matter decomposition via rhizosphere priming than ectomycorrhizal trees | SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY |
295 | 朱彪 | Responses of soil microbial biomass carbon and dissolved organic carbon to drying-rewetting cycles: A meta-analysis | Catena |
296 | 朱彪 | Soil priming effect and its responses to nutrient addition along a tropical forest elevation gradient | GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY |
297 | 朱晟君 | Strong Links and Weak Links: How Do Unrelated Industries Survive in an Unfriendly Environment? | ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY |
298 | 朱晟君 | Changing institutional context and regional industrial dynamics: New evidence from the establishment of administrative approval centers in China | GROWTH AND CHANGE |
299 | 朱晟君 | Diversity in brokerage cities: the evolution of urban positionality in China's financial system | REGIONAL STUDIES |
300 | 朱晟君 | Networks of export markets and export market diversification | INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE |
301 | 朱晟君 | Institutions, Chain Governance and the Predicament of Local Upgrading: A Case Study of Hangzhou's Mobile Game Industry | JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA |
302 | 朱晟君 | Do not put eggs in one basket: related variety and export resilience in the post-crisis era | Industrial and Corporate Change |
303 | 朱晟君 | Public funds in high-tech industries: a blessing or a curse. | Socio-Economic Planning Sciences |
304 | 朱晟君 | Change your identity and fit in: an empirical examination of ownership structure change, firm performance, and local knowledge spillovers in China | Spatial Economic Analysis |
305 | 朱晟君 | Sectoral and spatial patterns of Chinese cities’ export structures | Post-Communist Economies |
306 | 朱丹 | Global hunter-gatherer population densities constrained by influence of seasonality on diet composition | NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION |
307 | 朱东强 | Future research needs for environmental science in China | Geography & Sustainability |
308 | 朱东强 | Combined analyses of hygroscopic properties of organic and inorganic components of three representative black carbon samples recovered from pyrolysis | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT |
309 | 朱东强 | Directional oxidation of amine-containing phenolic pharmaceuticals by aqueous dissolved oxygen under dark conditions catalyzed by nitrogen-doped multiwall carbon nanotubes | ACS ES&T Water |
310 | 朱东强 | Sorption fractionation of bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on mineral surfaces and associated effects on phenanthrene sorption to EPS-mineral complexes | Chemosphere |