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沈国锋博士现为北京大学新体制助理教授。主要研究方向是污染物区域环境过程和效应,聚焦居民能源结构、燃烧排放、污染暴露和健康风险评估等开展了系列基础研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金、面上基金,科技部重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作”中欧旗舰项目、科技部“第二次青藏高原综合科学考察”专题等10余项,作为骨干成员参与国家基金委重大项目、重点基金等。以第一/通讯作者在National Science Review,Nature Communications, Nature Human Behavior,ES&T,《科学通报》等环境地学领域知名期刊上发表SCI论文88篇;在Nature Energy,PNAS,One Earth,ES&T,《环境科学》等合作研究论文百余篇。出版英文著作1部,参编英文专著2部;作为主要技术人员参与制定国际测试标准2个,国家测试标准2个。科研论文的总引1.14万余次,H因子62。目前,兼任中国地理学会环境地理专委会副主任委员,环境科学学会室内环境与环境分会青委会副主任委员、环科学会污染源排放与控制等专委会委员。担任《生态毒理学报》、AECT等杂志副主编/编委,国际标准组织ISO TC 285工作组专家。曾获得ES&T等杂志优秀审稿人、中国地理学会青年科技奖、何兴舟青年学术奖等荣誉和奖励。
2009.12-2010.12,美国佐治亚理工蜜桃直播 ,联培博士生
2018.10-至今,蜜桃直播-蜜桃直播app ,预聘制助理教授
2015.04-2018.09,美国环保署风险管理研究国家实验室, 博士后
2012.10-2014.11, 南京大学/江苏省环境科学研究院,博士后
· 居民能源转型和室内空气质量
· 大气污染物的排放表征和减排
· 空气污染物的暴露和健康风险评估
· 燃烧源排放的健康和气候协同效应
· 12631200能源与环境 (本科生专业必修) 春季(2019-)
· 12631050 环境科学前沿秋季讲座 秋季(2022-23)
· 12613830 能源与环境 (研究生课程) 春季(2022-)
· 12613820 室内空气污染与控制(研究生课程) 春季 (2019-)
· 12631280 环境健康综合实习 (本科生) 秋季(2022-)
· 01536840 环境科学野外综合实习 (本科生) 秋季 (2022-)
§ Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology副主编,2020-至今
§ Sustainable Horizons副主编、专刊客座编辑,2021-至今
§ 《生态毒理学报》责任副主编,2023-至今
§ Biomass & Bioenergy编委,2019-至今
§ 《生态环境学报》编委,2022-至今
§ Environmental Science & Ecotechnology青年编委(首届),2021-至今
§ Critical Review in Environmental Science & Technology青年编委(首届),2022-至今
§ 《颗粒学报Particuology》青年编委、专刊客座编辑,2021-至今
§ 《环境科学》青年编委,2022-至今
§ 国际标准组织ISO TC 285工作组专家,2015-至今
§ 中国地理学会环境地理专委会,2018-至今
§ 中国环境科学学会室内环境与环境分会-农村室内环境与健康组, 2018-至今
§ 中国农村炉灶行业协会 顾问专家,2019-至今
§ 北京市科协生态环境和区域发展决策咨询专家团队成员,2023-至今
§ 国家自然科学基金,项目通讯评审专家,2015-至今
§ 智利国家自然科学基金委,项目国际通讯评审专家,2015-2016
§ 国家地理学会(National Geographic Society), 项目评审, 2014-2016
§ 学术期刊审稿人:Science, Nature, Nature communications, Nature Medicine, Lancet Planetary Health, ES&T, ES&T Letters, Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, Environmental Health Perspective, Environment International, Atmospheric Environment, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 中国环境科学,环境科学学报,环境科学研究等
o 2022, 中国地理学会,青年科技奖
o 2022, 北京大学,本科生科研优秀指导教师
o 2021, 中国环境科学学会 何兴舟青年学术奖
o 2021, 紫金全兴青年学者
o 2021,北京大学 黄廷方/信和杰出青年学者
o 2021, Environ. Sci. - Atmosphere, Outstanding Reviewer Award
o 2020, ES&T, Super Reviewer Award
o 2019, ES&T, Excellence in Reviewer Award
o 2019,ISES (International Society of Exposure Science) Award
o 2018, ES&T Letter, Excellence in Reviewer Award
o 2020-至今,World's Top 2% Scientists“生涯影响力”、“年度影响力”榜单
可参见//postdocs.mitaolive.com/zpxx/zwxx/csyhjxy/133790.htm 及“生活能源环境”微信公众号等平台信息
1. 科技部重点研发国际科技创新合作,气候、环境、健康和社会经济协同增效的碳中和路径研究,2023-2027,负责人,在研
2. 国家自然科学基金,农村固体燃料排放影响室内空气质量的过程和时空特征,2024-2027,负责人,在研
3. 科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察,跨境污染物调查和环境安全,2019-2022,共同负责人,已结题
4. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,生活能源与环境,2020-2022,负责人,已结题
5. 国家自然科学基金,生活源大气污染物排放的时空格局,2021-2024,负责人,在研
6. 中科院A类先导专项子课题,固体取暖燃料清洁干预示范及效果评估,2019-2023,负责人,已结题
7. 生态环境部,农村居民生活能源消费固体燃料排放因子校核与评估,2019-2020,负责人,已结题
8. 国自然重大项目,化工园区典型毒害有机污染物的环境地球化学过程与健康效应,2020-2024,研究骨干,在研
9. 国自然重点项目,中国居民生活源大气污染物排放的环境效应和健康风险模拟,2019-2023,研究骨干,已结题
10. 科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察,跨境污染物调查和环境安全(二期),2022-2024,研究骨干,在研
11. 国家自然科学基金,长三角多环芳烃有机污染物特征,2013-2015,负责人,已结题
12. 江苏省自然科学基金,长三角西部城市颗粒物光学特征,2013-2014,负责人,已结题
13. 国家博士后基金,南京市大气细颗粒物污染特征,2014-2015,负责人,已结题
n Xiong, R.; Men, Y.; and Guofeng Shen. Spatiotemporally Resolved Pollutant Emissions from Biomass Burning in Asia. In Vegetation Fires and Pollution in Asia, Edited by Krishna P. Vadrevu, Toshimasa Ohara, Chris Justice. Springer, 2023.
n Luo, Z. and Guofeng Shen. Household air pollution in rural area. In Handbook of Indoor Air Quality, edited by Y. Zhang, P. K. Hopke, C. Mandin. Springer 2022.
n Guofeng Shen, Emission factors of carbonaceous particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from residential solid fuel combustions. Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D Research, Springer Theses, 2014. ISSN 2190-5053, 2190-5061 (electronic), ISBN 978-3-642-39761-5. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
1) Xing, R.; Luo, Z.; Zhang, W.; Xiong, R.; Jiang, K.; Meng, W.; Meng, J.; Dai, H.; Xue, B.; Shen, H.; Shen, G*. Household fuel and direct carbon emission disparity in rural China. Environ. Int. 2024, 185, 108549.
2) Jiang, K.; Xing, R.; Luo, Z.; Huang, W.; Yi, F.; Men, Y.; Zhao, N.; Chang, Z.; Zhao, J.; Pan, B.; Shen, G*. Pollutant emissions from biomass burning: A review on emission characteristics, environmental impacts, and research perspectives. Particuology. 2024, 85, 296-309.
3) Li, G.; Hu, R.; Hao, Y.; Yang, T.; Li, L.; Luo, Z.; Xie, L.; Zhao, N.; Liu, C.; Sun, C.; Shen, G*. CO2 and air pollutant emissions from bio-coal briquettes. Environ. Technol. Innovation 2023, 29.
4) Jiang, K.; Men, Y.; Xing, R.; Fu, B.; Shen, G.;* Li, B.; Tao, S. Divergent Energy-Climate Nexus in the Global Fuel Combustion Processes. Environ. Sci. Technol.2023, 57(6), 2506-2515.
5) Jiao, X.; Xiong, R.; Luo, Z.; Li, Y.; Cheng, H.; Rashid, A.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Household energy stacking and structures in Pakistan - Results from a multiple-energy study in Azad Kashmir and Punjab. J. Environ. Sci.-China. 2023, 133, 152-160.
6) Liu, X.; Li, Y.; Luo, Z.; Xing, R.; Men, Y.; Huang, W.; Jiang, K.; Zhang, L.; Sun, C.; Xie, L.; Cheng, H.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Du, W.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Identification of Factors Determining Household PM2.5 Variations at Regional Scale and Their Implications for Pollution Mitigation. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023.
7) Li, S.; Men, Y.; Luo, Z.; Huang, W.; Xing, R.; Sun, C.; Shen, G.* Indoor exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons associated with solid fuel use in rural China. Environ. Geochem. Hlth. 2023, 45(11), 8761-8770.
8) Men, Y.; Li, Y.; Luo, Z.; Jiang, K.; Yi, F.; Liu, X.; Xing, R.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Interpreting Highly Variable Indoor PM2.5 in Rural North China Using Machine Learning. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023.
9) Xiao, K.; Wang, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Fu, D.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Z.; Lin, Y.; Wang, Q.; Pei, J.; Shen, G.* Size-resolved environmentally persistent free radicals in urban road dust and association with transition metals. Environ. Geochem. Health. 2023, 45(11), 7829-7839.
10) Huang, T.; Liu, M.; Xing, R.; Men, Y.; Shen, G.* Threat of air pollution in the cleanest plateau. Innovation. 2023, 4(2).
11) Jiang, K.; Xing, R.; Luo, Z.; Li, J.; Men, Y.; Shen, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Trends in air pollutants emissions in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its surrounding areas under different socioeconomic scenarios. Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 899.
12) Jiang, K.; Fu, B.; Luo, Z.; Xiong, R.; Men, Y.; Shen, H.; Li, B.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Attributed radiative forcing of air pollutants from biomass and fossil burning emissions. Environ. Pollut. 2022, 306.
13) Xiong, R.; Li, J.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Jiang, K.; Zheng, H.; Kong, S.; Shen, H.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Global brown carbon emissions from combustion sources. Environ. Sci. Ecotechnol. 2022, 12.
14) Luo, Z.; Xing, R.; Huang, W.; Xiong, R.; Qin, L.; Ren, Y.; Li, Y.; Liu, X.; Men, Y.; Jiang, K.; Tian, Y.; Shen, G.* Impacts of Household Coal Combustion on Indoor Ultrafine Particles-A Preliminary Case Study and Implication on Exposure Reduction. Int. J. Env. Res. Pub. He. 2022, 19(9).
15) Tian, Y.; Fang, J.; Wang, F.; Luo, Z.; Zhao, F.; Zhang, Y.; Du, P.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.; Shi, W.; Liu, Y.; Ding, E.; Sun, Q.; Li, C.; Tang, S.; Yue, X.; Shi, G.; Wang, B.; Li, T.; Shen, G.;* Shi, X.* Linking the Fasting Blood Glucose Level to Short-Term-Exposed Particulate Constituents and Pollution Sources: Results from a Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study in China. Environ. Sci. Technol.2022.
16) Zhao, J.; Shen, G.*; Shi, L.; Li, H.; Lang, D.; Zhang, L.; Pan, B.*; Tao, S. Real-World Emission Characteristics of Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals in PM2.5 from Residential Solid Fuel Combustion. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022, 56(7), 3997-4004.
17) 罗智瀚; 沈国锋;* 陶澍. 固体燃料导致室内空气污染的研究动态及热点-基于文献计量学分析. 农业资源与环境学报. 2022, 39(2), 346-355
18) Luo, Z.; Shen, G.;* Men, Y.; Zhang, W.; Meng, W.; Zhu, W.; Meng, J.; Liu, X.; Cheng, Q.; Jiang, K.; Yun, X.; Cheng, H.; Xue, T.; Shen, H.; Tao, S. Reduced inequality in ambient and household PM2.5 exposure in China. Environ. Int. 2022, 170.
19) Shen, G.; Xiong, R.; Tian, Y.; Luo, Z.; Jiangtulu, B.; Meng, W.; Du, W.; Meng, J.; Chen, Y.; Xue, B.; Wang, B.; Duan, Y.; Duo, J.; Fan, F.; Huang, L.; Ju, T.; Liu, F.; Li, S.; Liu, X.; Li, Y.; Wang, M.; Nan, Y.; Pan, B.; Pan, Y.; Wang, L.; Zeng, E.; Zhan, C.; Chen, Y.; Shen, H.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S.* Substantial transition to clean household energy mix in rural China. Natl. Sci. Rev.2022, 9(7).
20) Zhang, L.; Hu, B.; Liu, X.; Luo, Z.; Xing, R.; Li, Y.; Xiong, R.; Li, G.; Cheng, H.; Lu, Q.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Variabilities in Primary N-Containing Aromatic Compound Emissions from Residential Solid Fuel Combustion and Implications for Source Tracers. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2022.
21) 邢冉; 沈国锋;* 程和发; 陶澍. 东北地区农村生活能源结构变迁及其对区域污染物排放的影响. 生态环境学报. 2022, 31(12), 2367-2373.
22) Shen, G.;* Xing, R.; Zhou, Y.; Jiao, X.; Luo, Z.; Xiong, R.; Huang, W.; Tian, Y.; Chen, Y.; Du, W. Revisiting the proportion of clean household energy users in rural China by accounting for energy stacking. Sustainable Horizons. 2022, 1, 100010.
23) Shen, H.; Luo, Z.; Xiong, R.; Liu, X.; Zhang, L.; Li, Y.; Du, W.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. A critical review of pollutant emission factors from fuel combustion in home stoves. Environ. Int. 2021, 157.
24) Ren, Y.; Shen, G.;* Shen, H.; Zhong, Q.; Xu, H.; Meng, W.; Zhang, W.; Yu, X.; Yun, X.; Luo, Z.; Chen, Y.; Li, B.; Cheng, H.; Zhu, D.; Tao, S. Contributions of biomass burning to global and regional SO2 emissions. Atmos. Res. 2021, 260.
25) Men, Y.; Li, J.; Liu, X.; Li, Y.; Jiang, K.; Luo, Z.; Xiong, R.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S.; Shen, G.* Contributions of internal emissions to peaks and incremental indoor PM2.5 in rural coal use households. Environ. Pollut. 2021, 288.
26) Du, W.; Wang, J.; Zhuo, S.; Zhong, Q.; Wang, W.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Z.; Mao, K.; Huang, Y.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Emissions of particulate PAHs from solid fuel combustion in indoor cookstoves. Sci. Total Environ. 2021, 771.
27) Chen, Y.; Senthilkumar, N.; Shen, H.; Shen, G.* Environmental Inequality Deepened During the COVID-19 in the Developing World. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55(1), 7-8.
28) Luo, Z.; Zhang, L.; Li, G.; Du, W.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S.; Shen, G.* Evaluating co-emissions into indoor and outdoor air of EC, OC, and BC from in-home biomass burning. Atmos. Res. 2021, 248.
29) Li, J.; Men, Y.; Liu, X.; Luo, Z.; Li, Y.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Field-based evidence of changes in household PM2.5 and exposure during the 2020 national quarantine in China. Environ. Res. Lett. 2021, 16(9).
30) Shen, H.; Shen, G.;* Chen, Y.; Russell, A.G.; Hu, Y.; Duan, X.; Meng, W.; Xu, Y.; Yun, X.; Lyu, B.; Zhao, S.; Hakami, A.; Guo, J.; Tao, S.; Smith, K.R. Increased air pollution exposure among the Chinese population during the national quarantine in 2020. Nat. Hum. Behav. 2021, 5(2), 239-246.
31) Li, Y.; Liu, X.; Men, Y.; Luo, Z.; Xiong, R.; Li, J.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S.; Shen, G.* Indoor Coal Combustion for Heating Exacerbates CO2 Exposure Approaching Harmful Levels. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2021, 8(10), 861-866.
32) Zhang, L.; Luo, Z.; Xiong, R.; Liu, X.; Li, Y.; Du, W.; Chen, Y.; Pan, B.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Mass Absorption Efficiency of Black Carbon from Residential Solid Fuel Combustion and Its Association with Carbonaceous Fractions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55(15), 10662-10671.
33) Zhang, L.; Luo, Z.; Li, Y.; Chen, Y.; Du, W.; Li, G.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Optically Measured Black and Particulate Brown Carbon Emission Factors from Real-World Residential Combustion Predominantly Affected by Fuel Differences. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55(1), 169-178.
34) 沈国锋;* 熊瑞; 程和发; 陶澍. 青藏农村生活能源结构及一次PM2.5排放估算. 科学通报. 2021, 66(15), 1900-1911.
35) Liu, X.; Shen, G.;* Chen, L.; Qian, Z.; Zhang, N.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Cao, J.; Cheng, H.; Du, W.; Li, B.; Li, G.; Li, Y.; Liang, X.; Liu, M.; Lu, H.; Luo, Z.; Ren, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhu, D.; Tao, S. Spatially Resolved Emission Factors to Reduce Uncertainties in Air Pollutant Emission Estimates from the Residential Sector. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55(8), 4483-4493.
36) Du, W.; Zhuo, S.; Wang, J.; Luo, Z.; Chen, Y.; Wang, Z.; Lin, N.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.;* Tao, S. Substantial leakage into indoor air from on-site solid fuel combustion in chimney stoves. Environ. Pollut. 2021, 291.
37) Shen, G.;* Du, W.; Luo, Z.; Li, Y.; Cai, G.; Lu, C.; Qiu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S. Fugitive Emissions of CO and PM2.5 from Indoor Biomass Burning in Chimney Stoves Based on a Newly Developed Carbon Balance Approach. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2020, 7(3), 128-134.
38) Zhang, L.; Luo, Z.; Du, W.; Li, G.; Shen, G.;* Cheng, H.; Tao, S. Light absorption properties and absorption emission factors for indoor biomass burning. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 267.
39) Du, W.; Yun, X.; Luo, Z.; Chen, Y.; Liu, W.; Sun, Z.; Zhong, Q.; Qu, Y.; Li, X.; Zhu, Y.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S.; Shen, G.* Submicrometer PM1.0 Exposure from Household Burning of Solid Fuels. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2020, 7(1), 1-6.
40) Du, W.; Yun, X.; Fu, N.; Qi, M.; Wang, W.; Wang, L.; Chen, Y.; Shen, G.* Variation of indoor and outdoor carbonaceous aerosols in rural homes with strong internal solid fuel combustion sources. Atmos. Pollut. Res. 2020, 11(5), 992-999.
41) Shen, G.; Ainiwaer, S.; Zhu, Y.; Zheng, S.; Hou, W.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Wang, X.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S.* Quantifying source contributions for indoor CO2 and gas pollutants based on the highly resolved sensor data. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 267.
42) Qi, M.; Du, W.; Zhu, X.; Wang, W.; Lu, C.; Chen, Y.; Shen, G.;* Cheng, H.; Zeng, E.Y.; Tao, S. Fluctuation in time-resolved PM2.5 from rural households with solid fuel-associated internal emission sources. Environ. Pollut. 2019, 244, 304-313.
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3) Zheng, L.; Adalibieke, W.; Zhou, F.; He, P.; Chen, Y.; Guo, P.; He, J.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, P.; Wang, C.; Ye, J.; Zhu, L.; Shen, G.; Fu, T.; Yang, X.; Zhao, S.; Hakami, A.; Russell, A.G.; Tao, S.; Meng, J.; Shen, H. Health burden from food systems is highly unequal across income groups. Nat. Food. 2024.
4) Zhou, Y.; Li, Y.; Fu, D.; Zhang, Y.; Xiao, K.; Jiang, K.; Luo, J.; Shen, G.; Liu, W.; Tao, S. Pollution Characteristics and Health Risks of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs) in Soils of a Coking Plant. Toxics. 2024, 12(3).
5) Zhou, Y.; Xiao, K.; Zhang, Y.; Fu, D.; Jiang, K.; Luo, J.; Li, Y.; Shen, G.; Liu, W.; Tao, S.; Lu, S. Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in industrial soils from northwestern of China: occurrence, distribution, exposure risk, and implications on risk-based controls. Environ. Geochem. Hlth. 2024, 46(4), 135.
6) Huang, Y.; Huang, L.; Li, Y.; Sidikjan, N.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Chen, Y.; Li, Y.; Du, W.; Chen, L.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, S.; Yang, J.; Meng, W.; Shen, G.; Liu, M.; Tao, S. Unintentional emissions of polychlorinated naphthalenes in China: Sources, composition, and historical trends. J. Environ. Sci.-China. 2025, 148, 221-229.
7) Chen, Y.; Ling, J.; Yu, W.; Zhang, L.; Wu, R.; Yang, D.; Qu, J.; Jin, H.; Tao, Z.; Shen, Y.; Meng, R.; Yu, J.; Zheng, Q.; Shen, G.; Du, W.; Sun, H.; Zhao, M. Identification of point and nonpoint emission sources of neonicotinoid pollution in regional surface water. Water Res. 2024, 248.
8) Guta, D.; Zerriffi, H.; Baumgartner, J.; Jain, A.; Mani, S.; Jack, D.; Carter, E.; Shen, G.; Orgill-Meyer, J.; Rosenthal, J.; Dickinson, K.; Bailis, R.; Masuda, Y. Moving Beyond Clean Cooking Energy adoption: Using Indian ACCESS panel data to understand solid fuel suspension. Energ. Policy. 2024, 184.
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12) Wang, X.; Yin, Y.; Yu, Z.; Shen, G.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S. Distinct distribution patterns of the abundant and rare bacteria in high plateau hot spring sediments. Sci. Total Environ. 2023, 863.
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14) Mutlu, E.; Cristy, T.; Stiffler, B.; Waidyanatha, S.; Chartier, R.; Jetter, J.; Krantz, T.; Shen, G.; Champion, W.; Miller, B.; Richey, J.; Burback, B.; Rider, C.V. Do Storage Conditions Affect Collected Cookstove Emission Samples? Implications for Field Studies. Anal. Lett. 2023, 56(12), 1911-1931.
15) Zhu, Y.; Jiao, X.; Meng, W.; Yu, X.; Cheng, H.; Shen, G.; Wang, X.; Tao, S. Drinking Water in Rural China: Water Sources, Treatment, and Boiling Energy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57(16), 6465-6473.
16) Liang, R.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, W.; Zhang, P.; Liu, J.; Chen, C.; Mao, H.; Shen, G.; Qu, Z.; Chen, Z.; Zhou, M.; Wang, P.; Parker, R.J.; Boesch, H.; Lorente, A.; Maasakkers, J.D.; Aben, I. East Asian methane emissions inferred from high-resolution inversions of GOSAT and TROPOMI observations: a comparative and evaluative analysis. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2023, 23(14), 8039-8057.
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18) Liang, X.; Wang, L.; Du, W.; Chen, Y.; Yun, X.; Chen, Y.; Shen, G.; Shen, H.; Yang, X.; Tao, S. Emission factors of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from ships in China. Environ. Pollut. 2023, 337.
19) Xu, J.; Shen, G.; Fu, B.; Han, Y.; Suo, X.; Chen, Z.; Lai, Y.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Han, L.; Tao, S.; Li, B. Emissions of Particulate and Previously Ignored Gaseous Phosphorus from Coal and Biomass Combustion in Household Stoves. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2023, 10(11), 1011-1016.
20) Wang, Q.; Fan, J.; Kwan, M.; Zhou, K.; Shen, G.; Li, N.; Wu, B.; Lin, J. Examining energy inequality under the rapid residential energy transition in China through household surveys.Nat. Energy. 2023, 8(3), 251.
21) Chen, Y.; Yu, W.; Zhang, L.; Cao, L.; Ling, J.; Liao, K.; Shen, G.; Du, W.; Chen, K.; Zhao, M.; Wu, J.; Jin, H. First evidence of neonicotinoid insecticides in human bile and associated hepatotoxicity risk. J. Hazard. Mater. 2023, 446.
22) Hu, Y.; Kong, S.; Cheng, Y.; Shen, G.; Liu, D.; Wang, S.; Guo, L.; Fu, P. Identification and Parametrization of Key Factors Affecting Levoglucosan Emission During Solid Fuel Burning. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57(48), 20043-20052.
23) Huang, L.; Liu, Y.; Wu, Y.; Ye, Z.; Ren, F.; Liu, X.; Shen, G. Impact of Stove Renovation on PM2.5 Exposure, Risk Perception, Self-Protective Willingness of Rural Residents. Toxics. 2023, 11(3).
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25) He, J.; Shen, H.; Lei, T.; Chen, Y.; Meng, J.; Sun, H.; Li, M.; Wang, C.; Ye, J.; Zhu, L.; Zhou, Z.; Shen, G.; Guan, D.; Fu, T.; Yang, X.; Tao, S. Investigation of Plant-Level Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Chemical Industry Highlights the Importance of Differentiated Control in China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57(50), 21295-21305.
26) Zhang, J.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Meng, J.; Li, J.; He, J.; Guo, P.; Dai, R.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, R.; Wang, J.; Zheng, S.; Lei, T.; Shen, G.; Wang, C.; Ye, J.; Zhu, L.; Sun, H.Z.; Fu, T.; Yang, X.; Guan, D.; Tao, S. Iron and Steel Industry Emissions: A Global Analysis of Trends and Drivers. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57(43), 16477-16488.
27) Gao, Y.; Wang, H.; Yuan, L.; Jing, S.; Yuan, B.; Shen, G.; Zhu, L.; Koss, A.; Li, Y.; Wang, Q.; Huang, D.D.; Zhu, S.; Tao, S.; Lou, S.; Huang, C. Measurement report: Underestimated reactive organic gases from residentialcombustion - insights from a near-complete speciation. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2023, 23(12), 6633-6646.
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29) Li, E.Y.; Yazdani, A.; Dillner, A.M.; Shen, G.; Champion, W.M.; Jetter, J.J.; Preston, W.T.; Russell, L.M.; Hays, M.D.; Takahama, S. Quantifying Functional Group Compositions of Household Fuel Burning Emissions. Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discus. 2023, 2023, 1-21.
30) Zhang, W.; Xu, H.; Yu, X.; Li, J.; Zhang, Y.; Dai, R.; Zheng, S.; Meng, W.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Shen, G.; Ma, J.; Li, B.; Liu, J.; Wang, X.; Tao, S. Rigorous Regional Air Quality Standards for Substantial Health Benefits. Earths Future. 2023, 11(12).
31) Meng, W.; Zhu, L.; Liang, Z.; Xu, H.; Zhang, W.; Li, J.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Z.; Shen, G.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, H.; Ma, J.; Tao, S. Significant but Inequitable Cost-Effective Benefits of a Clean Heating Campaign in Northern China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57(23), 8467-8475.
32) Zhang, Q.; Yin, Z.; Lu, X.; Gong, J.; Lei, Y.; Cai, B.; Cai, C.; Chai, Q.; Chen, H.; Dai, H.; Dong, Z.; Geng, G.; Guan, D.; Hu, J.; Huang, C.; Kang, J.; Li, T.; Li, W.; Lin, Y.; Liu, J.; Liu, X.; Liu, Z.; Ma, J.; Shen, G.; Tong, D.; Wang, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z.; Xie, Y.; Xu, H.; Xue, T.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, D.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X.; Zheng, B.; Zheng, Y.; Zhu, T.; Wang, J.; He, K. Synergetic roadmap of carbon neutrality and clean air for China. Environ. Sci. Ecotechnol. 2023, 16.
33) Zhi, H.; Shen, G.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S. Uncovering the Dominant Contribution of Untreated Domestic Wastewater to Antimicrobials in the Lower Reach of the Lhasa River on the Tibetan Plateau. ACS ES&T Water. 2023, 3(8), 2307-2317.
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39) Wang, X.; Ren, Y.; Yu, Z.; Shen, G.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S. Effects of environmental factors on the distribution of microbial communities across soils and lake sediments in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Sci. Total Environ. 2022, 838.
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41) Yan, Q.; Kong, S.; Yan, Y.; Liu, X.; Zheng, S.; Qin, S.; Wu, F.; Niu, Z.; Zheng, H.; Cheng, Y.; Zeng, X.; Wu, J.; Yao, L.; Liu, D.; Shen, G.; Shen, Z.; Qi, S. Emission and spatialized health risks for trace elements from domestic coal burning in China. Environ. Int. 2022, 158.
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44) Ji, D.; Li, J.; Shen, G.; He, J.; Gao, W.; Tao, J.; Liu, Y.; Tang, G.; Zeng, L.; Zhang, R.; Wang, Y. Environmental effects of China's coal ban policy: Results from in situ observations and model analysis in a typical rural area of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. Atmos. Res. 2022, 268.
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48) Wang, L.; Du, W.; Chen, Y.; Wang, W.; Chen, Y.; Zhu, X.; Peng, B.; Yun, X.; Li, X.; Shen, H.; Shen, G.; Liu, J.; Wang, X.; Tao, S. High PM2.5 Emission from Typical Old, Small Fishing Vessels in China. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2022, 9(3), 199-204.
49) Chen, Y.; Wu, R.; Zhang, L.; Ling, J.; Yu, W.; Shen, G.; Du, W.; Zhao, M. High spatial resolved cropland coverage and cultivation category determine neonicotinoid distribution in agricultural soil at the provincial scale. J. Hazard. Mater. 2022, 430.
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89) Meng, W.; Shen, G.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Yun, X.; Li, J.; Ma, J.; Liu, J.; Cheng, H.; Hu, J.; Wan, Y.; Tao, S. Synergistic Health Benefits of Household Stove Upgrading and Energy Switching in Rural China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55(21), 14567-14575.
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94) Lu, C.; Xu, H.; Meng, W.; Hou, W.; Zhang, W.; Shen, G.; Cheng, H.; Wang, X.; Wang, X.; Tao, S. A novel model for regional indoor PM2.5 quantification with both external and internal contributions included. Environ. Int. 2020, 145.
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96) Xie, M.; Zhao, Z.; Holder, A.L.; Hays, M.D.; Chen, X.; Shen, G.; Jetter, J.J.; Champion, W.M.; Wang, Q. Chemical composition, structures, and light absorption of N-containing aromatic compounds emitted from burning wood and charcoal in household cookstoves. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2020, 20(22), 14077-14090.
97) Wang, X.; Zhang, Z.; Yu, Z.; Shen, G.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S. Composition and diversity of soil microbial communities in the alpine wetland and alpine forest ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 747.
98) Meng, W.; Shen, H.; Yun, X.; Chen, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Zhang, W.; Yu, X.; Xu, H.; Ren, Y.; Shen, G.; Ma, J.; Liu, J.; Cheng, H.; Wang, X.; Zhu, D.; Tao, S. Differentiated-Rate Clean Heating Strategy with Superior Environmental and Health Benefits in Northern China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54(21), 13458-13466.
99) Ren, M.; Yan, L.; Pang, Y.; Jia, X.; Huang, J.; Shen, G.; Cheng, H.; Wang, X.; Pan, B.; Li, Z.; Wang, B. External interference from ambient air pollution on using hair metal(loid)s for biomarker-based exposure assessment. Environ. Int. 2020, 137.
100) Zhong, Q.; Shen, H.; Yun, X.; Chen, Y.; Ren, Y.; Xu, H.; Shen, G.; Du, W.; Meng, J.; Li, W.; Ma, J.; Tao, S. Global Sulfur Dioxide Emissions and the Driving Forces. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2020, 54(11), 6508-6517.
101) Chen, Y.; Fei, J.; Sun, Z.; Shen, G.; Du, W.; Zang, L.; Yang, L.; Wang, Y.; Wu, R.; Chen, A.; Zhao, M. Household air pollution from cooking and heating and its impacts on blood pressure in residents living in rural cave dwellings in Loess Plateau of China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R. 2020, 27(29), 36677-36687.
102) Li, W.; Li, B.; Tao, S.; Ciais, P.; Piao, S.; Shen, G.; Peng, S.; Wang, R.; Gasser, T.; Balkanski, Y.; Li, L.; Fu, B.; Yin, T.; Li, X.; An, J.; Han, Y. Missed atmospheric organic phosphorus emitted by terrestrial plants, part 2: Experiment of volatile phosphorus. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 258.
103) Du, W.; Yun, X.; Chen, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Wang, W.; Wang, L.; Qi, M.; Shen, G.; Tao, S. PAHs emissions from residential biomass burning in real-world cooking stoves in rural China. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 267.
104) Shen, G.; Ainiwaer, S.; Zhu, Y.; Zheng, S.; Hou, W.; Shen, H.; Chen, Y.; Wang, X.; Cheng, H.; Tao, S. Quantifying source contributions for indoor CO2 and gas pollutants based on the highly resolved sensor data. Environ. Pollut. 2020, 267.
105) Yun, X.; Shen, G.; Shen, H.; Meng, W.; Chen, Y.; Xu, H.; Ren, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Du, W.; Ma, J.; Cheng, H.; Wang, X.; Liu, J.; Wang, X.; Li, B.; Hu, J.; Wan, Y.; Tao, S. Residential solid fuel emissions contribute significantly to air pollution and associated health impacts in China. Sci. Adv. 2020, 6(44).
106) Wang, D.; Li, Q.; Shen, G.; Deng, J.; Zhou, W.; Hao, J.; Jiang, J. Significant ultrafine particle emissions from residential solid fuel combustion. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 715.
107) Zhao, Q.; Bi, J.; Liu, Q.; Ling, Z.; Shen, G.; Chen, F.; Qiao, Y.; Li, C.; Ma, Z. Sources of volatile organic compounds and policy implications for regional ozone pollution control in an urban location of Nanjing, East China. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2020, 20(6), 3905-3919.
108) Liang, W.; Shen, G.; Wang, B.; Cao, S.; Yu, D.; Zhao, L.; Duan, X. Space heating approaches in Chinese schools: Results from the first Chinese Environmental Exposure-Related Human Activity Patterns Survey-Children (CEERHAPS-C). Energy Sustain. Dev. 2020, 56, 33-41.
109) Zhao, Y.; Zhang, K.; Xu, X.; Shen, H.; Zhu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Hu, Y.; Shen, G. Substantial Changes in Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone after Excluding Meteorological Impacts during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Mainland China. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2020, 7(6), 402-408.
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113) Zhong, Q.; Shen, H.; Yun, X.; Chen, Y.; Ren, Y.; Xu, H.; Shen, G.; Ma, J.; Tao, S. Effects of International Fuel Trade on Global Sulfur Dioxide Emissions. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2019, 6(12), 727-731.
114) Chen, Y.; Zang, L.; Liu, M.; Zhang, C.; Shen, G.; Du, W.; Sun, Z.; Fei, J.; Yang, L.; Wang, Y.; Wang, X.; Zhao, M. Ecological risk assessment of the increasing use of the neonicotinoid insecticides along the east coast of China. Environ. Int. 2019, 127, 550-557.
115) Qiu, Y.; Tao, S.; Yun, X.; Du, W.; Shen, G.; Lu, C.; Yu, X.; Cheng, H.; Ma, J.; Xue, B.; Tao, J.; Dai, J.; Ge, Q. Indoor PM2.5 Profiling with a Novel Side-Scatter Indoor Lidar. Environ. Sci. Tech. Let. 2019, 6(10), 612-616.
116) Sun, Z.; Yang, L.; Bai, X.; Du, W.; Shen, G.; Fei, J.; Wang, Y.; Chen, A.; Chen, Y.; Zhao, M. Maternal ambient air pollution exposure with spatial-temporal variations and preterm birth risk assessment during 2013-2017 in Zhejiang Province, China. Environ. Int. 2019, 133.
117) Zhu, Y.; Tao, S.; Sun, J.; Wang, X.; Li, X.; Tsang, D.C.W.; Zhu, L.; Shen, G.; Huang, H.; Cai, C.; Liu, W. Multimedia modeling of the PAH concentration and distribution in the Yangtze River Delta and human health risk assessment. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 647, 962-972.
118) Xu, Y.; Zhong, Q.; Yun, X.; Shen, H.; Shen, G.; Liu, J.; Ma, J.; Hu, J.; Wan, Y.; Wang, X.; Tian, C.; Tao, S. PM2.5-Associated Health Impacts of Beehive Coke Oven Ban in China. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53(19), 11337-11344.
119) Chen, Y.; Zang, L.; Shen, G.; Liu, M.; Du, W.; Fei, J.; Yang, L.; Chen, L.; Wang, X.; Liu, W.; Zhao, M. Resolution of the Ongoing Challenge of Estimating Nonpoint Source Neonicotinoid Pollution in the Yangtze River Basin Using a Modified Mass Balance Approach. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2019, 53(5), 2539-2548.
120) Liu, J.; Du, Z.; Liang, L.; Yu, Q.; Shen, G.; Ma, Y.; Zheng, M.; Cheng, Y.; He, K. Uncertainties in thermal-optical measurements of black carbon: Insights from source and ambient samples. Sci. Total Environ. 2019, 656, 239-249.
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123) Chen, Y.; Shen, H.; Smith, K.R.; Guan, D.; Chen, Y.; Shen, G.; Liu, J.; Cheng, H.; Zeng, E.Y.; Tao, S. Estimating household air pollution exposures and health impacts from space heating in rural China. Environ. Int. 2018, 119, 117-124.
124) Du, W.; Cohen, A.; Shen, G.; Ru, M.; Shen, H.; Tao, S. Fuel Use Trends for Boiling Water in Rural China (1992-2012) and Environmental Health Implications: A National Cross-Sectional Study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52(21), 12886-12894.
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1) Du, W., Zhu, X., Chen, Y., Liu, W., Wang, W., Shen, G.*; Tao, S., Jetter, J. Field-based emission measurements of biomass burning in typical Chinese built-in-place stoves. Environmental Pollution 2018, 242, 1587-1597.
2) Du, W., Chen, Y., Zhu, X., Zhong, Q., Zhuo, S., Liu, W., Huang, Y., Shen, G.*; Tao, S. Wintertime air pollution and health risk assessment of inhalation exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural China. Atmospheric Environment 2018, 191, 1-8.
3) Du, W., Chen, Y., Shen, G.*; Wang, W., Zhuo, S., Huang, Y., Pan, X., Tao, S. Winter air pollution by and inhalation exposure to nitrated and oxygenated PAHs in rural Shanxi, north China. Atmospheric Environment 2018, 187, 210-217
4) Du, W., Li, X., Chen, Y.*; Shen, G.* Household air pollution and personal exposure to air pollutants in rural China-a review. Environmental Pollution 2018, 237, 625-638.
5) Kong, S.*; Yan, Q., Zheng, H., Liu, H., Wang, W., Zheng, S., Yang, G., Zheng, M., Wu, J., Qi, S., Shen, G.*; Tang, L., Yin, Y., Zhao, T., Yu, H.; Liu, D.; Zhao, D.; Zhao, T.; Ruan, J. Huang, M. Substantial reductions in ambient PAHs pollution and lives saved as a co-benefit of effective long-term PM2.5 pollution controls. Environment International 2018, 114, 266-279.
6) Shen, G., Hays, M.D., Smith, K., Williams, C., Faircloth, J., Jetter, J.* Evaluating the performance of household liquefied petroleum gas cookstoves.Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52, 904-915.
7) Du, W., Shen, G.*; Chen, Y., Zhuo, S., Xu, Y., Li, X., Pan, X., Cheng, H., Wang, X., Tao, S*. Wintertime pollution level, size distribution and personal daily exposure to particulate matters in the northern and southern rural Chinese homes and variation in different household fuels. Environmental Pollution 2017, 231, 497-508.
8) Huang, Y., Du, W., Chen, Y., Shen, G.*; Su, S., Lin, N., Shen, H., Zhu, D., Yuan, C., Duan, Y., Liu, J., Li, B., Tao, S. Household air pollution and personal inhalation exposure to particles (TSP/PM2.5/PM1/PM0.25) in rural Shanxi, north China. Environmental Pollution 2017, 231, 635-643.
9) Shen, G., Preston, W., Ebersviller, S., Williams, C., Faircloth, J., Jetter, J.*, Hays, M. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in fine particulate matter emitted from burning kerosene, liquid petroleum gas and wood fuels in household cookstoves. Energy & Fuels 2017, 31, 3081-3090.
10) Du, W., Shen, G.*; Chen, Y., Zhu, X., Zhuo, S., Zhong, Q., Qi, M., Xue, C., Liu, G., Zeng, E., Xing, B., Tao, S*. Comparison of air pollutant emissions and household air quality in rural homes using improved wood and coal stoves. Atmospheric Environment 2017, 166, 215-223.
11) Zhuo, S., Du, W., Shen, G.*, Wang, R., Pan, X., Li, T., Han, Y., Li, Y., Pan, B., Peng, X., Cheng, H., Wang, X., Shi, G., Xing, B., Tao, S*. Urban air pollution and health risk of parent and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in two megacities, southwest China. Atmospheric Environment 2017, 166, 441-453.
12) Shen, G.* Mutagenicity of particle emissions from solid fuel cookstoves: a literature review and research perspective. Environmental Research 2017, 156, 761-769.
13) Shen, G., Gaddam, C., Ebersviller, S., vander Wal, R., Williams, C., Faircloth, J., Jetter, J.*; Hays, M. A laboratory comparison of emission factors, number size distributions and morphology of ultrafine particles from 11 different household cookstove-fuel systems. Environmental Science & Technology 2017, 51, 6522-6532.
14) Zhuo, S., Du, W., Shen, G.*; Li, B., Liu, J., Cheng, H., Xing, B., Tao, S. Estimating relative contributions of primary and secondary sources of ambient nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Atmospheric Environment 2017, 159, 126-134.
15) Zhuo, S., Shen, G.*; Zhu, Y., Du, W., Pan, X., Li, T., Han, Y., Li, B., Liu, J., Cheng, H., Xing, B., Tao, S. Source-oriented risk assessment of inhalation exposure to ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and contribution of non-priority isomers in urban Nanjing, a megacity located in Yangtze River Delta, China. Environmental Pollution 2017, 224, 796-809.
16) Sun, Z., Liu, J., Zhuo, S., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Shen, H., Yun, X., Shen, G.*, Liu, W., Zeng, Y., Tao, S. Occurrence and geographic distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agricultural soils in eastern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2017, 24, 12168-12175.
17) Shen, G., Chen, Y., Du, W., Lin, N., Wang, X., et al. Exposure and size distribution of nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among the population using different household fuels. Environmental Pollution 2016, 935-942.
18) Shen, G.* Changes from traditional solid fuels to clean household energies-opportunities in emission reduction of primary PM2.5 from residential cookstoves in China. Biomass & Bioenergy 2016, 86, 28-35.
19) Shen, G.* Quantification of emission reduction potentials of primary air pollutants from residential solid fuel combustion by adopting cleaner fuels in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2015, 37, 1-7.
20) Shen, G., Lin, W., Chen, YC., Yue, D., Liu, Z., Yang, C. Factors influencing the adoption and sustainable use of clean fuels and cookstoves in China-a Chinese literature review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews2015, 51, 741-750.
21) Shen, G., Chen, YC., Xue, CY., Lin, N., Huang, Y., Shen, H., Wang, Y., Li, T., Zhang, Y., Su, S., Huangfu, Y., Zhang, W., Chen, X., Liu, G., Liu, W., Wang, X., Wong, M., Tao, S. Pollutant emissions from improved coal- and wood-fuelled cookstoves in rural households. Environmental Science & Technology2015, 49, 6590-6598.
22) Shen, G.*; and Xue, M. Comparison of CO and particulate matter emissions from residential burnings of pelletized biofuels and traditional solid fuels. Energy & Fuels 2014, 28, 3933-3939.
23) Shen, G.*; Xue, M., Chen, Y., Yang, C., Li, W., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Zhu, Y., Wu, H., Ding, A., Tao, S. Comparison of carbonaceous particulate matter emission factors among different solid fuels burned in residential stoves. Atmospheric Environment 2014, 89, 337-345.
24) Shen, G.*; Xue, M., Yuan, S., Zhang, J., Zhao, Q., Li, B., Wu, H., Ding, A. Chemical compositions and reconstructed light extinction coefficients of particulate matter in a mega-city in the western Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment 2014, 83, 14-20.
25) Shen, G.*; Yuan, S., Xie, Y., Li, L., Yao, Y.K., Qiao, Y., Zhang, J., Zhao, Q., Ding, A.J., Li, B., Wu, H. Ambient levels and temporal variations of PM2.5 and PM10 at a residential site in the mega-city, Nanjing, in the western Yangtze River Delta, China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 2014, 49, 171-178.
26) Shen, G., Chen, YC; Wei, SY., Fu, XF., Ding, AJ., Wu, HS., Tao, S.* Can coronene and/or benzo[a]pyrene/coronene ratio act as unique markers for vehicle emission? Environmental Pollution 2014, 184, 650-653.
27) Shen, G., Zhang YY, Wei SY, Chen YC, Yang CL, Lin PC, Xie H, Xue M, Wang X, Tao S*. Indoor/outdoor pollution level and personal inhalation exposure of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through biomass fuelled cooking. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2014, 7, 449-458.
28) Shen, G., Tao, S., * Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Wei, S., Xue, M., Wang, B., Wang, R., Lu, Y., Li, W., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Chen, H. Emission characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from solid fuels burned in domestic stoves in rural China. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 14485-14494.
29) Shen, G., Chen, Y.C., Wei, S.Y., Fu, X.F., Zhu, Y; Tao, S.* Mass absorption efficiency of elemental carbon for source samples from residential biomass and coal combustions. Atmospheric Environment 2013, 79, 79-84.
30) Shen, G., Tao, S.,* Wei, S., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Zhu, D., Yuan, C., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Pei, L., Lioa, Y., Duan, Y., Wang, B., Wang, R., Lv, Y., Li, W., Wang, X., Zheng, X. Field measurement of emission factors of PM, EC, OC, parent, nitro- and oxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons for residential briquette, coal cake and wood in rural Shanxi, China. Environmental Science & Technology2013, 47, 2998-3005.
31) Shen, G., Wei, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, B., Wang, R., Shen, H., Li, W., Huang, Y., Chen, Y.C., Chen, H., Tao, S.*Emission and size distribution of particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from residential wood combustion in rural China. Biomass & Bioenergy 2013, 55. 141-147.
32) Shen, G., Xue, M., Wei, S., Chen, Y., Wang, B., Wang, R., Lv, Y., Shen, H., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, Y., Chen, H., Wei, W., Zhao, Q., Li, B., Wu, H., Tao, S.* Emissions of parent, nitrated, and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from indoor corn straw burning in normal and controlled combustion conditions. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2013, 10, 2072-2080.
33) Shen, G., Tao, S.*; Wei, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Li, W., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Chen, Y.C., Chen, H., Yang, Y., Wang, W., Wang, X., Liu, W., Simonich, S. Emissions of parent, nitro, and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from residential wood combustion in rural China. Environmental Science & Technology 2012. 46, 8123-8130.
34) Shen, G., Wei, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Li, W., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, H., Wei, W., Tao, S.* Emissions of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from biomass pellet burning in a modern burner for cooking in China. Atmospheric Environment 2012. 60, 234-237.
35) Shen, G., Xue, M., Wei, S., Chen, Y., Wang, B., Wang, R., Lv, Y., Shen, H., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, Y., Chen, H., Wei, W., Zhao, Q., Li, B., Wu, H., Tao, S.* The influence of fuel moisture, charge size, burning rate and air ventilation conditions on emissions of PM, OC, EC, parent PAHs, and their derivatives from residential wood combustion. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2013, 9, 1808-1816.
36) Shen, G., Xue, M., Wei, S., Chen, Y., Wang, B., Wang, R., Lv, Y., Shen, H., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Huang, Y., Chen, H., Wei, W., Zhao, Q., Li, B., Wu, H., Tao, S.* The influence of fuel mass load, oxygen supply and burning rate on emission factor and size distribution of carbonaceous particulate matter from indoor corn straw burning. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2013, 3, 511-519.
37) Shen, G., Tao, S.*; Wei, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Li, W., Shen, H.Z., Huang, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, W., Wei, W., Wang, X., Liu, W., Wang, X., Simonich, S. Reductions in emissions of carbonaceous particulate matter and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from combustion of biomass pellets in comparison with raw fuel burning. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46, 6409-6416.
38) Shen, G., Tao, S.*; Wei, S., Zhang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Li, W., Shen, H.Z., Huang, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, W., Wang, X., Simonich, S. Retene emission from residential solid fuels in China and evaluation of retene as a unique marker for soft wood combustion. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46, 4666-4672.
39) Shen, G., Wei, S., Wei, W., Zhang, Y., Min, Y., Wang, B., Wang, R., Li, W., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, W., Wang, X., Wang, X., Tao, S.* Emission Factors, Size Distributions and Emission Inventories of Carbonaceous Particulate Matter from Residential Wood Combustion in Rural China. Environmental Science & Technology2012, 46, 4207-4214.
40) Shen, G., Tao, S., * Wang, W., Yang, Y., Ding, H., Xue, M., Mi, Y., Zhu, C., Shen, H., Li, W., Wang, B., Wang, R., Wang, W., Wang, X., Russell, A. Emissions of Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from indoor solid fuel combustion. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, 3459-3465.
41) Shen, G., Wang, W., Yang, Y., Ding, J., Xue, M., Min, Y., Zhu, C., Shen, H., Li, W., Wang, B., Wang, R., Wang, X., Tao, S.,* Russell, A. Emissions of PAHs from indoor crop residue burning in a typical rural stove: emission factors, size distributions and gas-particle partitioning.Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, 1206-1212.
42) Shen, G., Wang, W., Yang, Y., Zhu, C., Min, Y., Xue, M., Ding, J., Li, W., Wang, B., Shen, H., Wang, R., Wang, X., Tao, S.*. Emission factors and particulate matter size distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from residential coal combustions in rural Northern China. Atmospheric Environment 2010, 44, 5237-5243.
43) Shen, G., Yang, Y., Wang, W., Tao, S.*; Zhu, C., Min, Y., Xue, N., Ding, J., Wang, B., Wang, R., Shen, H., Li, W., Wang, X., Russell, A. Emission factors of particulate matter and elemental carbon for crop residues and coals burned in typical household stoves in China. Environmental Science & Technology 2010, 44, 7157-7162.
1) Zhong, Q., Ma, J., Shen, G., Shen, H., Zhu, X., Yun, X., Meng, W., Cheng, H., Liu, J., Li. B., Wang, X., Zeng, E., Guan, D., Tao, S. Distinguishing emission-associated ambient air PM2.5 concentrations and meteorological factor induced fluctuations. Environmental Science & Technology 2018, 52, 10416-10425.
2) Xie, M.*; Shen, G., Holder, A., Hays, M., Jetter, J. Light absorption of organic carbon emitted from burning wood, charcoal, and kerosene in household cookstoves. Environment Pollution 2018, 240, 60-67.
3) Tao, S.*; Ru, M., Du, W., Zhu, X., Zhong, Q., Li, B., Shen, G., Pan, X., Meng, W., Chen, Y., Shen, H., Lin, N., Su, S., Zhuo, S., Huang, T., Xu, Y., Yun, X., Liu, J., Wang, WX., Liu. W., Cheng, H., Zhu, D. Quantifying the rural residential energy transition in China from 1992 to 2012 through a representative national survey. Nature Energy 2018, 3, 267-273.
4) Shen, H., Chen, Y., Russell, A., Hu, Y., Shen, G., Yu, H., Henneman, L., Ru, M., Huang, Y., Zhong, Q., Chen, Y., Li, Y., Zou, Y., Zeng, Y., Fan, R., Tao, S*. Impacts of rural worker migration on ambient air quality and health in China: from the perspective of upgrading residential energy consumption. Environment International 2018, 113, 290-299.
5) Yan, C., Zheng, M., Sullivan, A., Shen, G., Chen, Y., Wang, S., Zhao, B., Cai, S., Desyaterik, Y., Li, X., Zhou, T., Gustafsson, O., Collett, J. L. Residential coal combustion as a source of levoglucosan in China.Environmental Science & Technology2018, 52, 1665-1674.
6) Chen, Y., Zang, L., Du, W., Xu, D., Shen. G., Zhang, Q., Zou. Q., Chen, J., Zhao, M., Yao, D. Ambient air pollution of particles and gas pollutants and the predicted health risks from long-term exposure to PM2.5 in Zhejiang province, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018, 25(24): 23833-23844.
7) Liu, W., Shen, G., Chen, Y., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Li, T., Wang, Y., Fu, X., Tao, S., Liu. W., Huangfu, Y., Zhang, W., Xue, C., Liu. G., Wu, F., Wong, M. Air pollution and inhalation exposure to particulate matter of different sizes in rural households using improved stoves in central China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2018, 63, 87-95.
8) 彭彬; 苏玉红; 杜伟; 卓少杰; 韵潇; 刘伟健; 陈源琛; 沈国锋; 陶澍. 湖北农村燃柴和燃煤家庭大气多环芳烃污染特征和呼吸暴露风险. 生态毒理学报. 2018, 13(05), 171-181.
9) Chen, Y., Du, W., Zhuo, S., Liu, W., Liu, Y., Shen, G., Wu, S., Li, J., Zhou, B., Wang, G., Zeng, Y., Cheng, H., Liu, W., Tao, S*. Stack and fugitive emissions of major air pollutants from typical brick kilns in China. Environmental Pollution 2017, 224, 421-429.
10) 许芸送;刘伟健;赵永志;余双雨;沈国锋;李静雅;熊冠男;刘洋;蔡传洋;李尧;陶澍;刘文新*. 黄渤海滨海带大气颗粒物时空分布于来源特征. 生态毒理学报 2017, 12, 346-357
11) Chen, Y., Du, W., Shen, G., Zhuo, S., Zhu, X., Shen, H., et al. Household air pollution and personal exposure to nitrated and oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in rural households: influence of household cooking energies. Indoor Air 2017, 27, 169-178.
12) Chen, Y., Shen, G., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Han, Y., Wang, R., Shen, H., Su, S., Lin, N., Zhu, D., Pei. L., Zheng, X., Wu, J., Wang, X., Liu, W., Wong, M., Tao, S*. Household air pollution and personal exposure risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons among rural residents in Shanxi, China. Indoor air 2016, 26, 246-258.
13) Lin, N., Chen, Y., Du, W, Shen, G., Zhu, X., Huang, T., et al., Inhalation exposure and risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) among the rural population adopting wood gasifier stoves compared to different fuel-stove users. Atmospheric Environment 2016, 147, 485-491.
14) Chen, Y., Shen, G., Su, S., Du, W., Huangfu, Y. Liu, G., et al. Efficiencies and pollutant emissions from forced-draft biomass pellet semi-gasifier stoves: comparison of international and Chinese water boiling test protocols. Energy for Sustainable Development 2016, 32, 22-30.
15) Jin, W., Su, S., Wang, B., Zhu, X., Chen, Y., Shen, G., Liu, J., Cheng, H., Wang, X., Wu, S., Zeng, E., Xing, B., Tao, S*. Properties and cellular effects of particulate matter from direct emissions and ambient sources. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 2016, 51, 1075-1083.
16) Wang, B., Li, N., Deng, F., Buglak, N., Park, G., Su, S., Ren, A., Shen, G., Tao, S., Guo, X. Human bronchial epithelial cell injuries induced by fine particulate matter from sandstorm and non-sandstorm periods: association with particle constituents. Journal of Environmental Science 2016, 47, 201-210.
17) Li, W., Shen, G., Yuan, C., Wang, C., Shen, H., et al. The gas/particle partitioning of nitro- and oxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere of northern China. Atmospheric Research 2016, 172, 66-73.
18) Li, T., Cao, S., Fan, D., Zhang, Y., Wang, B., Zhao, X., Leaderer, B., Shen, G., Zhang, Y., Duan, X. Household concentrations and personal exposure of PM2.5 among urban residents using different cooking fuels. Science of the Total Environment 2016, 548, 6-12.
19) Duan, X., Shen, G., Yang, H., Tian, J., Wei, F., Gong, J., Zhang, J. Dietary intake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and associated cancer risk in a cohort of Chinese urban adults: inter- and intra-variability. Chemosphere 2016, 144, 2469-2475.
20) Chen, Y., Shen, G., Liu, W., Du, W., Su. S., Duan, Y., et al., Field measurement and estimate of gaseous and particle pollutant emissions from cooking and space heating processes in rural households, northern China. Atmospheric Environment 2016, 125, 265-271.
21) Duan, X., Shen, G., Yang, H., Lambert, G., Wei. F., Zhang, J. Measurement of human CYP1A2 induction by inhalation exposure to benzo[a]pyrene based on in vivo isotope breath method. Environmental Pollution 2016, 208, 506-511.
22) Huang, Y., Shen, H., Chen, Y., Zhong, Q., Chen, H., Wang, R., Shen, G., Liu, J., et al., Global organic carbon emissions from primary sources from 1960-2009. Atmospheric Environment 2015, 122, 505-512.
23) Zhang, M., Shu, L., Guo, X., Shen, X., Zhang, H., Shen, G., Wang, B., Yu, Y., Tao, S., Wang, X. Impact of humic acid coating on sorption of naphthalene by biochars. Carbon 2015, 94, 946-954.
24) Ru, M., Tao, S., Smith, K.R., Shen, G., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Chen, H., et al., Direct energy consumption associated emissions by rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing.Environmental Science & Technology2015, 49, 13708-13715.
25) Duan Y, Shen, G., Tao, S., Hong, JP; Chen, Y., Xue, M., Li, T., Su, S., Shen, H., Fu, X., Meng, Q., Zhang, J., Zhang, B., Han, X., Song, K. Characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agricultural soils at a typical coke production base in Shanxi, China. Chemosphere 2015, 127, 64-69.
26) Li, W., Wang, C., Shen, H., Su, S., Shen, G., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, Y., Chen, H., Lin, N., Zhuo, S., Zhong, Q., Wang, X., Liu, J., Li, B., Liu, W., Tao, S. Concentrations and origins of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and oxy-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air in urban and rural areas in northern China. Environmental Pollution 2015, 197, 156-164.
27) Li, B., Zhang, J., Zhao, Y., Yuan, S., Zhao, Q., Shen, G., Wu, H. Seasonal variation of urban carbonaceous aerosols in a typical city Nanjing in Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment 2015, 106, 223-231.
28) 王蕊;苏玉红;卓少杰;韩洋;沈国锋;沈惠中;陈源琛;杜伟;孟文君;陶澍. 我国10城市冬季大气颗粒物中多环芳烃污染及呼吸暴露风险评价. 生态毒理学报 2015, 10, 96-104
29) Duan, X., Jiang, Y., Wang, B., Zhao, X., Shen, G., Cao, S., Huang, N., Qian, Y., Chen, Y., Wang, L. Household fuel use for cooking and heating in China: results from the first Chinese Environmental Exposure-Related Human Activity Pattern Survey (CEERHAPS). Applied Energy 2014, 136, 692-703.
30) Duan, X., Wang, B., Zhao, X., Shen, G., Xia, Z., Huang, N., Jiang, Q., Lu, B., Xu, D., Fang, J., Tao, S. Personal inhalation exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban and rural residents in a typical northern city in China. Indoor air 2014. Doi:10.1011/ina.12099.
31) Wang, R., Tao, S., Balkanski, Y., Ciais, P., Boucher, O., Liu, J., Piao, S., Shen, H., Vuolo R., Valari, M., Chen, H., Chen, Y., Cozic, A., Huang, Y., Li, B., Li, W., Shen, G., Wang, B., Zhang, Y. Exposure to ambient black carbon derived from a new inventory and high resolution model. PNAS 2014, 111, 2459-2463.
32) Zhang, Y., Ding, J., Shen, G., Zhong, J., Wang, C., Wei, S., Chao, C., Chen, Y., Lu, Y., Shen, H., Li, W., Huang, Y., Chen, H., Su, S., Lin, N., Wang, X., Liu, W., Tao, S*. Dietary and inhalation exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and urinary excretion of monohydroxy metabolites – a controlled case study in Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution 2014, 184, 515-522.
33) Wei, S., Shen, G., Zhang, Y., Xue, M., Xie, H., Lin, P., Chen, Y., Wang, X., Tao, S.* Field measurement on the emissions of PM, OC, EC, and PAHs from indoor crop straw burning in rural China. Environmental Pollution 2014, 184, 18-24.
34) Li, W., Wang, C., Wang, H., Chen, J., Shen, H., Shen, G., Huang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Chen, Y., Su, S., Lin, N., Tang, J., Li, Q., Wang, X., Liu, J., Tao, S. Atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural and urban areas of northern China. Environmental Pollution 2014, 192, 83-90.
35) 杨春丽;苏玉红;陈源琛;黄晔;刘伟健;沈国锋;段永红;刘文新;陶澍. 山西太谷农村薪柴和蜂窝煤颗粒物和多环芳烃排放特征研究. 生态毒理学报 2014, 9, 545-555
36) 袁思宇;沈国锋;赵秋月.南京市秋季大气颗粒物中有机碳和元素碳的农村水平和分布特征. 环境化学2014, 33, 724-730.
37) 夏思佳;赵秋月;李冰;沈国锋. 江苏省人为源挥发性有机物排放清单.环境科学研究2014, 2, 8-14.
38) Wang, B., Li, K., Jin, W., Lu, Y., Zhang, Y., Shen, G., Wang, R., Shen, H., Li, W., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Li, X., Liu, W., Cao, H. Tao, S. Properties and inflammatory effects of various size fractions of ambient particulate matter from Beijing on A549 and J774A.1 cells. Environmental Science & Technology2013, 47, 10583-10590.
39) Zhu, D., Tao, S.*; Wang, R., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Shen, G., Wang, B., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Chen, Y., Liu, J., Li, B., Wang, X., Liu, W. Temporal and spatial trends of residential energy consumption and air pollutant emissions in China. Applied Energy 2013, 106, 17-24.
40) Shen, H. Z., Huang, Y., Wang, R., Zhu, D., Li, W., Shen, G., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Chen, Y.C., Lu, Y., Chen, H., Li, T., Sun, K., Li, B., Liu, W., Liu, J., Tao, S.* Global atmospheric emissions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from 1960 to 2008 and future predictions. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, 6415-6424.
41) Yu, Y., Wang, B., Wang, X., Wang, R., Wang, W., Shen, G., Shen, H. Z., Li, W., Wong, M., Liu, W., Tao, S.* Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in placenta and umbilical cord blood and dietary intake for women in Beijing, China. Environmental Pollution 2013, 179, 75-80.
42) Wang, R., Tao, S.,* Ciais, P., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Chen, H., Shen, G., Wang, B., Li, W., Zhang, Y., Lu, Y., Zhu, D., Chen, Y., Liu, X., Wang, W., Wang, X., Liu, W., Li, B., Piao, S. High resolution mapping of combustion processes and implications for CO2 emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2013, 13, 5189-5203
43) 韦思业;苏玉红;沈国锋;陶澍;闵雨佳;巍文.农村室内薪柴燃烧的颗粒物和炭黑排放因子. 生态毒理学报2013, 1, 29-36.
44) Wang, R., Tao, S.,* Wang, W., Liu, J., Shen, H., Shen, G., Wang, B., Liu, X., Li, W., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, Y., Chen, H., Chen, Y., Wang, C., Zhu, D., Wang, X., Li, B., Liu, W., Ma, J. Black carbon emissions in China from 1949 to 2050. Environmental Science & Technology2012. 46(14), 7595-7603.
45) Wei, W., Zhang, W., Hu, D., Ou, L., Tong, Y., Shen, G., Shen, H., Wang, X.*. Emission of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide from uncompressed biomass and pellet biomass fuels burned in typical household stoves in China. Atmospheric Environment 2012. 56, 136-142.
46) Zhong, J., Ding, J., Su, Y., Shen, G., Yang, Y., Wang, C., Simonich, S., Cao, H., Zhu, Y., Tao, S.*. Carbonaceous Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Human Exposure from Indoor Biomass Burning Practices in Rural Northern China. Environmental Engineering Science 2012. 29(11), 1038-1045.
47) Ding, J., Zhong, J., Li, B., Yang, Y., Shen, G., Su, Y., Wang, C., Shen, H., Wang, B., Wang, R., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Cao, H., Zhu, Y., Simonich, S., Tao, S.*. Occurrence and Exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives in a rural Chinese home through biomass fuelled cooking. Environment Pollution 2012. 169, 160-166.
48) Wang, R., Tao, S.*; Shen, H., Wang, X., Li, B., Shen, G., Wang, B., Li, W., Liu, X., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, Y., Ouyang, H. Global emission of black carbon from motor vehicles from 1960 to 2006. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46, 1278-1284.
49) Wang, C., Li, W., Chen, J., Wang, H., Li, T., Shen, G., Shen, H., Huang, Y., Wang, R., Wang, B., Zhang, Y., Tang, J., Liu, W., Wang, X., Tao, S.* Summer atmospheric polybrominated diphenyl ethers in urban and rural areas of Northern China. Environment Pollution 2012. 71, 234-240.
50) Lu, Z., Xue, M., Shen, G., Li, K., Li, X., Wang, X., Tao, S.*. Accumulation dynamics of chlordanes and their enantiomers in Cockerels (Gallus gallus) after oral exposure. Environmental Science & Technology 2011, 45, 7928-7935.
51) Zhang, Y., Deng, S., Liu, Y., Shen, G., Li, X., Cao, J. Wang, X., Reid, B., Tao, S.*. A passive air sampler for characterizing the vertical concentration profiles of gaseous phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in near soil surface air. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159, 694-699.
52) Wang, B., Xue, M., Lv, Y., Zhong, J., Su, Y., Wang, R., Shen, G., Wang, X., Tao, S.*. Cell absorption induced desorption of hydrophobic organic contaminants from digested soil residue. Chemosphere 2011, 83, 1461-1466.
53) Shen, H., Tao, S.*; Wang, R., Wang, B., Shen, G., Li, W., Su, S., Huang, Y., Wang, X., Li, B., Sun, K. Global time trends in PAH emissions from motor vehicles. Atmospheric Environment 2011, 45, 2067-2073.
54) Tao, S.*; Wang, W., Liu, W., Zuo, Q., Wang, X., Wang, R., Wang, B., Shen, G., Yang, Y., He, J. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in surface soils from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2011, 13, 175-181.
55) Wang, W., Simonich, S., Xue, N., Zhao, J., Chen, S., Shen, H., Shen, G., Wang, R., Cao, J., Tao, S.*. Spatial distribution and seasonal variation of atmospheric bulk deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Beijing-Tianjin region, North China. Environmental Pollution 2011, 159, 287-293.
56) 钟俊俊;苏玉红;丁俊男;杨意峰;沈国锋;韦思业;陈源琛;朱樱;陶澍.摄食烤羊肉的多环芳烃暴露. 生态毒理学报 2011, 6, 491-498.
57) Xue, M. Shen, G., Yu, Y., Zhang, D., Lu, Z., Wang, B., Lu, Y., Cao, J., Tao, S.*. Dynamic changes of a-hexchlorocyclohexane and its enantiomers in various tissues of Japanese Rabits (Oyctolagus cuniculus) after oral or dermal exposure. Chemosphere 2010, 81, 1486-1491.
58) 杨意峰;周东旭;礼晓;杨宇;王文涛;沈国锋;王戎;王斌;陶澍. 养殖场饲养鸡对BaP的摄入、排泄和积累. 生态毒理学报2010, 5, 162-168.
59) Wang, W., Tao, S.*; Wang, W., Shen, G., Zhao, J., Lam, K. Airborne particulates and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in ambient air in Donghe, Northern China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 2009, 44, 854-860.
60) 谢鸣捷;王格慧;胡淑圆;赵欣;沈国锋. 南京夏秋季大气颗粒物和PAHs组成的粒径分布特征.中国环境科学2008, 28, 867-871.
61) 赵欣;王格慧;刘树深;高树梅;沈国锋;王晓栋;高士祥;冯建昉;王连生.气相色谱/离子阱串联质谱法检测大气中的多溴二苯醚. 分析化学2008, 36, 137-142.
n 《中国碳中和与清洁空气协同路径》,参与第一工作组,2021,北京
n 《以健康驱动空气污染与气候变化协同治理》,参与第四工作组,2024,北京
n 《环境地球科学学科发展战略研究报告》,参与“污染物环境行为与效应”章节,科学出版社,2021,北京
n Jetter, J., Ebersviller, S., Shen, G. Williams, C., Faircloth, J. Stove team international, Ecocina stove with wood fuel-air pollutant emissions and fuel efficiency, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA.
n Shen, G. et al., 2017 Household air pollution of fine particles and black carbon attributable to different residential energies in rural China. GACC, United Nations Foundation
n Tao, S., Cao, J., Kan, H., Li, B., Shen, G., Shen, H., Wang, S. et al., 2016. Impact of residential solid fuel combustion in mainland China. GACC, United Nations Foundation
n Shen, G. Lin, W., Yue, D., Liu, Z., Chen, Y. 2014. Factors influencing the adoption and sustainable use of clean fuels and stoves in China-a Chinese literature review. GACC, United Nations Foundation
n 何鑫、郑淑绣、张恒、焦小乔、沈国锋、陶澍。一种颗粒物运动轨迹捕捉系统级方法。发明专利 2023年12月22日
n 周有松、江科、沈国锋、陶澍。一种主动式大气定向采样装置。发明专利 2022年8月5日
国内外学术会议 – 口头报告
n 2024.04,宁波,第二届Carbon Research会议 (邀请报告)
n 2023.11,菲律宾马尼拉,Better Air Quality会议 (邀请报告)
n 2023.09,青岛,第十届大气污染控制费效与达标评估暨大气霾化学国际学术研讨会 (邀请报告)
n 2023.06,呼和浩特,环科学会室内分会年会(闭幕大会报告)
n 2023.04,奥地利维也纳,欧洲地球科学联合会
n 2023.04,南昌,环境科学学会年会(邀请报告)
n 2023.03,深圳,首届环境地学大会(邀请报告)
n 2023.03,南京,未来颗粒论坛 (邀请报告)
n 2023.01,兰州,“西部情怀·珠峰高端论坛”(特邀报告)
n 2022.12,重庆(线上),生态环境与健康国际研讨会 (特邀报告)
n 2022.11,北京(线上),北京论坛 (邀请报告)
n 2022.11,北京(线上),中国R会(特邀报告)
n 2022.11,北京(线上),中国环境科学学会污染源排放和控制专委会学术研讨会(邀请报告)
n 2022.09,北京,2022 Forum on renewable energy promotion in developing countries(特邀报告)
n 2022.08,韩国济州岛(线上),19th PBC conference “Environmental exposure in a changing climate”
n 2022.07,哈尔滨,第十一届全国环境化学大会(邀请报告)
n 2022.04,北京(线上),Environmental Contaminants and Health Implication (特邀报告)
n 2021.12,北京,北京大学地理·环境讲坛暨第三届届北大城环国际青年论坛
n 2021.12,北京论坛(线上),Indoor exposure and health effects (邀请报告)
n 2021.11,厦门,第五届海峡两岸城市环境青年学者研讨会 (特邀报告)
n 2020.11,杭州,中华预防医学学会环境卫生分会学术年会 (特邀报告)
n 2020.09,加州 (线上), ISES 30th annual meeting (特邀报告)
n 2019.12, 美国科罗拉多, NIEHS cookstoves program meeting
n 2019.12,北京,北京大学地理·环境讲坛暨首届北大城环国际青年论坛
n 2019.10,上海,第三届环境地理优秀青年论坛 (特邀报告)
n 2019.10, 韩国大邱, Conference of the ISEE and ISES-Asia Chapter
n 2019.08, 立陶宛,ISES and International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) Conference
n 2019.05,杭州,大气污染控制成本效益与达标评估国际学术研讨会 (特邀报告)
n 2019.05,南京,第九届室内环境与健康分会学术年会 (特邀报告)
n 2018.12, 尼比尔,ISO研讨会
n 2018.12,华盛顿,家庭能源和环境影响研讨会
n 2018.10, 西安,全球PM2.5研究与治理大会 Joint International Network in Geoscience AGU-Jing Meeting
国内外学术会议 – 召集人组织研讨会或分会场
n 2023.10,合肥,第十四届全国气溶胶大会暨两岸气溶胶技术大会,“颗粒物源排放和环境健康影响”
n 2023.06,呼和浩特,环科学会室内分会年会,“燃烧源大气污染及健康”
n 2023.05,武汉,第八届青年地学论坛, “燃烧源大气污染物排放与效应”,
n 2023.05,郑州,第五届新污染物环境健康与防控学术会议, “环境污染物来源-暴露-风险”
n 2022.11,北京(线上),第28届中国大气环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2022年学术年会,“大气污染源排放表征与效应模拟”,
n 2022.09, 北京,生活能源排放环境行为和效应研讨会,北京
n 2021.10,武汉,第十届中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会学术年会
n 2021.11,北京(线上),第27届中国大气环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2021年学术年会,“室内大气污染”
n 2021.11,北京(线上),第27届中国大气环境科学与技术大会暨中国环境科学学会大气环境分会2021年学术年会,“大气污染源排放监测与烟雾箱模拟”
n 2021.07,贵阳,第七届青年地学论坛,“区域固体燃料燃烧的大气环境-健康-气候效应”