陈效逑. 2024. 国家植物园的物候韵律. 北京:北京大学出版社.
Chen XQ. 2017.Spatiotemporal Processes of Plant Phenology: Simulation and Prediction. Berlin: Springer Nature.
杨国栋,陈效逑. 1995.北京地区的物候日历及其应用.首都师范大学出版社:北京.
Chen XQ. 1994.Untersuchung zur zeitlich-raeumlichen Aehnlichkeit von phaenologischen und klimatologischen Parametern in Westdeutschland und zum Einfluss geooekologischer Faktoren auf die phaenologische Entwicklung im Gebiet des Taunus. Selbstverlag des Deutschen Wetterdienstes: Offenbach (德文).
Chen XQ. 2013. Chapter 2: East Asia, 9-22pp. Chapter 17: Daily Temperature-Based Temporal and Spatial Modeling of Tree Phenology, 317-333pp. In: Schwartz MD (ed.) Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science (2nd Edition). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Chen XQ. 2009. Chapter 2.3.4: Phenological Observation in China, 35-37pp. In: Hudson IL & Keatley MR (eds.) Phenological Research. Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York: Springer.
Chen XQ. 2003. Chapter 2.1: Phenological Data, Networks, and Research: East Asia, 11-25pp. Chapter 4.5: Assessing Phenology at the Biome Level, 285-300pp. In: Schwartz MD (ed.) Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
陈效逑. 2024. 自然地理学原理(第三版). 北京:高等教育出版社.
陈效逑. 2015.自然地理学原理(第二版).北京:高等教育出版社
陈效逑. 2006.自然地理学原理.北京:高等教育出版社.
陈效逑. 2001.自然地理学.北京:北京大学出版社.
刘本培,蔡运龙主编,刘本培,刘继韩,陈效逑,陈北岳,黄定华,蔡运龙编著. 2000.地球科学导论.北京:高等教育出版社.
1. Lang WG#, Chen XQ*, Qian SW#, Mark D. Schwartz. 2024. Temperature variations impacting leaf senescence initiation pathways alter leaf fall timing patterns in northern deciduous forests. Science of the Total Environment 934:173280.
2. Lang WG#, Qian SW#, Chen XQ*. 2024. Daylength predominates the bud growth initiation of winter deciduous forest trees in the monsoon region of China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1327509, DOI 10.3389/fpls.2023.1327509.
3. Lang WG#, Qian SW#, Chen XQ*, Meng FD. 2023. Spatiotemporal variation of cold requirements for leaf coloration and its environmental cues over the northern deciduous broadleaved forests. International Journal of Biometeorology, 67:1409–1421.
4. Zhao Y#, Chen XQ*, Kim JS, Williams M. 2022. Effects of temperature and precipitation on litterfall phenology in four evergreen broad-leaved forests of southern China. Biotropica, 2022; 54:739–753。
5. Qian SW#, Chen XQ*, Lang WG#, Schwartz MD. 2021. Examining spring phenological responses to temperature variations during different periods in subtropical and tropical China. International Journal of Climatology, 41(Suppl. 1): E3208–E3218.
6. Zhao Y#, Chen XQ*, Smallman TL, Flack-Prain S, Milodowski DT, Williams M. 2020. Characterizing the Error and Bias of Remotely Sensed LAI Products: An Example for Tropical and Subtropical Evergreen Forests in South China. Remote Sensing, 2020, 12, 3122.
7. Liang BY#, Chen XQ*, Lang WG#, Liu GH#, Malhi Y, Rifai S. 2020. Examining land surface phenology in the tropical moist forest eco-zone of South America. International Journal of Biometeorology, 64:1911-1922.
8. Jiang MD#, Chen XQ*, Schwartz MD. 2020. Why don’t phenophase dates in the current year affect the same phenophase dates in the following year? International Journal of Biometeorology, 64:1549-1560.
9. An S#, Chen XQ*, Zhang XY, Lang WG#, Ren SL#, Xu L#. 2020. Precipitation and Minimum Temperature are Primary Climatic Controls of Alpine Grassland Autumn Phenology on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Remote Sensing, 12, 431.
10. Lang WG#, Chen XQ*, Liang L, Ren SL#, Qian SW#. 2019. Geographic and Climatic Attributions of Autumn Land Surface Phenology Spatial Patterns in the Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest of China. Remote Sensing, 11, 1546.
11. Lang WG#, Chen XQ*, Qian SW#, Liu GH#, Piao SL. 2019. A new process-based model for predicting autumn phenology: How is leaf senescence controlled by photoperiod and temperature coupling? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,268: 124-135.
12. Liu GH#*, Chen XQ*, Fu YS, Delpierre N. 2019. Modelling leaf coloration dates over temperate China by considering effects of leafy season climate. Ecological Modelling, 394: 34-43.
13. Liu GH#, Chen XQ*, Zhang QH#, Lang WG#, Delpierre N. 2018. Antagonistic effects of growing season and autumn temperatures on the timing of leaf coloration in winter deciduous trees. Global Change Biology, 24: 3537–3545.
14. Ren S#, Chen XQ*, Lang WG#, Schwartz MD. 2018. Climatic controls of the spatial patterns of vegetation phenology in mid-latitude grasslands of the Northern Hemisphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123: 2323–2336.
15. An S#, Zhang XY, Chen XQ*, Yan D, Henebry GM. 2018. An Exploration of Terrain Effects on Land Surface Phenology across the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau Using Landsat ETM+ and OLI Data. Remote Sensing, 10, 1069.
16. Chen XQ*, Zhang WQ#, Ren SL#, Lang WG#, Liang BY#, Liu GH#. 2017. Temporal coherence of phenological and climatic rhythmicity in Beijing. International Journal of Biometeorology, 61: 1733-1748.
17. Ren SL#, Chen XQ*, An S#. 2017.Assessing plant senescence reflectance index-retrieved vegetation phenology and its spatiotemporal response to climate change in the Inner Mongolian Grassland. International Journal of Biometeorology,61: 601–612.
18. Chen XQ*, Wang LX#, Inouye D. 2017. Delayed response of spring phenology to global warming in subtropics and tropics. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234, 222-235.
19. Chen XQ*, An S#. Inouye D, Schwartz MD. 2015. Temperature and snowfall trigger alpine vegetation green-up on the world’s roof. Global Change Biology, 21(10): 3635-3646.
20. Chen XQ*, Tian YH#, Xu L#. 2015 . Temperature and geographic attribution of change in the Taraxacum mongolicum growing season from 1990 to 2009 in eastern China’s temperate zone. International Journal of Biometeorology, 59(10):1437-1452.
21. Luo XZ#, Chen XQ*, Wang LX#, Xu L#, Tian YH#. 2014. Modeling and predicting spring land surface phenology of the deciduous broadleaf forest in northern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 198-199: 33-41.
22. Chen XQ*, Li J#, Xu. L#, Liu L#, Ding D#. 2013. Modeling greenup date of dominant grass species in the Inner Mongolian Grassland using air temperature and precipitation data. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(4): 463-471.
23. Chen XQ*, Luo XZ#, Xu L#. 2013. Comparison of spatial patterns of satellite-derived and ground-based phenology for the deciduous broadleaf forest of China. Remote Sensing Letters, 4(6): 532-541.
24. Xu L#, Chen XQ*. 2013. Regional unified model-based leaf unfolding prediction from 1960 to 2009 across northern China. Global Change Biology, 19(4): 1275-1284.
25. Luo XZ#, Chen XQ*, Xu L#, Myneni R, Zhu Z. 2013. Assessing Performance of NDVI and NDVI3g in Monitoring Leaf Unfolding Dates of the Deciduous Broadleaf Forest in Northern China. Remote Sensing. 5(2): 845-861.
26. Chen XQ*, Xu L#. 2012. Temperature controls on the spatial pattern of tree phenology in China’s temperate zone. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 154-155, 195-202.
27. Chen XQ*, Xu L#. 2012. Phenological responses of Ulmus pumila (Siberian Elm) to climate change in the temperate zone of China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 56(4): 695-706.
28. Xu L#, Chen XQ*. 2012. Spatial modeling of the Ulmus pumila growing season in China’s temperate zone. Science China Earth Sciences, 55 (4): 656-664.
29. Chen XQ*, Li HM#, Hu B#, Yu R#. 2007. Boden- und satellitengestuetzte Erkennung der phaenologischen Vegetationsperiode in der gemaessigten Klimaregion Ostchinas. Promet, 33(1/2): 46-51.
30. Chen XQ*, Hu B#,Yu R#. 2005. Spatial and temporal variation of phenological growing season and climate change impacts in temperate eastern China. Global Change Biology, 11(7): 1118-1130.
31. Chen XQ*, Pan WF#. 2002. Relationships among phenological growing season, time-integrated normalized difference vegetation index and climate forcing in the temperate region of eastern China. International Journal of Climatology,22(14): 1781-1792.
32. Schwartz MD, Chen XQ. 2002. Examining the onset of spring in China. Climate Research, 21(2): 157-164.
33. Chen XQ*, Xu CX#, Tan ZJ. 2001. An analysis of relationships among plant community phenology and seasonal metrics of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index in the northern part of the monsoon region of China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 45 (4): 170-177.
34. Chen XQ*, Qiao LJ#. 2001. A preliminary analysis of material input of China. Population and Environment, 23(1): 117-126.
35. Chen XQ*, Tan ZJ, Schwartz MD, Xu CX#. 2000. Determining the growing season of land vegetation on the basis of plant phenology and satellite data in Northern China. International Journal of Biometeorology, 44(2): 97-101.
36. Chen XQ. 1995. Phaenologische und klimatologische Raumgliederung Westdeutschlands. Geographische Rundschau, 47(5): 312-317.
1.唐菱珮#,陈效逑*,钱思蔚#,莫志鸿.2023.北京植物园主要观赏植物春花期和秋叶期的过程模拟. 北京大学学报(自然科学版),59(4):649-658.
2.陈奕竹#,郎伟光#,陈效逑*. 2022. 中国北方树木秋季物候的过程模拟及其区域分异归因.植物生态学报,2022, 46 (7): 753-765.
3. 薛婷婷#,赵袁#,陈效逑*,姜梦迪#,梁博毅#. 2020. 气温和土壤湿度对中国东部温带蒲公英黄枯普期的影响. 北京大学学报(自然科学版),56(1): 173-183.
4. 陈效逑,庞程#,徐琳#,李静#,张晴华#,尉杨平#. 2015. 中国温带旱柳物候期对气候变化的时空响应. 生态学报, 35(11): 3625-3635.
5. 杨晓芳#,陈效逑*,罗翔中#. 2015. 锡林郭勒草原遥感植被物候的地面照相验证. 草业科学, 32(5): 667-674.
6. 张晴华#,王红亚,徐琳#,郑卓,杨士雄,陈效逑*. 2014. 广东惠州黄洞水库沉积物特征及其反映的近50 年土壤侵蚀意义. 地理研究, 33(4): 643-653.
7. 徐琳#, 陈效逑*, 杜星#. 2013. 中国东部暖温带刺槐花期空间格局的模拟与预测. 生态学报, 33(12): 3584-3593.
8. 徐琳#, 陈效逑*.2012.中国温带榆树生长季节的空间模拟. 中国科学: 地球科学,42(1): 545 – 554.
9. 陈效逑,尉杨平#,李静#,刘立#,刘吉峰. 2012. 黄河流域天然径流量与气候因子的小波分析. 人民黄河,(1): 1-4,13.
10. 陈效逑, 亓孝然#, 阿杉#, 徐琳#. 2011. 我国东部北亚热带植物群落季相的时空变化. 生态学报, 31(13): 3559-3568.
11. 陈效逑, 杜星#, 尉杨平#. 2011. 北京观赏植物的冬、春季冻害分析. 北方园艺, (17): 114-116.
12. 陈效逑,刘立#,尉杨平#. 2011. 1961-2005年黄河流域极端气候事件变化趋势.人民黄河, 33(5): 3-5.
13. 陈效逑, 李倞#. 2009. 内蒙古草原羊草物候与气象因子的关系. 生态学报, 29(10): 5280-5290.
14. 陈效逑, 彭嘉栋#, 李慧敏#. 2009. 内蒙古地区气温变化的季节和区域差异. 地理研究, 28(1): 27-35.
15. 陈效逑, 王恒#. 2009. 1982-2003年内蒙古植被带和植被覆盖度的时空变化. 地理学报, 64(1): 84-94.
16. 陈效逑,王林海#. 2009. 遥感物候学研究进展. 地理科学进展, 28(1): 33-40.
17. 陈效逑, 郑婷#. 2008. 内蒙古典型草原地上生物量的空间格局及其气候成因分析. 地理科学, 28(3): 369-374.
18. 陈效逑, 周萌#, 郑婷#, 张荣菊. 2008. 呼伦贝尔草原羊草光合速率的季节变化研究——以鄂温克旗牧业气象试验站为例. 生态学报, 28(5): 2003-2012.
19. 陈效逑, 韩建伟#. 2008. 我国东部温带植物群落的季相及其时空变化特征. 植物生态学报, 32(2): 336-346.
20. 陈效逑.2008. “自然地理学”创新教学体系的探索.高等理科教育. 82(6): 24-27.
21. 丁登#, 陈效逑. 2007. 我国遥感植被生长季节的地面检验研究——以温带草原和暖温带落叶阔叶林区为例. 遥感技术与应用, 22(3): 382-388.
22. 陈效逑, 胡冰#, 喻蓉#. 2007. 中国东部温带植被生长季节的空间外推估计. 生态学报, 27(1): 65-74.
23. 陈效逑, 喻蓉#. 2007. 1982-1999年我国东部暖温带植被生长季节的时空变化. 地理学报, 62(1): 41-51.
24. 陈效逑,郭玉泉#,崔素平,王志宏,左铁镛. 2005. 北京地区水泥行业的物能代谢及其环境影响. 资源科学, 27(5): 40-46.
25. 陈效逑,赵婷婷#,郭玉泉#,宋升佑#. 2003. 中国经济系统的物质输入与输出分析. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 39(4): 538-547.
26. 陈效逑,谭文垦#,刘大平,郭玉泉#,潘卫峰#. 2003. 北京平原地区裸露土地的时空分布.水土保持研究, 10(3): 18-25.
27. 陈效逑,张福春. 2001. 近50年北京春季物候的变化及其对气候变化的响应. 中国农业气象, 22(1): 1-5.
28. 陈效逑. 2000. 论树木物候与气温生长季节的关系——以德国中部Taunus山区为例. 气象学报,58(6): 726-737.
29. 陈效逑. 2000. 德国西部生长季节的一次趋势转折. 地学前缘, 7(增刊): 189-195.
30. 杨国栋, 陈效逑. 2000. 木本植物物候相组合分类研究——以北京市植物园栽培树种为例. 林业科学, 36(2): 39-46.
31. 陈效逑,乔立佳#. 2000. 中国经济-环境系统的物质流分析. 自然资源学报, 15(1): 17-23.
32. 陈效逑, 曹志萍#. 1999. 植物物候期的频率分布型及其在季节划分中的应用. 地理科学, 19(1): 21-27.
33. 杨国栋, 陈效逑. 1998. 论自然景观的季节节奏. 生态学报, 18(3): 90-16.
34. 杨国栋,陈效逑. 1991. 华北地区刺槐花期的物候测报. 中国养蜂, 2: 29-30.
35. 陈效逑. 1990. 华北地区春夏季的物候季节节奏研究. 地理科学, 10(1): 69-76.
36. 陈效逑, 杨国栋. 1988. 树木物候区域预测模式的研究——以华北地区为例. 中国农业气象, 9(3): 42-45.
37. 杨国栋,陈效逑. 1985. 树木物候期之间的相关、回归分析. 农业气象, 6(1): 49-52.
38. 杨国栋,陈效逑. 1985. 植物物候期的推算与物候记录插补(II). 北京师范蜜桃直播 学报(自然科学版), 1: 76-84.
39. 杨国栋,陈效逑. 1984. 云、贵、川一带在我国自然区划中归属问题的聚类分析. 北京师范蜜桃直播 学报(自然科学版), 1: 99-108.
40. 杨国栋,陈效逑. 1982. 植物物候期的推算与物候记录插补(I). 北京师范蜜桃直播 学报(自然科学版), 1: 75-80.
41. 杨国栋,陈效逑. 1980. 北京地区物候季节的初步研究. 北京师范蜜桃直播 学报(自然科学版), 2: 110-119.