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- 连旭

2016.10-2020.10 德国康斯坦茨大学,生态学,博士
2013.09-2016.06 复旦大学,生态学,硕士
2009.09-2013.06 华南农业大学,生态学,学士
2024.12- 北京大学,研究院、助理教授
Google Scholar: //scholar.google.com/citations?hl=""en&user=dL_JqCUAAAAJ
B. von Holle and Z. Zhang. “Invasional Meltdown and Ecosystem Engineers,” Encyclopedia of Biodiversity - 3rd Edition (生物多样性百科全书-第三版), 2023.
11. Z. Zhang and L. Becks. “The mechanistic rules for species coexistence,” Nature Communications (in revision)
10. Z. Zhang, Q. Yang, T. S. Fristoe, W. Dawson, F. Essl, H. Kreft, B. Lenzner, J. Pergl, P. Pyšek, P. Weigelt, et al., “The poleward naturalization of intracontinental alien plants,” Science Advances, 9: eadi1897, 2023.
9. Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, A. Hardrath, H. Jin, and M. van Kleunen, “Increases in multiple resources promote competitive ability of naturalized non-native plants,” Communications Biology, 5: 1150, 2022.
8. Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, L. Yuan, E. Weber, and M. van Kleunen, “Effect of allelopathy on plant performance: A meta-analysis,” Ecology Letters, 24: 348–362, 2021.
7. Z. Zhang, M. van Kleunen, L. Becks, and M. P. Thakur, “Towards a general understanding of bacterial interactions,” Trends in Microbiology, 28: 783–785, 2020.
6. Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, C. Brunel, and M. van Kleunen, “Evidence for elton’s diversity-invasibility hypothesis from belowground,” Ecology, 101, 2020.
5. Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, C. Brunel, and M. van Kleunen, “Soil-microorganism-mediated invasional meltdown in plants,” Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4: 1612–1621, 2020.
4. Z. Zhang and M. van Kleunen, “Common alien plants are more competitive than rare natives but not than common natives,” Ecology Letters, 22: 1378–1386, 2019.
3. Z. Zhang, F. Zhou, X. Pan, M. van Kleunen, M. Liu, and B. Li, “Evolution of increased intraspecific competitive ability following introduction: The importance of relatedness among genotypes,” Journal of Ecology, 107: 387–395, 2019.
2. Z. Zhang, X. Pan, D. Blumenthal, M. Van Kleunen, M. Liu, and B. Li, “Contrasting effects of specialist and generalist herbivores on resistance evolution in invasive plants,” Ecology, 99: 866–875, 2018.
1. Z. Zhang, X. Pan, Z. Zhang, K. S. He, and B. Li, “Specialist insect herbivore and light availability do not interact in the evolution of an invasive plant,” PLoS One, 10: e0139234, 2015.