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个人简历 人才培养 科学研究 教研成果



方精云,1959年生。现任北京大学教授北京大学学术委员会副主任,云南大学校长、中科院院士、第三世界科蜜桃直播 院士。主要从事全球变化生态学、群落生态与生物多样性、生态遥感、生态草牧业等方面的研究,承担基金委基础科学中心、创新团队及科技部重点研发计划项目等科研项目,先后发表学术论著420余篇,其中含“Science”“Nature” “PNAS”论文17篇; 论文总引用超过32000次,H-index为77 (Google scholar)。曾获国家杰出青年科学基金(1994),国家自然科学二等奖(2004),“长江学者成就奖”(2006),“何梁何利科学技术进步奖”(2007)、中国出版政府奖(2011)、教育部自然科学一等奖(2014)、北京市自然科学一等奖(2020)等奖励。10篇代表作如下:

(1)Feng YH, Schmid B, Loreau M, Forrester DI, Fei SL, Zhu JX, Tang ZY, Zhu JL, Hong PB, Ji CJ, Shi Y, Su HJ, Xiong XY, Xiao J, Wang SP, Fang JY*. 2022. Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions. Science, 376: 865-868.

(2) Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY (方精云、王志恒、唐志尧). 2011. Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate(中国木本植物图集:分布与气候).     Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2 volumes with 1972 pages and 11219 illustrations; Jointly published with Higher Education Press, Beijing)

(3) Fang JY, Yu GR, Liu LL, Hu SJ, Chapin FS. 2018. Climate change, human impacts, and carbon sequestration in China. PNAS, 115, 4015-4020.

(4) Tao SL, Fang JY, Zhao X, Zhao SQ, Shen HH, Hu HF, Tang ZY, Wang ZH, Guo QH. 2015. Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau. PNAS, 112: 2281-2286

(5) Fang JY, Kato T, Guo ZD, Yang YH, Hu HF, Shen HH, Zhao X, Kishimoto AW, Tang YH, Houghtonf RA. 2014. Evidence for environmentally enhanced forest growth. PNAS, 111: 9527-9532

(6) Pan YD, Birdsey RA, Fang JY, et al. 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science, 333: 988-993

(7) Han WX, Fang JY, Reich PB, Woodward FI, Wang ZH. 2011. Biogeography and variability of eleven mineral elements in plant leaves across gradients of climate, soil and plant functional type in China. Ecology Letters, 14: 788-796

(8) Piao SL, Fang JY, Ciais P, Peylin P, Huang Y, Sitch S, Wang T. 2009. The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Nature, 458: 1009-1013

(9) Wang ZH, Brown J, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2009. Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America. PNAS, 106: 13388–13392

(10) Fang JY, Chen AP, Peng CH, Zhao SQ, Ci LJ. 2001. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in China between 1949 and 1998. Science, 292: 2320-2322


1978.09-1982.07:安徽农业大学(原安徽农蜜桃直播 )林学专业学习,获学士学位

1982.09-1983.09:北京林蜜桃直播 教育部出国代培研究生,大连外国语蜜桃直播 日语培训






1994.11-1997.05:中国科蜜桃直播 生态环境中心研究员、系统生态开放实验室副主任





2007.10-2008.02:德国柏林自由大学(Freie Universität Berlin)访问学者


2017-2019:蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播app 教授、北京大学理学部副主任、植物所学术所长

2019-现在:蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播app 教授、云南大学校长



2018-: 北京大学学术委员会副主任

2016-2019: 北京大学理学部副主任

2016-: 北京市人民政府参事

2015-: 国务院学位委员会生态学科评议召集人

2015-: 《大百科全书》(第三版)生态学卷主编

2014-: 国家统计局“编制自然资源资产负债表”专家咨询组成员

2013-: 国土资源部《全国国土规划纲要 (2011-2030年)》专家咨询委员会成员

2013.02-: 第十一届、第十二届全国政协委员、全国政协人口资源环境委员会委员

2012.12-: 第十一届、第十二届民盟中央委员、常委;民盟中央生态环境委员会主任委员

2010-: 国家气候变化专家委员会成员

2008-2012: 国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金评审委员会(终审)成员、生命科学部杰出青年基金评审委员会成员、生命科学部专家咨询委员会委员

2007-2011: 北京市学位委员会副主任委员

2005.11-: 当选为中科院院士(生命科学与医学学部)

2006.06-: 生命学部常委,2008年当选为中科院学部咨询委员会委员; 2012年连任中科院咨询学部委员会委员;2017年当选为生命学部常委。

2004-2008: IGBP中国国家委员会全国委员

1999-2008: 中国生态学会副理事长



2002-07: “Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment”, Associate Editor

2006-09: “Global Environmental Change”, Associate Editor, Elsevier, UK

2008-11: “Ecosystems”,编委

2008-12: “BMC Ecology”, Editorial Board, BioMed Central (UK)

2007-12: “Ecological Research”,编委

2006-01: “Journal of Plant Ecology”, 编委

2002-12: “Tropics”, 日本热带生态学会主办,科学指导委员会成员

2014-: “Ecography”,Associate Editor

2016-现在: “National Science Review”,Associate Editor




此外,在《Journal of Environmental Science》《Journal of Integrative Plant Science》、“知识就是力量”等10多个国内杂志任编委或副主编。


方精云、朱江玲、王少鹏等著. 2018. 中国及全球碳排放. 北京,科学出版社,pp. 240.

Shapiro TH, Diab R, de BritoCruz CH, Cropper M, Fang JY, FrescoLouise O, Manabe S, Mehta G, Molina M, Williams P, Winnacker E-L, Zakri AH.2010. Climate Change Assessments: Review of the Processes and Procedures ofthe IPCC. The Inter Academy Council, Alkmaar, the Netherlands. 【此报告是应联合国和IPCC要求提交的评估报告。方精云作为IAC任命的IPCC报告独立评估委员会的12位成员之一,向联合国和IPCC提交了独立评估报告,引起IPCC组织机构的变革和IPCC评估程序的改革】

Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY (方精云、王志恒、唐志尧). 2011. Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distributionand Climate (中国木本植物图集:分布与气候). Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2 volumes with 1972 pages and 11219illustrations; Jointly published with Higher Education Press, Beijing)

方精云, 赵淑清, 唐志尧等著. 2006. 长江中游湿地生物多样性保护的生态学基础. 北京,高教出版社,  pp. 278.

方精云主编. 2000. 全球生态学. 高等教育出版社-SpringerVerlag, 北京-Heidelberg.

孔晓宁, 方精云著. 1996. 走进北极. 中国工商联出版社, 北京.



2012-: 当选为欧亚科蜜桃直播 院士

2010.11-: 国际应用系统分析研究机构科学指导委员会成员, Science Advisory Committee, IIASA (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis)

2010-2011: Member, IPCC Review Committee of the InterAcademy Council (IAC) [国际科蜜桃直播 理事会(IAC)IPCC评估报告独立调查委员会成员]

2008-: 当选为第三世界科蜜桃直播 (TWAS)院士

2007.1-: 全球陆地观测系统陆地碳观测工作组成员[member, Terrestrial Carbon Observations panel (TCO) of the Global Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS)].

2001.10-2003: SCOPE与IGBP全球碳问题快速评估计划(RAP Carbon Project)科学指导委员会委员。


2018-: 《第四次气候变化国家评估报告》专家委员会成员

2018-: 北京大学学术委员会副主任

2016-: 北京大学理学部副主任

2016-: 中科院植物研究所学术所长,研究所学术委员会主任

2015-: 国务院学位委员会生态学科评议召集人

2015-: 《大百科全书》(第三版)生态学卷主编

2014-: 国家统计局“编制自然资源资产负债表”专家咨询组成员

2013-: 国土资源部《全国国土规划纲要 (2011-2030年)》专家咨询委员会成员

2010-: 北京大学理学部委员、蜜桃直播 学术委员会主任

2010-: 国家气候变化专家委员会成员

2008-现在: 其间,任多个国家/部委重点实验室学术委员会主任或委员,如:












2008-2012: 国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金评审委员会(终审)成员、生命科学部杰出青年基金评审委员会成员、生命科学部专家咨询委员会委员

2007-2011: 北京市学位委员会副主任委员

2005.11-: 当选为中科院院士(生命科学与医学学部)

2006.06-: 当选为生命学部常委,2008年连任学部常委,并当选为中科院学部咨询委员会委员; 2012年连任中科院学部咨询委员会委员;2017年再次当选为生命学部常委。

2004-2008: IGBP中国国家委员会全国委员

1999-2008: 中国生态学会副理事长






2012-:当选为国际欧亚科蜜桃直播 (IEAS)院士

2011:《中国木本植物分布图集:分布与气候》 (“Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate”)获新闻出版总署第二届中国出版政府奖图书奖.





2008:第三世界科蜜桃直播 (TWAS)院士





2005:当选为中国科蜜桃直播 院士(生命科学与医学部)





1996: 入选国家人事部“百千万人才工程1995/1996年度第一、二层次

1995: 享受国务院政府津贴(科学技术)

1994: 首届国家杰出青年科学基金

1983-89: 中国政府派遣留学生奖学金






共培养硕士生24名、博士生37名,指导28名本科生完成毕业论文(其中1名外国留学生),指导21名博士后出站。在指导的博士生中,2人获全国百篇优博,1人获全国优博论文提名奖;2人获基金委 “国家杰出青年基金”,5人获基金委“优青”;7人获中组部“青年千人”称号;多人成为国内外著名大学或研究机构的教授(研究员)及有关部门的管理骨干。



(2)主持建立了"北京大学环境蜜桃直播 生态学系” (2002-2003);




(6)主持建立了北京大学“中国森林碳循环精细计量与施肥实验平台” (2010-2014)。


1. 在研项目


1) 基金委基础科学中心,生态系统对全球变化的响应. (31988102), 项目负责人,2020-2024

2) 国家重点研发计划,陆地生态系统碳源汇监测技术及指标体系.(2017YFC0503900),项目负责人,2017-2020

3) 国家自然科学基金委创新群体研究项目(三期),“中国陆地植被的时空格局与生态功能”,项目负责人,2011-2019

4) 国家自然科学基金重点项目(31330012),“我国温带草原的灌丛化及其对生态系统结构和功能的影响”。2014—2018,项目负责人

5) 中科院学部咨询项目“我国农业结构的问题与对策”,2015.01-2017.12,项目负责人

6) 中国科蜜桃直播 学部学科发展战略研究“生态系统生态学”,2017.01-2018.12,项目负责人

7) 科技部全球变化研究重大科学研究计划(2010CB950600),“中国陆地生态系统碳源汇特征及其全球意义”,2010.06.31-2014.12.31,项目首席

 2. 代表性著作和论文

先后发表论著450余篇,国际论文220余篇,其中,在“Science”、“Nature”和“PNAS”上发表论文18篇,国内外引用超过3.2万次, H-index 77。向中央政府提交咨询报告7份。


方精云、朱江玲、岳超、王少鹏、郑天立著. 2018.中国及全球碳排放. 北京,科学出版社,pp. 240.

方精云,刘玲莉主编. 2021. 生态系统生态学——回顾与展望。高等教育出版社,北京。

方精云、朱剑宵等编著. 2021. 中国森林生态系统碳收支研究。科学出版社,北京。

Shapiro TH, Diab R, de Brito Cruz CH, Cropper M, Fang JY, Fresco Louise O, Manabe S, Mehta G, Molina M, Williams P, Winnacker E-L, Zakri AH. 2010. Climate Change Assessments: Review of the Processes and Procedures of the IPCC. The Inter Academy Council, Alkmaar, the Netherlands. 【此报告是应联合国和IPCC要求提交的评估报告。方精云作为IAC任命的IPCC报告独立评估委员会的12位成员之一,向联合国和IPCC提交了独立评估报告,引起IPCC组织机构的变革和IPCC评估程序的改革】

Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY (方精云、王志恒、唐志尧). 2011. Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate(中国木本植物图集:分布与气候). Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2 volumes with 1972 pages and 11219 illustrations; Jointly published with Higher Education Press, Beijing)

方精云, 赵淑清, 唐志尧等著. 2006. 长江中游湿地生物多样性保护的生态学基础. 北京,高教出版社,  pp. 278.

方精云主编. 2000. 全球生态学. 高等教育出版社-Springer Verlag, 北京-Heidelberg.

孔晓宁, 方精云著. 1996. 走进北极. 中国工商联出版社, 北京.



Feng YH, Schmid B, Loreau M, Forrester DI, Fei SL, Zhu JX, Tang ZY, Zhu JL, Hong PB, Ji CJ, Shi Y, Su HJ, Xiong XY, Xiao J, Wang SP, Fang JY*. 2022. Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions. Science, 376: 865-868.

Fang JY, Yu GR, Liu LL, Hu SJ, Chapin FS. 2018. Climate change, human impacts, and carbon sequestration in China. 2018. PNAS, 115, 4015-4020.

Tang XL, Zhao X, Bai YF, Tang ZY, Wang WT, Zhao YC, Wan HW, Xie ZQ, Shi XZ, Wu BF, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Hu HF, He NP, Yang YH, Han WX, He HL, Yu GR, Fang JY, Zhou GY. 2018. Carbon pools in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: New estimates based on an intensive field survey. PNAS, 115:4021-4026

Tang ZY, Xu WT, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Li JX, Tang XL, Chen DM, Liu Q, Ma WH, Xiong GM, He HL, He NP, Guo YP, Guo Q, Zhu JL, Han WX, Hu HF, Fang JY, Xie ZQ. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS, 115, 4033-4038.

Zhu JX, Hu HF, Tao SL, Chi XL, Li P, Jiang L, Ji CY, Zhu JL, Tang ZY, Pan YD, Birdsey RA, He XH, Fang JY. 2017. Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matter in China`s forests. Nature Communications, 8.

Tao SL, Guo QH, Li C, Wang ZH, Fang JY. 2016. Global patterns and determinants of forest canopy height. Ecology, 97: 3265–3270.

Yan ZB, Han WX, Penuelas J, Sardans J, Elser J, Du EZ, Reich P, Fang JY. 2016. Phosphorus accumulates faster than nitrogen globally in freshwater ecosystems under anthropogenic impacts. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.12658

Zheng TL, Zhu JL, Wang SP, Fang JY. 2016. When will China achieve its carbon emission peak? National Science Review, 3: 8–15.

Tao SL, Fang JY, Zhao X, Zhao SQ, Shen HH, Hu HF, Tang ZY, Wang ZH, Guo QH. 2015. Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau. PNAS, 112: 2281-2286

Fang JY, Kato T, Guo ZD, Yang YH, Hu HF, Shen HH, Zhao X, Kishimoto AW, Tang YH, Houghtonf RA. 2014. Evidence for environmentally enhanced forest growth. PNAS, 111: 9527-9532

Fang JY, Guo ZD, Hu HF, Kato T, Muraoka H, Son YW. 2014. Forest biomass carbon sinks in East Asia, with special reference to the relative contributions of forest expansion and forest growth. Global Change Biology, 20: 2019-2030

Wang SP, Chen AP, Fang JY, Pacala SW. 2013. Why abundant tropical tree species are phylogenetically old. PNAS, 110: 16039-16043

Fang JY, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wang ZH, Feng JM, Liu YN, Qiao XJ, Wu XP, Zheng CY. 2012 Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forests in China. Ecography, 35: 1059–1071

Pan YD, Birdsey RA, Fang JY, et al. 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science, 333: 988-993

Han WX, Fang JY, Reich PB, Woodward FI, Wang ZH. 2011. Biogeography and variability of eleven mineral elements in plant leaves across gradients of climate, soil and plant functional type in China. Ecology Letters, 14: 788-796

Wang ZH, Fang JY, Tang ZY, Lin X. 2011. Patterns, determinants and models of woody plant diversity in China. Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 278: 2122–2132

Piao SL, Ciais P, Huang Y, Shen ZH, Peng SH, Li JS, Zhou LP, Liu HY, Ma YC, Ding YH, Friedlingstein P, Liu CZ, Tan K, Yu YQ, Zhang TY, Fang JY. 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China. Nature, 467: 43-51

Yang YH, Fang JY, Ma WH, Smith P, Mohammat A, Wang SP, Wang W. 2010.Soil carbon stock and its changes in northern China’s grasslands from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology, 16: 3036-3047

Piao SL, Fang JY, Ciais P, Peylin P, Huang Y, Sitch S, Wang T. 2009. The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Nature, 458: 1009-1013

Wang ZH, Brown J, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2009. Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America. PNAS, 106: 13388–13392

Yang YH, Fang JY, Ma WH, Smith P, Tang YH, Chen AP, Ji CJ, Hu HF, Rao S, Tan K, He JS. 2009. Changes in topsoil carbon stock in the Tibetan grasslands between the 1980s and 2004. Global Change Biology, 15: 2723-2729

Yang YH, Fang JY, Tang YH, Zhu B. 2008. Storage, patterns and controls of soil organic carbon in the Tibetan grasslands. Global Change Biology, 14: 1592–1599

Kauppi PE, Ausubel JH, Fang JY, Mather A, Sedjo RA, Waggoner PE. 2006. Returning forests analyzed with the forest identity. PNAS, 103: 17574-17579

Fang JY, Lechowicz ML. 2006. Climatic limits for the present distribution of beech (Fagus L.) species in the world. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 1804-1819

Piao SL, Fang JY, Zhou LM, Ciais P, Zhu B. 2006.Variations in satellite-derived phenology in China’s temperate vegetation. Global Change Biology, 12: 672–685

Han WX, Fang JY, Guo DL, Zhang Y. 2005. Leaf N and P stoichiometry across 753 terrestrial plant species in China. New Phytologist, 168: 377-385

Fang JY, Piao SL, Zhou L, He JS, Wei FY, Myneni R, Tucker CJ, Tan K. 2005. Precipitation patterns alter growth of temperate vegetation. Geophysical Research Letters, 32: L21411

Fang JY, Oikawa T, Kato T, Mo WH, Wang ZH. 2005. Biomass carbon accumulation by Japan’s forests from 1947-1995. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19: GB2004

Fang JY, Rao S, Zhao SQ. 2005. Human-induced long-term changes in the lakes of the Jianghan Plain, Central Yangtze. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3: 186-192

Fang JY, Piao SL, Field CB, Pan YD, Guo QH, Zhou LM, Peng CH, Tao S. 2003. Increasing net primary production in China from 1982 to 1999. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 1: 293-297

Piao SL, Fang JY, Zhou LM, Guo QH, Henderson M, Ji W, Li Y, Tao S. 2003. Interannual variations of monthly and seasonal normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in China from 1982 to 1999. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108: 4401

Fang JY, Chen AP, Peng CH, Zhao SQ, Ci LJ. 2001. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in China between 1949 and 1998. Science, 292: 2320-2322

Fang JY, Piao SL, Tang ZY, Peng CH, Ji W. 2001. Interannual variability in net primary production and precipitation. Science, 293: 1723a

Fang JY, Wang GG, Liu GH, Xu SL. 1998. Forest biomass of China: an estimate based on the biomass-volume relationship. Ecological Applications, 8: 1084-1091

Fang JY, Yoda K. 1988-1991. Climate and vegetation in China (I-V). Ecological Research3: 37-51; 4: 71-83; 5: 9-23; 5: 291-302; 6: 113-125  (由博士论文的主要部分整理,以5篇系列论文的形式,发表在日本生态学会主办刊物Ecological Research上)

方精云, 景海春, 张文浩, 高树琴等,2018. 论草牧业的理论体系及其实践. 科学通报, 63: 1619-1631

方精云, 白永飞, 李凌浩, 蒋高明等. 2016. 我国草原牧区可持续发展的科学基础与实践. 科学通报,  61: 155-164.

方精云,王少鹏,岳超,朱江玲,郭兆迪,贺灿飞,唐志尧,2009.“八国集团”2009意大利峰会减排目标下的全球碳排放情景分析,中国科学-地球科学, 39: 1339-1346

Fang JY, Guo ZD, Piao SL, Chen AP. 2007. Terrestrial vegetation carbon sinks in China, 1981-2000. Science in China: Earth Sciences, 50: 1341-1350

方精云, 朴世龙, 贺金生, 马文红. 2003. 近20年来中国植被活动在增强. 中国科学-生命科学, 33: 554-565

方精云, 刘国华, 徐嵩龄. 1996. 我国森林植被的生物量和净生产量. 生态学报, 16: 497-508

方精云. 1992. 地理要素对我国温度分布影响的数量评价. 生态学报, 12: 97-104



1. 学术贡献


(1) 陆地碳循环研究:国内最早较为系统地开展了陆地生态系统碳循环的研究,建立了我国陆地植被和土壤碳储量的研究方法,系统研究了中国陆地生态系统的碳储量及变化,构建了中国第一个国家尺度的陆地碳循环框架; 较为系统地研究了我国温带草地碳储量、变化及其环境控制,提出了我国温带草地有机碳中性的观点,为理解陆地生态系统碳循环与气候变化之间的反馈关系提供了新的视角; 较为系统评估了我国及世界主要国家的CO2排放趋势, 对气候变化的若干重要理论和实践问题进行了分析,提出了我国政府应对气候谈判的策略,为解决国家重大战略需求发挥了作用。

(2) 植被及生物多样性研究:采用统一的调查方法和标准,深入地研究了我国陆地植物群落和物种多样性的大尺度格局及形成机制,实施了北京大学“中国植物多样性调查计划”,系统调查了全国60多座山地的植物多样性,基本阐明了我国植物群落的基本特征和植物多样性的变化规律,检验和发展了生物多样性大尺度格局的相关理论;带领其研究团队,建立了目前最为全面、系统的我国木本植物分布数据库,查明了全国全部木本物种(11405种)的分布,在此基础上,编制出版了“中国木本植物分布图集”,被认为是“了解中国物种分布的手册”;早年对我国的植被与气候的关系进行了定量研究,提出了基于植被-气候关系的我国植被带的划分原则和划分依据。

(3) 植被遥感研究:发展了大尺度植被动态的研究方法,揭示了我国植被生产力的变化趋势、空间分异及其对气候变化响应的若干规律,丰富了区域植被格局和动态变化的理论;利用多源遥感数据,对我国主要生态系统类型(森林、草地、灌丛、湖泊湿地、城市等)的植被覆盖和变化进行全面监测,促进了我国生态遥感学科方向的发展。

(4) 植物生态化学计量学研究:较为系统地开展了我国植物化学计量学研究,提出了“限制元素稳定性假说”,纠正了氮磷计量关系中的幂指数恒定法则,量化了氮磷比作为植物氮磷限制评价指标的风险。

(5) 湖泊湿地研究:较全面地研究了最近30年中国湖泊的分布、变化及其驱动因素,发现了近30年来蒙古高原湖泊快速变化的规律及其机制,基本阐明了近50年来洞庭湖和江汉平原的湖泊变迁规律。

(6) 生态草牧业研究与实践:近年来,基于对我国草原地区的大量考察和思考,带领其研究团队,创建了“草牧业”概念,提出了草牧业的内涵、关键科技问题和基本原理。为践行“草牧业”理念, 在有关草原区域开展了草牧业的试验示范工作, 取得了显著的生态和经济效益,推动了我国草原地区发展模式的变革,也为建立“草牧业科学”奠定了基础。目前“草牧业”已成为我国农业的一项重要政策在全国推广。

2. 全部文章列表

(1) Books

FangJY, Zhu JL, Yue Chao, Wang XP, Zheng Tianli. 2018. Carbon emissions from China and world. Science Press, Beijing.

方精云,刘玲莉主编. 2021. 生态系统生态学——回顾与展望。高等教育出版社,北京

方精云、朱剑宵等编著. 2021. 中国森林生态系统碳收支研究。科学出版社,北京

Fang JY,Wang ZH, Tang ZY. 2011. Atlas of WoodyPlants in China: Distribution and Climate. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2volumes with 1972 pages and 11219 illustrations; Jointly published with HigherEducation Press, Beijing)

Fang JY,Zhao SQ, Tang ZY. 2006. Ecological basisfor regional biodiversity conservation of wetlands in the central Yangtze.Beijing: Higher Education Press, pp. 278.

Fang JY (ed.). 2000. Global Ecology. Beijing-Heidelberg:Higher Education Press–Springer, pp. 385.

Dai JH, Ding M, Fang JY. 2001. Greenhouse Gases. Beijing: China Environmental Science Press, pp.206.

Fang JY.1997. China’s biodiversity and protection.Beijing: China Environmental Science Press.

Kong XN, Fang JY. 1996. A Journey tothe North Pole. Beijing: China Industry-Business United Press, pp. 252.

(2) Peer-reviewed papers


Cai, Q, Welk E., Ji CJ, Fang WJ, Sabatini F.M., Zhu JX, Zhu JL, Tang ZY, Attorre, F., Campos, J.A., Čarni, A., Chytrý, M., Çoban, S., Dengler, J., Dolezal, J., Field, R., Frink, J.P., Gholizadeh, H., Indreica, A., Jandt, U., Karger, D.N., Lenoir, J., Peet, R.K., Pielech, R., De Sanctis, M., Schrodt, F., Svenning, J.-C., Tang, C.Q., Tsiripidis, I., Willner, W., Yasuhiro, K. , Fang JY, Bruelheide, H. 2021. The relationship between niche breadth and range size of beech (Fagus) species worldwide. J. Biogeogr., 48: 1240-1253.

Chen GP, Cai Q, Fang WJ, Feng YH, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Yang ZY, Fang JY*. 2021. The structural characteristics and climatic and human impacts of deciduous oak forests in China. Journal of Plant Ecology.

Feng YH, Su HJ, Tang ZY, Wang SP, Zhao X, Zhang H, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Xie P, Fang JY*. 2021. Reduced resilience of terrestrial ecosystems locally is not reflected on a global scale. Commun Earth Environ 2, 88.

Feng YH, Wang YP, S HJ, Pan JM, Sun YF, Zhu JL, Fang, JY, Tang, ZY. 2021. Assessing the effectiveness of global protected areas based on the difference in differences model. Ecological Indicators, 130, 108078.

Ma SH, Chen GP, Tang WG, Xing AJ, Chen X, Xiao W, Zhou LH, Zhu JL, Li YD, Zhu B, Fang, JY*. 2021. Inconsistent responses of soil microbial community structure and enzyme activity to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two tropical forests. Plant and Soil, 460, 453–468.

Ma SH, Chen GP, Du EZ, Tian D, Xing AJ, Shen HH., Ji CJ, Zheng CY, Zhu JX, Zhu JL, Huang HY,He HB, Zhu B, Fang, JY*. 2021. Effects of nitrogen addition on microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon in China’s forests from tropical to boreal zone. Environmental Pollution, 268, 115941.

Su HJ, Pan, JM, Feng YH, Yu J, Liu JR, Wang L, Li Y, Chen J, Wu ZX, Ma SH, Fang JY, Xie P. 2021. Stocking alien carp leads to regime shifts in native fish populations: Evidence from long-term observation and ecological modeling of a Chinese reservoir. Ecological Indicators, 1470-1160.

Sun YF, Feng YH, Wang YP, Zhao X, Yang YH, Tang ZY, Wang SP, Su HJ, Zhu JL, Chang JF, Fang JY*.  2021. Field‐based Estimation of Net Primary Productivity and Its Above‐ and Belowground Partitioning in Global Grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.

Sun, YF, Wang YP, Yan ZB, He LS, Ma SH, Feng YH, Ji CY, Shen HH, Fang JY*. 2021. Above- and belowground biomass allocation and its regulation by plant density in six common grassland species in China. Journal of Plant Research, 1-13.

Wang YP, Fei SL, Tang ZY, Sun YF, Chen GP, Wang XP, Wang SP, Fang JY*. 2021. Alien woody plant invasions in natural forests across China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14(5), 749-756.

Xing AJ, Du EZ, Shen HH, Xu LC, de Vries W, Zhao MY, Liu XY, Fang JY*. 2021. Nonlinear responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes to nitrogen deposition in an old-growth boreal forest. Ecology Letters, doi: 10.1111/ele.13906.

Xiong XY, Zhu JL, Li S, Fan F, Cai Q, Ma SH, Su HJ, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2021. Aboveground biomass and its biotic and abiotic modulators of a main food bamboo of the giant panda in a subalpine spruce-fir forest in southwestern China. Journal of Plant Ecology.

Zhao X, Shen HH, Geng XQ, Fang JY*. 2021. Three-decadal destabilization of vegetation activity on the Mongolian Plateau. Environmental research letters, 16, 034049, doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326

方精云*. 构建新时代生态学学科体系[N]. 人民日报(理论版), 2021-04-27(009).

高树琴, 段瑞, 王竑晟, 李昂, 石岳, 景海春, 方精云*. 2021.北方农牧交错带在保障国家大粮食安全中发挥重要作用[J].中国科蜜桃直播 院刊, 36(06):643-651.

田地, 严正兵, 方精云*. 2021. 植物生态化学计量特征及其主要假说[J/OL].植物生态学报:1-32 [2021-11-05].

潘佳敏, 冯禹昊, 谢平, 方精云*. 2021. 基于小波—神经网络耦合模型对云南星云湖富营养化气象驱动因子的分析[J].湖泊科学, 33(02):428-438.

耿晓庆,胡兆民,赵霞,沈海花,方精云*. 2021.内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原湖泊变化研究[J].干旱区地理, 44(02): 400-408.



Akinyemi, D.S., Zhu, Y., Zhao, M., Zhang, P., Shen, H. & Fang, J. (2020). Response of soil extracellular enzyme activity to experimental precipitation in a shrub-encroached grassland in Inner Mongolia. Global Ecology and Conservation, 23, e01175

Cai, Q., Ji, C., Zhou, X., Bruelheide, H., Fang, W. , Zheng, T. Zhu, J., Shi, L. Li, H., Zhu, J. & Fang, J. (2020). Changes in carbon storages of Fagus forest ecosystems along an elevational gradient on Mt. Fanjingshan in Southwest China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13, 139-149.

Chen, G., Ma, S., Tian, D., Xiao, W., Jiang, L., Xing, A., Zou, A., Zhou, L., Shen, H., Zheng, C., Ji, C., He, H., Zhu, B., Liu, L. & Fang, J.* (2020). Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151.

Chen, J., Ji, C., Fang, J., He, H. & Zhu, B. (2020). Dynamics of microbial residues control the responses of mineral-associated soil organic carbon to N addition in two temperate forests. Science of the Total Environment, 748, 141318.

Fang, J.*, Shi Y., Zhao,X. (2020). Greener in China. Aspenia, 89-90: 203-210.

Gheyret, G., Guo, Y., Fang, J. & Tang, Z. (2020). Latitudinal and elevational patterns of phylogenetic structure in forest communities in China's mountains. Sci China Life Sci.

Jing, X., Chen, X., Fang, J., Ji, C., Shen, H., Zheng, C. & Zhu, B. (2020). Soil microbial carbon and nutrient constraints are driven more by climate and soil physicochemical properties than by nutrient addition in forest ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141, 107657.

Kou, D., Yang, G., Li, F., Feng, X., Zhang, D., Mao, C., Zhang, Q., Peng, Y., Ji, C., Zhu, Q., Fang, Y., Liu, X., Xu, R., Li, S., Deng, J., Zheng, X., Fang, J. & Yang, Y. (2020). Progressive nitrogen limitation across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region. Nature Communications, 11, 3331.

Liu, S., Zhou, L., Li, H., Zhao, X., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., Hu, H., Chen, L., Zhang, P., Shen, H., & Fang, J.*(2020). Shrub encroachment decreases soil inorganic carbon stocks in Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 108, 678-686.

Ma, S., Chen, G., Du, E., Tian, D., Xing, A., Shen, H., Ji, C., Zheng, C., Zhu, J., Zhu, J., Huang, H., He, H., Zhu, B. & Fang, J.* (2020). Effects of nitrogen addition on microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon in China's forests from tropical to boreal zone. Environmental Pollution, 115941.

Ma, S., Eziz, A., Tian, D., Yan, Z., Cai, Q., Jiang, M., Ji, C. & Fang, J. (2020). Size- and age-dependent increases in tree stem carbon concentration: implications for forest carbon stock estimations. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13, 233-240.

Ma, S., Chen. G.P., Tian, D., Du, E., Xiao,W., Jiang, L., Zhou, Z., Zhu, J., He, H., Zhu, B. & Fang, J. (2020). Effects of seven-year nitrogen and phosphorus additions on soil microbial community structures and residues in a tropical forest in Hainan Island, China. Geoderma, 361, 114034.

Su, H., Wang, R., Feng, Y., Li, Y., Li, Y., Chen, J., Xu, C., Wang, S., Fang, J. & Xie, P. (2020) Long‐term empirical evidence, early warning signals, and multiple drivers of regime shifts in a lake ecosystem. Journal of Ecology.

Su, Y., Hu, T., Wang, Y., Li, Y., Dai, J., Liu, H., Jin, S., Ma, Q., Wu, J., Liu, L., Fang, J. & Guo, Q. (2020). Large‐Scale Geographical Variations and Climatic Controls on Crown Architecture Traits. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125.

Tao, S., Fang, J.*, Ma, S., Cai, Q., Xiong, X., Tian, D., Zhao, X., Fang, L., Zhang, H., Zhu, J. & Zhao, S. (2020). Changes in China's lakes: Climate and human impacts. National Science Review, 132-140.

Tao, S., Zhang, H., Feng, Y., Zhu, J., Cai, Q., Xiong, X., Ma, S., Fang, L., Fang, W., Tian, D., Zhao, X. & Fang, J.*(2020). Changes in China's water resources in the early 21st century. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18, 188-193.

Yu, Z., Zhao, H., Liu, S., Zhou, G., Fang, J., Yu, G., Tang, X., Wang, W., Yan, J., Wang, G., Ma, K., Li, S., Du, S., Han, S., Ma, Y., Zhang, D., Liu, J., Liu, S., Chu, G., Zhang, Q. & Li, Y. (2020). Mapping forest type and age in China's plantations. Science of the Total Environment, 744.

Zhao, M., Luo, Y., Chen, Y., Shen, H., Zhao, X., Fang, J. & Hu, H. (2021). Varied nitrogen versus phosphorus scaling exponents among shrub organs across eastern China. Ecological Indicators, 121.

Zhou, L., Liu, S., Shen, H., Zhao, M., Xu, L., Xing, A. &Fang, J.* (2020). Soil extracellular enzyme activity and stoichiometry in China's forests. Functional Ecology, 34, 1461-1471.

Zhu, J., Wang, C., Zhou, Z., Zhou, G., Hu, X., Jiang, L., Li, Y., Liu, G., Ji, C., Zhao, S., Li, P., Zhu, J., Tang, Z., Zheng, C., Birdsey, R.A., Pan, Y. & Fang, J.* (2020). Increasing soil carbon stocks in eight permanent forest plots in China. Biogeosciences, 17, 715-726.

Sun YF, ..., Fang JY*. 2020. Global patterns and climatic drivers of above- and belowground net primary productivity in grasslands. Science China Life Science, 63: //doi: 10.1007/s11427-020-1837-9

方精云*,王国宏.《中国植被志》: 为中国植被登记造册. 植物生态学报,2020, 44(2): 93-95.

方精云*,郭柯,王国宏,唐志尧,谢宗强,沈泽昊,王仁卿,强胜,梁存柱,达良俊,于丹.《中国植被志》的植被分类系统、植被类型划分及编排体系. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(2): 96-110.

郭柯,方精云,王国宏,唐志尧,谢宗强,沈泽昊,王仁卿,强胜,梁存柱,达良俊,于丹. 中国植被分类系统修订方案. 植物生态学报,2020, 44(2): 111-127.

王国宏,方精云,郭柯,谢宗强,唐志尧,沈泽昊,王仁卿,王襄平,王德利,强胜,于丹,彭少麟,达良俊,刘庆,梁存柱.《中国植被志》研编内容与规范. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(2): 128-178.

冯银平,沈海花,罗永开,徐龙超,刘上石,朱言坤,赵梦颖,邢爱军,方精云*. 种植密度对苜蓿生长及生物量的影响.植物生态学报,2020, 44(3): 248-256.

高树琴,王竑晟,段瑞,景海春,方精云*. 关于加大在中低产田发展草牧业的思考, 2020, 35(2):166-174.


Altanzagas, B., Luo, Y., Altansukh, B., Dorjsuren, C., Fang, J., & Hu, H. (2019). Allometric Equations for Estimating the Above-Ground Biomass of Five Forest Tree Species in Khangai, Mongolia. Forests, 10(8).

Hu, Z., Zhao, Z., Zhang, Y., Jing, H., Gao, S., & Fang, J. (2019). Does 'Forage-Livestock Balance' policy impact ecological efficiency of grasslands in China? Journal of Cleaner Production, 207, 343-349.

Li, H., Shen, H., Zhou, L., Zhu, Y., Chen, L., Hu, H., et al. (2019). Shrub encroachment increases soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in temperate grasslands in China. Land Degradation & Development, 30(7), 756-767.

Li, P., Shen, C., Jiang, L., Feng, Z., & Fang, J. (2019). Difference in soil bacterial community composition depends on forest type rather than nitrogen and phosphorus additions in tropical montane rainforests. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 55(3), 313-323.

Liu, S., Shen, H., Chen, S., Zhao, X., Biswas, A., Jia, X., et al. (2019). Estimating forest soil organic carbon content using vis-NIR spectroscopy: Implications for large-scale soil carbon spectroscopic assessment. Geoderma, 348, 37-44.

Liu, Shangshi, , H. S., , S. C., , X. Z., , A. B., , X. J., et al. (2019). Estimating forest soil organic carbon content using vis-NIR spectroscopy: Implications for large-scale soil carbon spectroscopic assessment. Geoderma, 348, 37-44.

Liu, S., Shen, H., Zhao, X., Zhou, L., Li, H., Xu, L., et al. (2019). Estimation of plot-level soil carbon stocks in China's forests using intensive soil sampling. Geoderma, 348, 107-114.

Liu, S., Zhou, L., Li, H., Zhao, X., Yang, Y., Zhu, Y., et al. (2019). Shrub encroachment decreases soil inorganic carbon stocks in Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Ecology.

Luo, Y., Hu, H., Zhao, M., Li, H., Liu, S., & Fang, J. (2019). Latitudinal pattern and the driving factors of leaf functional traits in 185 shrub species across eastern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(1), 67-77.

Su, H., Chen, J., Wu, Y., Chen, J., Guo, X., Yan, Z., et al. (2019). Morphological traits of submerged macrophytes reveal specific positive feedbacks to water clarity in freshwater ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 684, 578-586.

Su, H., Wu, Y., Xia, W., Yang, L., Chen, J., Han, W., et al. (2019). Stoichiometric mechanisms of regime shifts in freshwater ecosystem. Water Research, 149, 302-310.

Sun, J., Chen, Y., Xiang, Y., Ling, L., Fang, J., & Shang, C. (2019). Oxidative debromination of 2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-1,3-propanediol by UV/persulfate process and corresponding formation of brominated by-products. Chemosphere, 228, 735-743.

Sun, J., Kong, D., Aghdam, E., Fang, J., Wu, Q., Liu, J., et al. (2019). The influence of the UV/chlorine advanced oxidation of natural organic matter for micropollutant degradation on the formation of DBPs and toxicity during post-chlorination. Chemical Engineering Journal, 373, 870-879.

Wang, L., Fang, J., Zhang, X., Xu, X., Kong, X., Wu, Z., et al. (2019). Feasibility of the solar/chlorine treatment for lipid regulator degradation in simulated and real waters: The oxidation chemistry and affecting factors. Chemosphere, 226, 123-131.

Xiao, J., Eziz, A., Zhang, H., Wang, Z., Tang, Z., & Fang, J. (2019). Responses of four dominant dryland plant species to climate change in the Junggar Basin, northwest China. Ecology and Evolution.

Xing, A., Xu, L., Shen, H., Du, E., Liu, X., & Fang, J. (2019). Long term effect of nitrogen addition on understory community in a Chinese boreal forest. Science of the Total Environment, 646, 989-995.

Xu, Y., Li, C., Sun, Z., Jiang, L., & Fang, J. (2019). Tree height explains stand volume of closed-canopy stands: Evidence from forest inventory data of China. Forest Ecology and Management, 438, 51-56.

Yan, Z., Eziz, A., Tian, D., Li, X., Hou, X., Peng, H., et al. (2019). Biomass Allocation in Response to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability: Insight From Experimental Manipulations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10.

Yan, Z., Hou, X., Han, W., Ma, S., Shen, H., Guo, Y., et al. (2019). Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supply on stoichiometry of six elements in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany, 123(3), 441-450.

Zhang, H., Eziz, A., Xiao, J., Tao, S., Wang, S., Tang, Z., et al. (2019). High-Resolution Vegetation Mapping Using eXtreme Gradient Boosting Based on Extensive Features. Remote Sensing, 11(12).

Zhao, X., Yang, Y., Shen, H., Geng, X., & Fang, J. (2019). Global soil-climate-biome diagram: linking surface soil properties to climate and biota. Biogeosciences, 16(14), 2857-2871.

Zhou, G., Xu, S., Ciais, P., Manzoni, S., Fang, J., Yu, G., et al. (2019). Climate and litter C/N ratio constrain soil organic carbon accumulation. National Science Review, 6(4), 746-757.

Zhou, L., Shen, H., Chen, L., Li, H., Zhang, P., Zhao, X., et al. (2019). Ecological consequences of shrub encroachment in the grasslands of northern China. Landscape Ecology, 34(1), 119-130.

Zhou, L., Shen, H., Chen, L., Li, H., Zhang, P., Zhao, X., et al. (2019). Species richness and composition of shrub-encroached grasslands in relation to environmental factors in northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(1), 56-66.

Zhou, L., Shen, H., Xu, Y., Li, H., Chen, L., Wang, Y., et al. (2019). Soil organic carbon components in inner Mongolian shrub-encroached grasslands. Plant and Soil, 442(1-2), 199-213.


FangJY, Yu GR, Liu LL, Hu SJ,Chapin FS. 2018. Climate change, human impacts, and carbon sequestration inChina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115,4015-4020.

Tang XL, Zhao X, Bai YF, Tang ZY, Wang WT,Zhao YC, Wan HW, Xie ZQ, Shi XZ, Wu BF, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG,Han SJ, Ma YX, Hu HF, He NP, Yang YH, Han WX, He HL, Yu GR, Fang JY, Zhou GY. 2018. Carbon pools inChina’s terrestrial ecosystems: New estimates based on an intensive fieldsurvey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115: 4033-4038.

Lu F, Hu HF, Sun WJ, Zhu JJ, Liu GB, ZhouWM, Zhang QF, Shi PL, Liu XP, Wu X, Zhang L, Wei XH, Dai LM, Zhang KR, Sun YR,Xue S, Zhang WJ, Xiong DP, Deng L, Liu BJ, Zhou L, Zhang C, Zheng X, Cao JS,Huang Y, He NP, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY, Wu BF, Fang JY, Liu GH, Yu GR. 2018. Effects of national ecologicalrestoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010. Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences, 115.

Tang ZY, Xu WT, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Li JX,Tang XL, Chen DM, Liu Q, Ma WH, Xiong GM, He HL, He NP, Guo YP, Guo Q, Zhu JL,Han WX, Hu HF, Fang JY, Xie ZQ.2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration inrelation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 4033-4038.

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Jiang L, Tian D, Ma SH, Zhou XL, Xu LC, ZhuJX, Jing X, Zheng CY, Shen HH, Zhou Z, Li YD, Zhu B, Fang JY. 2018. The response of tree growth to nitrogen andphosphorus additions in a tropical montane rainforest. Science of the Total Environment,618, 1064-1070.

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Tian D, Yan ZB, Fang JY. 2018. Plant stoichiometry: a research frontier in ecology. ChineseJournal of Nature, 40: 235-241

Zhou XL, Cai Q, Xiong XY, Fang WJ, Zhu JX, ZhuJL, Fang JY, Ji CJ. 2018. Ecosystemcarbon stock and its distribution in successional Fagus lucida forests on Mt.Yueliangshan, Guizhou province. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology.


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Yan ZB, Tian D, Han WX, Tang ZY, Fang JY.2017. An assessment on the uncertainty of the nitrogen to phosphorus ratio as athreshold for nutrient limitation in plants. Annals of Botany,mcx106.

Zhu JX, Hu HF, Tao SL, Chi XL, Li P, JiangL, Ji CY, Zhu JL, Tang ZY, Pan YD, Birdsey RA, He XH, Fang JY. 2017.Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matter in China`s forests. NatureCommunications, 8.

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Di Tian, Zhengbing Yan, Karl J. Niklas,Jens Kattge, Wenxuan Han, Peter B. Reich, Yongkai Luo, Yahan Chen, Zhiyao Tang,Huifeng Hu, Ian J. Wright, Bernhard Schmid, Jingyun Fang. 2017. Globalleaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and the scaling exponents. NationalScience Review. Accepted.

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Cai Q, Ji CJ, Yan ZB, Jiang XX, Fang JY.2017. Anatomical responses of leaf and stem of Arabidopsis thaliana to nitrogenand phosphorus addition. Journal of Plant Research, 1-11.

Luo YK, Fang JY, Hu HF. 2017.Biomass estimation models and allocation patterns of 14 shrub species inMountain Luya,Shanxi,China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology,41: 115-125.

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Zhang JH, Tang ZY, Shen HH, Fang JY.2017. Effects of nitrogen addition on soil respiration in shrublands in Mt.Dongling, Beijing, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 41:81-94


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Yan ZB, Li P, Chen YH, Han WX, Fang JY.2016. Nutrient allocation strategies of woody plants: an approach from thescaling of nitrogen and phosphorus between twig stems and leaves. ScientificReports. DOI: 10.1038/srep20099

Zheng TL, Zhu JL, Wang SP, Fang JY.2016. When will China achieve its carbon emission peak? National ScienceReview, 3: 8–15.

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Xu XT, Wang ZH, Rahbek C, Sanders NJ, FangJY. 2016. Geographical variation in the importance of water and energy for oakdiversity. Journal of Biogeography, 43:279-288.

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Zhao X, Hu HF, Shen HH, Zhou DJ, Zhou LM,Myneni RB, Fang JY. 2015. Satellite-indicated long-term vegetationchanges and their drivers on the Mongolian Plateau. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1599-1611.

Zhou DJ, Zhao X, Hu HF, Shen HH, Fang JY.2015. Long-term vegetation changes in the four mega-sandy lands in InnerMongolia, China. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1613-1626.

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Xu XT,Wang ZH, Rahbek C, Lessard JP, Fang JY. 2013. Evolutionary historyinfluences the effects of water-energy dynamics on oak diversity in Asia. Journal of Biogeography, doi:10.1111/jbi.12149

WangSP, Chen AP, Fang JY, Pacala SW. 2013. Why abundant tropical treespecies are phylogenetically old. Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences, 110: 16039-16043.

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WangSP, Chen AP, Fang JY, Pacala SW. 2013. Speciation rates decline throughtime in individual-based models of speciation and extinction. The American Naturalist, 182:E83-E93.

Chen YH, Han WX, Tang LY, TangZY, Fang JY. 2013. Leaf nitrogen andphosphorus concentrations of woody plants differ in responses to climate, soiland plant growth form. Ecography, 36: 178–184.

Yan ZB, KIM NY,Han TS, Fang JY, Han WX. 2013. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization onleaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of Arabidopsis thaliana. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 37: 551-557.

Zhu JL, Zheng TL, FangJY. Carbon Emissions and Socio-economic Development. Science andSociety, 2013, 2: 1-13.

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Yang YH, Fang JY, Ji CJ, Ma WH, Mohammat A, Wang SF, Wang SP, Datta A,Robinson D, Smith P. 2012. Widespread decreases in topsoil inorganic carbonstocks across China`s grasslands during 1980s-2000s. Global Change Biology,18, 3672–3680

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Tang ZY, Fang JY, Chi XL, Feng JM, Liu YN, Shen ZH, Wang XP, Wang ZH, Wu XP,Zheng CY, Gaston KJ. 2012a. Patterns of plant beta-diversity along elevationaland latitudinal gradients in mountain forests of China. Ecography, 35: 1083–1091.

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Piao SL, Ciais P, Huang Y, Shen ZH, Peng SH, Li JS, Zhou LP, Liu HY, Ma YC, Ding YH, Friedlingstein P, Liu CZ, Tan K, Yu YQ, Zhang TY, Fang JY. 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China. Nature, 467: 43-51

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FangJY. 2004. Exploring altitudinal patterns of plant diversity of China’smountains. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 1-4.

FangJY, Li YD, Zhu B, Liu GH,Zhou GY. 2004. Community structures and species richness in the montane rainforest of Jianfengling , Hainan Island , China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 29-43

Fang JY, Kanzaki M, Wang XP, Yoda K, SunSZ, Shimota K. 2004. Community structure of alpine sparse vegetation andeffects of microtopography in Pushila, Everest-Choyu region, Tibet, China. BiodiversityScience. 12(1): 190-199.

FangJY, Sheng ZH, Cui HT.2004. Ecological characteristics of mountains and research issues of mountainecology. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 10-19.

FangJY, Sheng ZH, Tang ZY,Wang ZH. The protocol for the survey plan for plant species diversity ofChina’s Mountains. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 5-9.

He JS, Wang ZQ, Fang JY. 2004. Issues andprospects of belowground ecology with special reference to global climatechange. Chinese Science Bulletin. 49: 707-715.)

Piao SL, Fang JY, He JS, Xiao Y. 2004.Spatial distribution of grassland biomass in China. Acta Phytoecological Sinica.28: 491-498.

Liu ZL, Zheng CY, Fang JY. 2004. Changes inplant species diversity along an elevation gradient on Mt. Xiaowutai, Hebei,China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 137-145.

Liu ZL, Zheng CY, Fang JY. 2004.Relationship between the vegetation type and topography in Mt. Xiaowutai, HebeiProvince: a remote sensing analysis. Biodiversity Science. 12(1):146-154.

Sheng ZH, Hu HF, Zhou Y, Fang JY. 2004.Altitudinal patterns of plant species diversity on the southern slope of Mt.Shennongjia, Hubei, China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 99-109.

Tang ZY, Fang JY, Zhang L. 2004. Patternsof woody plant species diversity along environmental gradients on Mt. Taibai ,Qinl ing Mountains. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 115-122.

Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2004. A review on theelevational patterns of plant species diversity. Biodiversity Science.12(1): 20-28.

Wang XP, Wang ZH, Fang JY. 2004. Mountainranges and peaks in China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1):206-212.

Wang ZH, Cheng AP, Piao SL, Fang JY. 2004.Pattern of species richness along an altitudinal gradient on GaoligongMountains, Southwest China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 81-88.

Wu XP, Wang ZH, Cui HT, Fang JY. 2004.Community structures and species composition of oak forests in mountainous areaof Beijing. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 155-163.

Wu XP, Zhu B, Zhao SQ, Piao SL, Fang JY.2004. Comparison of community structure and species diversity of mixed forestof deciduous broad-leaved tree and Korean pine in Northeast China. BiodiversityScience. 12(1): 174-181.

Yang YH, Rao S, Hui HF, Cheng AP, Ji CJ,Zhu B, Zuo WY, Li XR, Sheng HH, Wang ZH, Tang YH, Fang JY. 2004. Plant speciesrichness of alpine grasslands in relation to environment factors and biomass onthe Tibetan Plateau. Biodiversity Science. 12(1):200-205.

Zhang L, Fang JY. 2004. Reserves andspecies diversity of soil banks in four types of forest on Mt. Taibai, QinlingMountains. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 131-136.

Zhang L, Fang JY. 2004. Composition anddominant species of soil seed bank along an altitudinal gradient in Mt. Taibai,Qinling Mountain. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 123-130.

Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Piao SL, Zong ZJ, Wu XP,Gu T. 2004. Structure and species diversity of boreal forest in Mt. Baikalu,Huzhong area, Daxingan Mountains, Northeast China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1):182-189.

Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Zong ZJ, Zhu B, Sheng HH.2004. Composition, structure and species diversity of plant communities alongan altitudinal gradient on the northern slope of Mt. Changbai, Northeast China. BiodiversityScience. 12(1): 164-173.

Zheng CY, Fang JY, He JY. 2004. Effects oftopographical factors on distribution of Phyllostachyspubscens in Wuyishan nature reserve, Fujian province, China. BiodiversityScience. 12(1): 75-81.

Zheng CY, Liu ZL, Fang JY. 2004. Treespecies diversity along altitudinal gradient on southeastern and northwesternslopes of Mt. Huanggang, Wuyi Mountains, Fujian, China. Biodiversity Science.12(1): 63-74.

Zheng CY, Fang JY. 2004. Changes in airtemperature variables along altitudinal gradient in Mt. Huanggang, China. ActaMeteorologica Sinica. 62: 251-255.

Zhu B, Chen AP, Liu ZL, Fang JY. 2004.Plant community composition and tree species diversity on eastern and westernNanling Mountains, China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 75-81.

Zhu B, Chen AP, Liu ZL, Li GZ, Fang JY.2004. Changes in floristic composition, community structure, and tree speciesdiversity of plant communities along altitudinal gradients on Mao’er, Guangxi,China. Biodiversity Science. 12(1): 44-52.

Li XW, Fang JY, Piao SL. 2004. The evolvingprocess and related spatial mechanism of urban landuse in Shanghai region. Journal of Natural Resources. 19:438-446.

Li Y, Zhao K,Fang JY, Xie P. 2004. Land use change in urban lake watershed-a case study atDonghu lake, Wuhan. Resources and Environment in the YangtzeBasin. 13(3): 229-233.


Fang JY, Piao SL, C. Field, Pan Y, Guo QH, Peng CH, Tao S.2003. Increasing net primary production in China from 1982 to 1999. Frontiers in Ecology and theEnvironment. 1(6): 293-297.

Piao SL, FangJY, Zhou L, Guo QH, M. Henderson, Ji W, Li Y, Tao S, 2003. Interannualchanges in monthly and seasonal NDVI in China from 1982 to 1999. Journalof Geophysical Research – Atmosphere, 108, D14, doi:10.1029/2002JD002848.

Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Tang Z. 2003, Lake restoration from impoldering: a remotesensing analysis on the impact of land conversion on riparian landscape inHonghu Lake area, Central Yangtze, Agriculture, Ecosystems andEnvironment 95: 111-118.

Piao SL, FangJY, Chen AP. 2003. Seasonal dynamics of terrestrial net primary productionin response to climate changes in China. ActaBotanica Sinica, 45(3): 269-275.

FangJY, Piao SL, He JS, Ma WH. 2003. 33: 554-565. Increasing terrestrial vegetationactivity in China, 1982-1999. Sciencein China Ser. C Life Sciences. Vol.47 No.3 229—240.

Han WX, Fang JY, 2003,Allometry and its application in ecological scaling. Acta ScientiarumNaturalium

UniversitatisPekinensis ,39:583-593.

Li XW, Fang JY,Piao SL, 2003. The intensityand modes of urban landuse growth in Shanghai, Journal of Natural Resources,18: 412-422.

Piao SL, Fang JY, 2003. Seasonal changes invegetation activity in response to climate changes in China between 1982 and1999. Acta Geographica Sinica. 58: 119-125

Li XW, Fang JY. 2003. Dynamics and trendsin cultivated land in lower Yangtze Valley in the past decade. Journalof natural resources, 18: 563-567

Ke JH, Piao SL, Fang JY. 2003. NPP and itsreatio-temporal patterns in the Yangtze River watershed. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica,27: 764-770

He JS, Fang JY, Ma KP, Huang JH. 2003.Biodiversity and ecosystem productivity: why is there a discrepancy in therelationship between experimental and natural ecosystems? Acta Phytoecologica Sinica,27: 835-843

Ji CJ, Aniwar M, Fang JY. 2003. Currentstatus on female gametophyte and fertilization in Ginkgo biloba. ActaBot Boreal-Occident Sin, 23: 158-163

Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Chen AP, Lei G. 2003.Dynamics of waterfowl habitats in the Eastern Dongting Lake nature reservebetween 1989 and 1998. Journal of Natural Resources, 18:726-733

Ji CJ, Fang JY, Xie CF. 2003. Wood anatomyof five Abies species in South China. Acto Bot Boreal-Occident Sin, 23:1202-1208

Li XW, Fang JY, Piao SL, 2003. Landusechanges and its implication to the ecological consequences in LowerYangtzeregion. Acta Geographica Sinica, 58: 659-667.

Li XW, Fang JY, Piao SL, 2003. Thecomparison of spatial characteristics in urban landuse growth among the centraland sub-cities in Shanghai region, Geographical Research, 22: 769-781.


FangJY, Chen AP, Zhao SQ, CiLJ. 2002. Calculating forest biomass changes in China-Response. Science,296: 1359.

Li XW, Zhang L, FangJY. 2002. Indicator, umbrella and flagship species: The concepts and theirapplications in conservation biology. BiodiversityScience, 10: 72-79.

Ji CH, Aniwar M, FangJY. 2002. Anatomical studies on the development of jacket cells in Ginkgo biloba. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalla Sinica,22: 780-785.

Fang JY, Song YC, Liu HY, Piao SL, 2002. Vegetation-climate relationship and itsapplication in the division of vegetation zone in China. ActaBotanic Sinica, 44: 1105-1122.

FangJY, Li Y. 2002. Climatic Factors forLimiting Northward Distribution of Eight Temperate Tree Species in EasternNorth America. Acta Botanic Sinica, 44: 199-203.

Wang XL, Tao S, Xu FL, Dawson RW, Cao J, LiBG, Fang JY. 2002. Modeling the fateof benzo[a] pyrene in the wastewater-irrigated areas of Tianjin with a fugacitymodel. Journal of EnvironmentalQuality, 31: 896-903.

Ji CJ, Shen HH, Fang JY, Xie CF, Fan YJ. 2002. RAPD analyses of Fagus species in China. ActaScientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 38: 817-822.

Zhao SQ, Fang JY, Chen AP, Cui HT. 2002. Land use/cover changes in DongtingLake area between 1955-1998. Resources and Environment in the YangtzeBasin, 11: 536-542.

Liu ZL, Fang JY. 2002. Geographical distribution of species in Genera Abies, Picea and Larix in China. ActaGeographica Sinica, 57: 577-586.

Chen Y, Chen AP, Fang JY. 2003. Geographical distribution patterns of endangeredfishes, amphibians, reptiles and mammals and their hotspots in China: A studybased on “China Red Data Book of Endangered Animals”. Biodiversity Science, 10:359-368.

Rao S, FangJY, Cui HT. 2002. Spatio-temporal changes in patterns of land use in PoyangLake during the last decade. Resources and Environment in the YangtzeBasin, 11: 421-436.

Piao SL, Fang JY. 2002. Terrestrial net primary production and itsspatio-temporal patterns in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, China during 1982-1999. Journalof Natural Resources, 17: 373-380.

FangJY , Chen AP, Zhao SQ, CiLJ. 2002. Estimating biomass carbon of China’s forest: Supplementrary notes onreport published in Science (291:2320-2322) by Fang et al.(2001). Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 26:243-249.

FangJY. 2002. Seeking for themissing carbon sinks. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 26: 255-256.


FangJY, Chen AP, Peng CH, ZhaoSQ, Ci LJ. 2001. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in China between 1949and 1998. Science, 292: 2320-2322.

FangJY, Piao SL, Tang ZY, PengCH ,Ji W. 2001. Interannual variability in net primary production andprecipitation. Science, 293: 1723a.

FangJY, Wang ZM. 2001. Forestbiomass estimation at regional and global levels, with special reference toChina’s forest biomass. Ecological Research,16: 587-592.

FangJY. 2001. Re-discussionabout the forest vegetation zonation in Eastern China. ActaBotanica Sinica, 43: 522-533.

FangJY. Chen AP. Dynamicforest biomass carbon pools in china and their significance. Acta Botanica Sinica,43: 967-973.

FangJY, Ke JH, Tang ZY, Chen AP. 2001. Implications and estimations offour treestrial productivity parameters. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica,25: 414-419.

FangJY, Piao SL, Zhao SQ.2001. The carbon sink: The role of the middle and high latitudes terrestrialecosystems in the Northern Hemisphere. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica,25: 594-602.

Piao SL, Fang JY, Guo QH. 2001. Applicationof CASA model to the estimation of Chinese terrestrial net primary productivity. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 25: 603-608.

Piao SL, Fang JY. 2001. Dynamicvegetation cover change over the last 18 years in China. Quatermary Sciences, 21: 294-302.

Piao SL, Fang JY, Guo QH. 2001. TerrestrialNet Primary Production and Its Spatio-temporal Patterns in China during1982-1999. Acta Scientiarum NaturaliumUniversitatis Pekinensis, 37: 563-569.

Zhao SQ, Fang JY. 2001. Theoreticalbasis for species conservation: From the theory of island biogeography tometapopulation dynamic theory. ActaEcologica Sinica, 21: 1171-1179.

Zhao SQ, Fang JY.2001.Spatio-temporal patterns of land use and land coverchanges in Honghu Lake Region, Hubei Province, China. ChineseJournal of Applied Ecology, 12: 721-725.

Shen ZH, Fang JY, Liu ZL, Wu J. 2001. Patterns of biodiversity along thevertical vegetation spectrum of the east aspect of Gongga Mountain. ActaPhytoecologica Sinica, 25: 721-732.

Shen ZH, Fang JY, Liu ZL, Wu J. 2001. Structure and dynamics of Abies fabric population near the alpinetimberline in Hailuo Clough of Gongga Mountain. Acta Botanica Sinica,43: 1288-1293.

Shen ZH, Fang JY. 2001. Niche comparison of two Fagus species based on the topographic patterns of theirpopulations. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 25: 392-398.

Liu GH, FangJY. 2001. Spatial patternsof chestnut (Castanea millissima) andits species geographical distribution in China. Acta Ecological Sinica, 21: 164-170.


Fang JY, FeiSL, Fan YJ, Cui KM. 2000. Ecologicalpatterns in Anatomic characters of Leaves and woods of Fagus lucida and theirclimatic control in Mountain Fanjingshan, Guizhou, China. Acta Botanica Sinica, 42:636-642.

FangJY. 2000. Chemical elementbackground and its distribution in arctic soils. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae.19: 677-681.

FangJY, Fei SL, Zhao K, FanYJ, Zhuang DH, Wu MX. 2000. Anatomical characteristics of Beech (Fagus L.) species in Zhejiang and theirtaxonomic significance. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium UniversitatisPekinensis 36: 509-516.

FangJY. 2000. Forestproductivity in China and its responses to global climate change. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 24:513-517.

Zhang ZP, FangJY. 2000. Effects of competition on growth rate and probability of death ofplant individuals: A study based on nursery experiments of Larix leptolepis populations. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 24:340-345.

Zhao SQ, FangJY, 2000, Global 200: An approach to setting large-scalebiodiversity conservation priorities. Chinesebiodiversity, 8: 220-225.

Fang JY. 2000. Forest biomass carbon pool of middle and highlatitudes in the north hemisphere is probably much smaller than presentestimates. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 24: 635-638.

Liu GH, Fu BJ, Fang JY. 2000. Carbon dynamics of Chinese forests and itscontribution to global carbon balance. ActaEcologica Sinica. 20: 733-740.


FangJY, Tang YH. 1999.Evidence of wintertime CO2 emission from snow–covered grounds inhigh latitudes. Science in China Series D,42: 378–382.

Fang JY, Guo QH, Liu GH. 1999. Distribution patterns ofChinese beech (Fagus L.) species in relation to topography. Acta Botanica Sinica, 41: 766-774.

FangJY. 1999, Contents anddistribution of chemical elements in arctic ice. Acta Scientia Circumstantiae,19: 677-681.

Fang JY. 1999. An approach to estimating respiration offorest community and its application. ActaBotanica Sinica, 41: 88-94.

Fang JY. 1999. Climatic niche andthree-dimensional distribution of plant species: A case study of beech (Fagus L.) species. Journal of Mountain Science, 17: 34-39.

Yin XJ, FangJY, 1999, A preliminary study on chemical constitutents in Arctic snow. Acta Scientia Circumstantiae, 19:682-686.

Fei SL, Fang JY, Fan YJ, Zhao K, LiuXJ, Cui KM. 1999. Anatomical characteristics of leaves and woods of Faguslucida and their relationship to ecological factors in MountainFanjingshan, Guizhou, China. Acta Botanica Sinica, 41: 1002-1009.

Fang JY, Tang ZY, Zhang Y, Zhao K, Jiang ZY. 1999. The value of the World’s ecosystem servicesand natural capital. World Environment, 2: 5-8.


FangJY, Wang G, Liu GH, Xu SL.1998. Forest biomass of China: an estimate based on the biomass-volumerelationship. Ecological Applications, 8: 1084-1091.

Fang JY, Liu SH, Zhao K. 1998. Factors affecting soilrespiration in reference with temperature’s role in the global scale. ChineseGeographical Science, 8: 246-255.

Fang JY, Fei SL. 1998. Carbon cycle in the Arctic terrestrialecosystems in relation to the global warming. Chinese Journal of Polar Science,9: 92-100.

Chu SG, Fang JY, He Y, Fu S, Xu XB. 1998.Chlorinated hydrocarbons in animal tissue samples from the Arctic Area. ChineseJournal of Polar science, 9: 75–78.

Chen LT, Tong YQ, Fang JY. 1998. A survey of SO2,NO2 and NH3 concentrations in atmosphere at highlatitudes and I Arctic. Chinese Journal of Polar Science, 9:71–74.

Fang JY, Tang YH, Koizumi H, Bekku Y. 1999. Evidence ofwintertime CO2 emission from snow-covered gounds in high latitudes. Science in China Series D, 42:378-382.

FangJY. 1998. Carbon cycle inthe arctic terrestrial ecosystems in relation to the global warming. ActaScientia Circumstantiae, 18:113–121.

Liu SH, Fang JY. 1998. Soil respiration of mountainous temperature forests inBeijing, China. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 22: 119–126.

Li YD, Wu ZM, Zeng QB, Zhou GY, Chen BF, Fang JY. 1998. Estimation of communityproductivity and net CO2 accumulation of a tropical mountain rain forestin Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China. ActaPhytoecologica Sinica, 22:127-134.

Li YD, Wu ZM, Zeng QB, Zhou GY, Chen BF, Fang JY. 1998. Carbon pool and carbondioxide dynamics of tropical mountain rain forest ecosystem at Jianfengling,Hainan Island. ActaEcologica Sinica, 18:371-177.

FangJY, Liu GH. 1998. Thedistribution of plant ecology: historical review and recent developments.Science Foundation of China, 12: 48-53.


Chen LT, Tong YQ, Fang JY. 1997. A survey of SO2, NO2 AND NH3 concentrationsin atmosphere at high latitudes and arctic. Acta Scientia Circumstantiae,17: 248-251.

An FC, Yang KW, FangJY.1997. Distribution of persistent organochlorine pesticides in samples fromCanadian Arctic. Chinese Science Bulletin, 42: 1496-1497.

Liu SH, Fang JY. 1997. Effect factors of soil respiration and the temperature’seffects on soil respiration in the global scale. Acta Ecologica Sinica,17: 469-476.

Li YD, Wu ZM, Zeng QB, Zhou GY, Chen BF, Fang JY. 1997. Measurement for Respiration of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest inJianfengling, Hainan Island. Forest Research, 10: 348-355.

Chu SG, Fang JY, He Y, Xu XB. 1997. Determination of organic contaminantsin animal samples from Arctic area. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 17:244-247.


FangJY, Ohsawa M, Kira T.1996. Vertical vegetation zones along 30°N latitude in humid east Asia. Vegetatio, 126: 135-149.

FangJY, Liu GH, Xu SL. 1996.Soil carbon pool in China and its global significance. Journal of Environmental Science, 8: 249-254.

Kiyoda M, Fang JY, Zhou GY, 1996. CO2 balance in subtropicalmountain forest in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China. Japanese Journal of Environmental Science, 8: 1-4.

FangJY, Liu GH, Xu SL.1996.Biomass and net production of forest vegetation in China. Acta Ecologica Sinica,16: 497-508.


FangJY, Wang XK. 1995.Measurement of respiration amount of White birch population in mountainousregion of Beijing, China. Journalof Environmental Science, 7:391-398.

Fang JY, Wang XK, Liu GH, Kang DM. 1995. Measurement ofrespiration amount of trees in QuercusLiaotungensis community. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 15: 235-244.

Fang JY. 1995. An empirical model describing natural thinningprocess of plant population. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 31:247-253.

FangJY. 1995. Three-dimensiondistribution of forest zones in East Asia. Acta Geographica Sinica, 50:160-167.

FangJY. 1995. Kira Tatsuo and the development of ecology. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 14: 70-75.

Xu SL, FangJY, Liu GH. 1995. The influence of Yellow River system on the carbondistribution of the river basin. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 15: 287-295.


FangJY. 1994. Arrangement of East-Asian vegetation-climate types oncoordinates of temperature and precipitation. Acta Ecologica Sinica.14:290-295.

Fang JY. 1994. The isozyme analysis and itsapplication to a study of species differentiation. Journal of basic science andengineering. Z1: 124-131.

FangJY, Liu GH, Zhang SH. 1993. Growth characteristics of Pinus Tabulaeformis populations in thewestern limit of its distribution. Acta Phytoecologica of Geobotanica Sinica,17: 305-316.

Xu SL, Tang F, Fang JY.1993. Modelling techniques for the influence of terrestrialvegetation systems on the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Researchof Environmental Sciences. 6: 7-11.

FangJY et al., 1993,Relationship between tree height and diameter and its biological significancein a woody plant population. Chinese Journal of Botany, 5: 77-82.

FangJY. 1992. Studies ongeographical distriibution of the altitudinal lapse rate of temperature inChina. Chinese Science Bulletin, 37: 1979-1983.

FangJY. 1992. Study on thegeographic elements affecting temperature distribution in China. ActaEcologica Sinica. 12: 97-104.

FangJY.1992. Self-thinningrule in plant population. Rural Eco-Environment. 11: 7-12.

FangJY, Yoda K. 1991. Effectsof climate factors on the upper limit of distribution of evergreen broadleafforest (Climate and vegetation of China, V). Ecological Research, 6:113-125.

FangJY. 1991.Ecoclimatological analysis of the forest zones in China. Acta Ecologica Sinica.11: 377-387.

FangJY. 1991. Relationships between population growth and populationdensity in monocultures of LarixLeptolepis. Acta Botanica Sinica. 33: 949-957.

FangJY,Yoda, K., 1990,Distribution of tree species along the thermal gradient (Climate and vegetationof China, IV). Ecological Research, 5: 291-302.

FangJY, Yoda K. 1990. Waterbalance and distribution of vegetation (Climate and vegetation of China, III). Ecological Research, 5: 9-23.

FangJY, Yoda K. 1989.Distribution of main vegetation types and thermal climate (Climate andvegetation of China, II). Ecological Research, 4: 71-83.

FangJY, Yoda K. 1988. Changein the altitudinal lapse rate of temperature and distribution of sealeveltemperature (Climate and vegetation in China, I). EcologicalResearch, 3: 37-51.

FangJY, Kan M. 1988.Relationship between variance and mean of individual dry weight in experimentalpopulations of Larix leptolepis. Japanese Journal of Ecology,38: 211-215.