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Tel: 010-62761070
2002.06 — 2006.09: Ph.D., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
2001.01 — 2002.05: Ph.D. candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
1999.01 — 2000.12: M.S., School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
1994.09 — 1998.07: 学士,华东师范大学资源与环境蜜桃直播 环境科学系
2018.08 — 当前:长聘教授,蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播app
2015.05 — 2018.07: 长聘副教授、研究员,蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播app 环境学系
2009.10 — 2015.04: 研究员,中国科蜜桃直播 广州地球化学研究所有机地球化学国家重点实验室
2010.04 — 2011.02: Visiting Assist. Prof., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
2006.10 — 2010.09: Postdoctoral Fellow & Consulting Assist. Prof., Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
Environment International, Associate editor
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Editorial board member
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Editorial board member
2014年,中国科蜜桃直播 “百人计划”结题优秀奖
2014年,中国科蜜桃直播 大学BHBP导师科研奖
2013年,国际环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE),SCOPE-Zhonbgyu Young Scientist Award (1 of 3)
2010年,中国科蜜桃直播 “百人计划”入选者
2010年,中国科蜜桃直播 广州分院、广东省科蜜桃直播 “优秀青年科技工作者”
1. 项目负责人,“环境地球化学”,国家杰出青年科学基金,2018-2022。
2. 项目负责人,“典型苯胂酸类化合物的非生物环境转化及基于铁锰氧化物的污染控制研究”,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,2017-2020。
3. 课题负责人,“农田和农产品重金属源解析与污染特征研究”课题2-“区域尺度农田与农产品重金属数值法污染源解析”,国家重点研发计划项目,2016-2020。
4. 项目负责人,“三嗪类农药在天然和微孔矿物上的吸附及其在矿物微孔内的微波诱导降解”, 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,2015-2018。
1. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Tao, S., Retired Electric Vehicle (EV) Batteries: Integrated Waste Management and Research Needs. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (19), 10927-10929 (2017).
2. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Tao, S., Environmental and Human Health Challenges of Industrial Livestock and Poultry Farming in China and Their Mitigation. Environment International, 107, 111-130 (2017).
3. Hu, Y., Zhang, W., Cheng, H.*, Tao, S., Public Health Risk of Arsenic Species in Chicken Tissues from Live Poultry Markets of Guangdong Province, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (6), 3508-3517 (2017).
4. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Displacement Efficiency of Alternative Energy and Trans-provincial Imported Electricity in China. Nature Communications, 8, 14590 (2017).
5. Sun, B., Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Tao, S., Kinetics of Brominated Flame Retardant (BFR) Releases from Granules of Waste Plastics. Environmental Science & Technology, 50 (24), 13419-13427 (2016).
6. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Tao, S., The Challenges and Solutions for Cadmium-contaminated Rice in China: A Critical Review, Environment International, 92-93, 515–532 (2016).
7. Xie, X., Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Mechanism, Kinetics, and Pathways of Self-sensitized Sunlight Photodegradation of Phenylarsonic Compounds, Water Research, 96, 136-147 (2016).
8. He, Y., Cheng, H.*, Degradation of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and Its Precursor Dimethylamine (DMA) in Mineral Micropores Induced by Microwave Irradiation, Water Research, 94, 305-314 (2016).
9. Xie, X., Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Rapid Degradation of p-Arsanilic Acid with Simultaneous Arsenic Removal from Aqueous Solution using Fenton Process, Water Research, 89, 59-67 (2016).
10. Wang, L., Cheng, H.*, Birnessite (δ-MnO2) Mediated Degradation of Organoarsenic Feed Additive p-Arsanilic Acid, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (6), 3473-3481 (2015).
11. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Disposal Capacity for Spent Fuel in China Is not Ready yet for the Nuclear Power Boom, Environmental Science & Technology, 49 (5), 2596-2597 (2015).
12. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Research Opportunities for Antimicrobial Resistance Control in China’s Factory Farming, Environmental Science & Technology 48 (10), 5364-5365 (2014).
13. Hu, E., Cheng, H.*, Catalytic Effect of Transition Metals on Microwave-induced Degradation of Atrazine in Mineral Micropores, Water Research 57, 8-19 (2014).
14. Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y, Reinhard, M., Environmental and Health Impacts of Artificial Turf: A Review, Environmental Science & Technology 48 (4), 2114-2129 (2014).
15. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, The Urgency of Assessing the Greenhouse Gas Budgets of Hydroelectric Reservoirs in China, Nature Climate Change 3 (8), 708-712 (2013).
16. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Application of Stochastic Models in Identification and Apportionment of Heavy Metal Pollution Sources in the Surface Soils of a Large-scale Region, Environmental Science & Technology 47 (8), 3752-3760 (2013).
17. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Development and Bottlenecks of Renewable Electricity Generation in China: A Critical Review, Environmental Science & Technology 47 (7), 3044-3056 (2013).
18. Hu, E., Cheng, H.*, Impact of Surface Chemistry on Microwave-induced Degradation of Atrazine in Mineral Micropores, Environmental Science & Technology 47 (1), 533-541 (2013).
19. Hu, Y., Cheng, H.*, Mercury Risk from Fluorescent Lamps in China: Current Status and Future Perspective, Environment International 44, 141-150 (2012).
20. Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y., Understanding the Paradox of Mercury Pollution in China: High Concentrations in Environmental Matrix yet Low Levels in Fish on the Market, Environmental Science & Technology 46 (9), 4695-4696 (2012).
21. Hu, E., Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y., Microwave-Induced Degradation of Atrazine Sorbed in Mineral Micropores, Environmental Science & Technology 46 (9), 5067-5076 (2012).
22. Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y., Influence of Chain Ordering on Frictional Properties of Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) in Nano-Lubrication, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 171-172, 53-65 (2012).
23. Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y., Mercury in Municipal Solid Waste in China and Its Control: A Review, Environmental Science & Technology 46 (2), 593-605 (2012).
24. Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y., Economic Transformation, Technological Innovation, and Policy and Institutional Reforms Hold Keys to Relieving China’s Water Shortages, Environmental Science & Technology 45 (2), 360-361 (2011).
25. Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y., China Needs to Control Mercury Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Incineration, Environmental Science & Technology 44 (21), 7994-7995 (2010).
26. Cheng, H.*, Hu, Y., Zhao, J., Meeting China’s Water Shortage Crisis: Current Practices and Challenges, Environmental Science & Technology 43 (2), 240-244 (2009).
27. Cheng, H. and Reinhard, M.*, The Rate of 2,2-Dichloropropane Transformation in Mineral Micropores: Implications of Sorptive Preservation for Fate and Transport of Organic Contaminants in the Subsurface, Environmental Science & Technology 42 (8), 2879-2885 (2008).
28. Cheng, H., Reinhard, M.*, Sorption and Inhibited Dehydrohalogenation of 2,2-Dichloropropane in Micropores of Dealuminated Y Zeolites, Environmental Science & Technology 41 (6), 1934-1941 (2007).
29. Cheng, H.*, Zhang, Y., Meng, A., Li, Q., Municipal Solid Waste Fueled Power Generation in China: A Case Study of Waste-to-Energy in Changchun City, Environmental Science & Technology 41 (21), 7509-7515 (2007).
30. Cheng, H., Reinhard, M.*, Sorption of Trichloroethylene in Hydrophobic Micropores of Dealuminated Y Zeolites and Natural Minerals, Environmental Science & Technology 40 (24), 7694-7701 (2006).
31. Cheng, H., Reinhard, M.*, Measuring Hydrophobic Micropore Volumes in Geosorbents from Trichloroethylene Desorption Data, Environmental Science & Technology 40 (11), 3595-3602 (2006).
32. Cheng, H., Sabatini, D. A.*, Simultaneous Removal of Anionic Surfactants and Micellar-Solubilized Contaminants Using Anion-Exchange Resin, Water Research 36 (8), 2062-2076 (2002).
33. Cheng, H., Sabatini, D. A.*, Kibbey, T. C. G., Solvent Extraction for Separating Micellar-Solubilized Contaminants and Anionic Surfactants, Environmental Science & Technology 35 (14), 2995-3001 (2001).
* -- Corresponding Author